One word made baby Kate go viral and her parents had no idea it was happening

By Amy Lyall|

It's the clip that's all over your TikTok and Instagram Reels feed right now. 

"I have a question for everybody. Who wants to go to the Four Seasons Orlando?" Bailey asks her two daughters. 

"Me!" cries an excited baby Kate and that one word has turned her into a viral sensation

That one word has everyone talking about her, but her parents actually had no idea it was happening because the TikTok – which is now sitting at close to 43 million views – was posted by her aunt Stefanie. Watch the clip above.

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Four Seasons Orlando baby Kate
Kate's adorable response to her mum's question about the Four Seasons had made her a viral sensation. (TikTok)

"When we created this we thought nothing of it, obviously. I'm not really dressed to go viral," Kate's dad William told CNN.

In the video he's got his shirt unbuttoned, Kate is just in a nappy and their other daughter rolls off the bed to chime in as well. 

William and Bailey were stunned when her sister came clean and told them she had posted the video, which was racking up thousands of views by the second. 

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Four Seasons Orlando baby Kate
William and Bailey never expected the family moment to go viral. (CNN)

"I don't even have a TikTok, so I certainly didn't know my sister posted this," Bailey explained. 

"Honestly I send videos to my parents all the time, we were just trying to coerce them to come to the Four Seasons with us so that we could have a little downtime and my mum thought it was hilarious and sent it to my sister." 

For Stefanie, it wasn't much of a thought to post it, but then it started to pick up traction.

"Then all of a sudden it was like, a million, two million, and I was like which million do I tell her at?" Stefanie recalled.

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Four Seasons Orlando baby Kate
Stefanie, Kate's aunt, was the one who posted the video which has got over 40 million views on TikTok. (CNN)

And from there baby Kate has become a huge mood, with plenty of people calling her a boss baby. 

"If the @Four Seasons Hotels is looking for a baby ambassador my niece got you," Stefanie captioned the short clip. 

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It didn't take long for people to start flooding the post with comments, plenty of them joking that Kate must be in charge of holiday planning and family budget. 

"I think the baby is in charge of the family finances," commented one person. 

Another wrote, "That baby booked the trip." 

"She's so little but so grown," replied another TikToker. 

Others were just stunned at how aware Kate was and the fact that she knew how to respond to the question and what it meant. 

"How does he know what Four Seasons Orlando is, I don't even know what it looks like," commented one TikToker. 

Kate's in luck because the Four Seasons Orlando has seen the clip and has offered the family a stay there.

"Who wants to welcome our newest ambassador to Four Seasons Orlando?" read the text in a clip syncing Kate's "me" over the top.

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