Об Openverse
Openverse это инструмент, позволяющий находить и использовать работы с открытой лицензией или принадлежащие общественному достоянию.
Openverse searches across more than 800 million images and audio tracks from open APIs and the Common Crawl dataset. We aggregate works from multiple public repositories, and facilitate reuse through features like one-click attribution.
Currently Openverse only searches images and audio tracks, with search for video provided through External Sources. We plan to add additional media types such as open texts and 3D models, with the ultimate goal of providing access to the estimated 2.5 billion CC licensed and public domain works on the web. All of our code is open source and can be accessed at the репозитории Openverse на GitHub. We приветствуем вклад сообщества. You can see what над чем мы сейчас работаем.
Openverse is the successor to CC Search which was launched by Creative Commons in 2019, after its migration to WordPress in 2021. You can read more about this transition in the official announcements from Creative Commons and WordPress. We remain committed to our goal of tackling discoverability and accessibility of open access media.
Openverse does not verify licensing information for individual works, or whether the generated attribution is accurate or complete. Please independently verify the licensing status and attribution information before reusing the content. For more details, read the Условия использования Openverse.
Внешние источники
Openverse построен на основе каталога, который индексирует содержимое с лицензией CC и общедоступное содержимое из выбранных источников. Узнайте больше о нашей исходный код здесь.
However, there are many sources of CC-licensed and public domain media that we are not yet able to include in Openverse search. This might be because they do not offer a public API, or that our contributors have not yet had time to integrate them into Openverse. These are valued sources and we want to make sure that you are able to find the best openly licensed materials possible, regardless of where they are located.
Вы можете найти ссылки на внешние источники в нижней части каждой страницы результатов поиска Openverse; на страницах для поисков, которые не дали результатов; и на страницах для типов медиа, которые мы ещё не поддерживаем, но планируем.
This functionality also allows us to start conversations and build relationships with sources that may like to be included in Openverse in the future. Finally, we can also offer external sources of media types we do not include in Openverse yet, but plan to.
Можно ли предложить новый внешний источник?
Да, пожалуйста! Создайте проблема в нашем репозитории GitHub или отправьте нам email и сообщите нам о новых источниках, которые вы хотели бы видеть включенными.
Зачем вы собрали это?
В течение многих лет Creative Commons предлагает своим пользователям специальный поисковый портал для поиска платформ, в которые встроены фильтры лицензирования CC. На самом деле, это все ещё поддерживается на oldsearch.creativecommons.org уровне.
For users of the legacy CC Meta Search site, the "External Sources" feature on Openverse will look familiar. The goal was to ensure that the functionality is not lost, but is updated and embedded within our new search engine for openly licensed content. Additionally, the "External Sources" feature builds on this functionality, allowing us to quickly add new external sources as we discover them, and support new content types in the future.
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