Showing posts with label Ted Chippington. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ted Chippington. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 06, 2020

Round 509: Fuzzy Feelings


Darts Thrown: October 6th 2020
Blog Written: October 13th 2020

Highest Score: 140
Lowest Score: 3
Sixties: 31
100+: 9
180s: 0
180s Missed: 1

Blogger's Note: Written in haste, so there will be spelling mistakes and slapdash grammar.

Absolute fucking nonsense of a music choice but it does explain why I had always had The Nightingales, Ted Chippington and Fuzzbox as a package in the back of my head all these years. Record Mirror absolutely loved this back in the day, and I swore by Record Mirror back in the day . . .  too much so.

The Nightingales, Ted Chippington and Fuzzbox - Rockin' With Rita (Head To Toe)