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The Journal

253 Summer 2023/4

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Dženana Vucic on the subtle and not-so-subtle Marxist symbolism in Sailor Moon, John Docker, a "non-theatre person" by his own admission on The New Theatre, Sarah Schwartz on prison healthcare as punishment and the killing of Veronica Nelson, a poignant short story on memory and displacement from Nasrin Mahoutchi-Hosaini, Jeanine Leane's prize-winning poem, "Water under the bridge", and more.

Issue Contents

Anna Quercia-Thomas
Anna May Samson
Nasrin Mahoutchi-Hosaini
Online soon
Simon Castles
Water under the bridge
Online soon
Jeanine Leane
By a drowned valley estuary: three tracings
Online soon
Jake Goetz
Passing time
Online soon
Dominic Symes
Open corpuscles of soil
Online soon
Daniel Holmes
Collections: a catalogue
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Anne Elvey
Evelyn Araluen and Jonathan Dunk