Showing posts with label Atomwaffen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Atomwaffen. Show all posts

Monday, November 16, 2020

Pro-Terror Neo-Nazi Attending Toronto Anti-Lockdown Protests

Toronto has been a focal point for protests against mask wearing during the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as against government lock downs. It's also been a hot spot for new COVID cases which I'm sure is just a coincidence, but I digress. 

We have covered the Toronto COVID protests on the blog before, which focused on some of the far-right patriots and neo-Nazis that were attending, as well as some of the racist/Islamphobic social media history of prominent anti-masker Chris Saccoccia.

Some of the far-right attendees of Toronto anti-mask protests include neo-Nazis Tomas Liko and Paul Fromm,  hate rag Your Ward News editor James Sears, Toronto agitator Lily, Chris Vanderweide and Leigh Stuart, and anti-muslim vlogger Kevin Johnston

Fringe extreme right involvement is not limited to Toronto. Some of the Vancouver rallies were partially organized by neo-Nazi Brian Ruhe. Antisemitic Holocaust denier David Icke spoke at a Vancouver rally on October 17 and 18. 

Recently we discovered that someone who subscribes to a far more alarming neo-Nazi belief system has been attending COVID rallies in Toronto and is tied to at least one organizer. The unfortunately named Michael Bolton has used multiple social media platforms to express his support for neo-Nazism, including the accelerationist network Atomwaffen Division.

Background photo is the logo of the Oswald Mosley's British Union of Fascists

Facebook description mentions the Boogaloo movement

Bolton regularly expresses support for Atomwaffen, a violent neo-Nazi accelerationist organization which originated on the Iron March forum. Northern Order is a Canadian-based cell of Atomwaffen. 1488 is of course a reference to the white supremacist 14 words and 88 is code for Heil Hitler.

It isn't clear whether Bolton is or was a member of Northern Order, though he has posted about the group favourably: 

Mike Bolton interviewed by David Menzies of The Rebel at an anti-mask rally. Mother Joanne MacFarlane on the left and one of his brothers on the right.  

Mike comes from what one could easily described as a right-wing family. Members of his family post far-right content on Facebook including support for QAnon and The Proud Boys, but not going so far as showing support for neo-Nazism, though the majority don't seem bothered by Bolton's views. Their trips to anti-mask rallies are clearly a family outing. 

His mother, Joanne MacFarland, and his father, Dave Bolton, as well as siblings Andrew and Colin all attend the rallies with Bolton. 

Bolton's family members en route to a rally from Newmarket, ON 

Maxime Bernier posing with three members of the Bolton family; Andrew and Colin in the back

Bolton's father Dave Bolton

Dave Bolton regularly reposts fringe right content, including posts supportive of the Proud Boys, an extremist, violent group which, after the election, descended on Washington, DC and attacked people at the so-called Million MAGA March. 

Bolton has also shared QAnon propaganda: 

Bolton's mother Joanne has posted anti-LGBTQ+ and antisemitic content, as well as support for the violent Proud Boys:  

And posts supporting violence against their political opposition: 

Including memes referencing Pinochet -- the Chilean dictator who became infamous for his men throwing communists from helicopters. 

Mike's brother Andrew Bolton also being interviewed by David Menzies of The Rebel

Mike's brother Colin Bolton , pictured on his Facebook with Chris Saccoccia

In such a far-right wing family it's not surprising that at least one of them has turned to overt neo-Nazi beliefs. That said Mike's social media use is much more concerning than what can easily be found from the others. 

"Day of the Rake," a play on "Day of the Rope," referencing when the US will invade Canada 

Holocaust denial posted by Mike Bolton

Bolton's Gab account, showing violent antisemitic content 

Bolton's Gab, referencing support for both the Yellow Vests and Killdozer, who has become a far-right meme

Bolton's Minds account

What is interesting about Mike Bolton's Facebook account, is that he's friends with a few other anti-maskers, one of whom is an administrator and organizer for MAD (Mother's Against Distancing) the group started by Chris Saccoccia

Omari Taylor is very involved in Toronto's anti-mask events. Strangely enough Mike Bolton is not his only neo-Nazi friend on Facebook.

Gus Stefanis was a candidate for the neo-Nazi Canadian Nationalist Party and Lily Musa (AKA Peter Smith) is a supporter.

Even when Omari was shown evidence for past racist comments made by Chris Saccoccia he chose to downplay and ignore them.

These comments were made on an anti-mask spoof page

I'm not one to judge who someone calls a friend, but would it be out of line to suggest that maybe it's not in Omari's best interest to be surrounding himself with so many neo-Nazis?

His call I suppose.

Friday, February 14, 2020

Jeremy Mackenzie: Nova Scotia-Based Extremist YouTuber Spreads Hate

A Dalhousie University event featuring Romeo Dallaire and his organization Child Soldiers this week drew the ire of the Canadian far-right, due to the inclusion of Omar Khadr.

Despite the amount of online chatter, only a few people showed up to the event to protest in person. One of those people was Jeremy Mackenzie, a Nova Scotia-based former combat veteran with the Canadian Armed Forces.

His one-man protest was quickly lauded by those across the conservative spectrum, from run-of-the-mill pro-military folks to the names we recognize from far-right spaces.

Digging deeper into Mackenzie, it's soon clear that his views are much more extreme. He regularly espouses antisemitic conspiracies, parrots Holocaust denial lines, and disparages Jews and Muslims, in addition to promoting hate literature. On Twitter, he has claimed "You can't vote your way out of this...the only viable solutions are illegal and I'd be jailed publicly for saying them" - a variation of "there is no political solution," a rallying cry of accelerationists, often tied to "the boogaloo." 

Mackenzie often appears alongside others, like Derek Harrison (Ontario) and Matthew Murray Copeland (New Brunswick.)

Mackenzie and friends sometimes invite guests to share their streams, such as antisemites and Holocaust deniers Ryan Dawson - on International Holocaust Remembrance Day, no less - and E. Michael Jones, and white nationalists Henrik Palmgren and Lana Lokteff of Red Ice TV (which has been banned from YouTube twice for hate speech violations.)

* * * 
Note: We've chosen to share audio clips of his live streams only.  

On a live feed with Murray Copeland and another vlogger in January, Mackenzie railed against "rape gangs," women in relationships with non-white men, and interracial porn

On the same feed, Mackenzie told another vlogger that Schindler's List is fiction, promoted holocaust denier David Irving, and referenced the common antisemitic "they," and railed against the casting of the 2016 movie Denial, claiming he was unfairly cast as an unattractive man while the lead female was attractive.

Mackenzie "understands their thinking," referring to the Nazis, as well as a healthy dose of historical revision. 

Mackenzie tells Murray Copeland and the third vlogger that Jews control the media and promotes antisemitic conspiracy theorist Adam Green.

On a January stream with Harrison, Mackenzie promoted the book Day of the Rope, a favourite of ultra-violent neo-Nazi terrorists in organizations like Atomwaffen and The Base, and considered a modernized re-imagining of the The Turner Diaries by William Pierce. Named after a phrase in The Turner Diaries, the phrase "Day of the Rope" is often seen in memes and social media posts in accelerationist channels.

The Turner Diaries is classified as hate literature.

Timothy McVeigh used it as inspiration for his attack in Oklahoma City, which killed 168 people. The notorious white supremacist terrorist group The Order was heavily influenced by The Turner Diaries.

Mackenzie shows that he has a hard copy of Day of the Rope.

Mackenzie holding up his hard copy of the hate book, Day of the Rope, based on The Turner Diaries by William Pierce 

Harrison claims a technical glitch is due to his "naming the Jews."

Mackenzie and Harrison often speak in code, as Mackenzie admits. They refer to Jews as "blueberries" and "left-handed eskimos," and Mackenzie refers to "Tusken Raiders," a Star Wars reference to "sand people."

"Blueberries" is likely a reference to the "Blue Men," and "Blue the Jew" often seen on 4Chan's /pol/.

On a second appearance with Red Ice TV, Mackenzie claims that hundreds of churches have been burnt across Canada and replaced with mosques, indicating this is a "replacement."

On the Ryan Dawson stream, Mackenzie agreed with Dawson's assertion of the ZOG (or "Zionist Occupied Government," a common white supremacist/neo-Nazi trope.)

And referred to "left-handed eskimos" and "blueberries."

Mackenzie and Dawson talk about "zionist bankers," "blueberries," and Dawson refers to "zem," a play on "zionist" and "them," with Mackenzie again promoting antisemitic conspiracy theorist Adam Green.

At the end of this stream, Mackenzie calls the Nuremberg Trials "a kangaroo court." He goes on to say that Goering made too much sense, and that's why they killed him, complaining that it's a trial by his enemies (Goering had said "This is a political trial by the victors and it will be a good thing when Germany realizes that.")

Speaking with antisemite E. Michael Jones, Harrison thanks Jones for "making the connection" between Jewish landlords and antisemitism in New York. Jones says "the cause of antisemitism is Jewish behaviour," and Mackenzie murmurs "yeah."

Harrison asks about The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, which is universally accepted as fraudulent hate literature. Mackenzie mocks those who consider it a hoax, and calls it a "playbook."

Mackenzie, Harrison, and others are just a few of the people promoting these ideas. Mackenzie's YouTube channel is monetized - he makes money off this. He's been promoted by Faith Goldy and Gavin McInness, and hosted banned channels.

It's time YouTube, and others social media platforms, are held accountable.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Ecofascism - A New Threat

Content Warning: Some of the images in this article may be distressing or triggering. Please take care with this material. 

Note: This is intended to be a primer of sorts on ecofascism, and will cover a lot of material in a more general sense. While the title is "A New Threat," the ideologies and philosophies themselves are not new, but rather renewed in a way that we, as a society, have not previously seen. The writer of this primer would like to thank the folks with the Institute for Social Ecology (@InstSocEcology) for their assistance with the article. Additional resources to understand the threat of ecofascism will be listed at the bottom.

The first time many people heard about ecofascism was just after the Christchurch Mosque Shooting on March 15, 2019, after the killer stated he was an "ecofascist" in his manifesto. It was so obscure, and the reference immediately brought to mind the idea of "eco-terrorists," and hardline environmentalists. Unsurprisingly, White House advisor Kellyanne Conway alleged the killer was not a nazi at all, because he claimed to be an ecofascist, although she specifically used the term "eco-terrorist," because she has the integrity of a sock.

The online rhetoric surrounding the term furthered the misunderstandings. Not only does the Canadian Far-Right fail to grasp what ecofascism is, they also apply the label to essentially any environmentalist group, movement, or individual which they find disagreeable.

It is absolutely astounding that anyone can think Mosley, the leader of the British
Union of Fascists, and a hero within the neo-Nazi ideology, would be "on the left." 

The video that this links to is a short clip wherein the uploader is very 
upset with Tim Hortons taking part in Earth Hour. To them, this is "ecofascism."

The video this links to is the 2010 short film by Richard
Curtis for the 10:10 campaign. You can read about it here

This was reinforced by the likes of Molyneux and Crowder. 

So what is ecofascism?

At its core, ecofascism is the belief that environmental harmony can only be achieved 1) by white people, 2) through the creation of a white ethnostate/homeland and by eradicating overpopulation via deportation and genocide, and 3) by acknowledging the natural world and embracing environmental principles while "rejecting the modern world." If that sounds a bit like nonsense, that's because it is. It draws heavily on mystical and intellectual philosophies/writings by individuals like Savitri Devi, a French national and fascist from a young age who renounced her citizenship to move to Greece, and spent her later years in India. 

She is credited with inspiring the neo-Nazi obsession with occultism (like we see with accelerationist groups, as well as esoteric and occultist neo-Nazi groups such as Temple ov Blood and Order of the 9 Angles) and Hindu prophecies, like the Kali Yuga. 

Hindu belief that the world is constantly in one of four Yugas - Kali Yuga being the fourth, which is full of strife and struggle. After the Kali Yuga, a new cycle of Yugas begins, signalling rebirth. Devi believed Hitler was a sacrifice to bring the end of the Kali Yuga.

Imagery and posts about Devi, such as this one, are popular on 
Telegram channels maintained by virulent accelerationist neo-Nazis

A commonly found image of Devi, used by neo-Nazis

It's not surprising that the purported intellectualism of the alt-right/neo-Nazi movements borrow so heavily from people like Savitri, as well as Julius Evola, and Pentti Linkola, the Finnish deep-ecologist often praised on Arktos and Counter-Currents, whose ideas are ecofascist. The philosphies of all three are found consistently threaded throughout.

Even the Nazi slogan "Blood and Soil" is connected to ecofascism, and resonates strongly within the ideology - the nationalistic idea that the race must be protected (blood) by creating a homeland (soil), as is "Lebensraum." A German racialist (Ernst Haeckel) even coined the term "ecology." 

Another way to identify an eco-fascist is their tendency to use phrases associated with the Third Reich, but interspersed with references to the earth – such as the infamous “Blut und Boden” or “Blood and Soil”. The language captures the eco-fascist desire to have nations that are only full of people they claim are indigenous to that region (blood) and the demand for a geographically-bounded home that is preserved through environmentalist principles (soil). 
“I would say that the Blood and Soil philosophy of Walther Darré is something we all share,” Dan says, referring to the Argentinian-born Nazi who was obsessed with the idea of a Nordic race and the ideological force behind Lebensraum. “There can be no folk without its lebensraum, just as there can't be any lebensraum without the folk.”
Why is ecofascism dangerous? 

Apart from being openly fascist, it's turned into what this writer often calls an arm of the accelerationist neo-Nazi movement. Ecofascists are essentially environmental Nazi terror-aligned individuals and groups. So while Atomwaffen Division, Feuerkrieg Division, and The Base (among others) are accelerationist groups intent on accelerating a race war and causing destruction/destroying the State, these groups do so with an environmental bent.

They encourage accelerationist acts, and promote extreme violence and terrorism. Terrorgram, the accelerationist corner of Telegram, has multiple ecofascist channels, with a constant stream of imagery:

The usage of runes, particularly the Algiz, or
"Life" rune, commonly found with ecofascism

A particularly vile branch of accelerationism, Rapewaffen, shared to an ecofascist Telegram channel

Ecofascist imagery and aesthetic 

In addition to intellectualist philosphy, and throwbacks to Nazi slogans, a common theme is runes/Odinism, and the idea of "volk," or "their people." Often ecofascists combine all three. It's a bizarre mix of Asatru-style volkish paganism with imagery of nature, and philosophy. 

Imagery is particularly important to ecofascists, often blending Siege culture with fashwave, and natural elements. 

An ecofascist take on Charles Manson, revered 
amongst accelerationists and within Siege Culture. While in prison, Manson devised ATWA - Air, Trees, Water, Animals - an early version of ecofascism. Sandra Good, a still-devoted follower of Manson, ran a website focusing on ATWA

On Twitter they will often self-identify using tree emojis, which journalist Jake Hanrahan has called the "Pine Tree Community."

From The Guardian
On Twitter, the “pine tree gang”, which journalist Jake Hanrahan describes as “less a cohesive movement than a loosely connected online subculture”, have been promoting ideas that blend a sense of impending environmental catastrophe with themes taken from white nationalism. 
This subculture – which so far appears to be small in number – is frequently drawn to a so-called “terror wave” aesthetic, which elevates images of terrorist insurgency; promotes a specific, martial fashion imagery; and fantasies about armed conflict in the wake of environmental and social collapse. 
Terror wave forums and threads are full of men in balaclavas, brandishing high-powered weaponry, wearing various combinations of tactical gear, combat uniforms and cheap athleisure wear. Images from the 1990s-era conflicts in the Balkans seem to have a particular appeal.

Why is ecofascism a threat? 

There are already environmental movements being hijacked and infiltrated, including Extinction Rebellion. A fringe "White XR" movement has surfaced, and XR as a whole, with its leaderless resistance and individual actions is ripe for infiltration by ecofascists. The El Paso Shooting was inspired by ecofascism

Ian Kelly has recently promoted ecofascism on social media,
sharing a video which blends text from David Lane's 88 Precepts
with ecofascist imagery. Presumably, Kelly is referring to the
88 Precepts when referencing the "well-known text."
Lane was a member of The Order, a neo-Nazi terrorist group
active in the 80s, and wrote the 88 Precepts while in prison. 

The cover photo from Montreal-based fascist Nathalie Hebert's Facebook

Nick Charles, an Ontario-based accelerationist neo-Nazi

Northern Identity, a BC-based "identitarian" group, has also shown elements of ecofascism on their now-defunct Twitter account:

Bronze Age Mantis' Bronze Age Mindset is popular reading material amongst the ecofascist crowd

The book to the left is Finnish ecologist and fascist Pentti Linkola's Can Life Prevail

A clear reference to the Weimar-era Hitler Youth group that some academics consider to be an influence on ecofascism

Even Kevin Goudreau has jumped on the bandwagon: 

The ecofascism discussed here is centred around the accelerationist neo-Nazi movement. While there is a longstanding interconnection between racism and environmentalism (Monika Schaefer ran under the federal Green Party twice), this is a newer breed - ultraviolent, younger, and potentially more dangerous. 

Ecofascism is a complex philosophy with a complex and layered history. Given how engrained conservationism and the natural world is within Canadian culture, it's to be expected that this threat will continue to grow. It makes sense for Canadian fascists and nationalists to latch onto the ecofascist ideology. With the overall increase in neo-fascism, we must be aware of this creep. We hope this will help folks be able to spot it, however crypto or seemingly benign, and thus stamp it out where it stands. 

Additional resources to understand ecofascism: