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Super Fit: how to get your superannuation into better shape

Super Fit: how to get your superannuation into better shape

Expert tips and advice on creating the healthiest possible super balance so that you can have a comfortable retirement.

7 stories


Want to get your super fighting fit? Here’s where to start

Want to get your super fighting fit? Here’s where to start

It’s never too early to start thinking about your super, even if retirement feels like a long way off. Here’s where you should start.

  • by Caterina Hrysomallis
Superannuation calculator: Find out how much you’ll have when you retire
Super Fit

Superannuation calculator: Find out how much you’ll have when you retire

Your superannuation is one of the most important investments you’ll make in your lifetime. Get on top of it with our new superannuation calculator.

Proposed super laws a ‘kick in the guts’ for tech start-ups

Proposed super laws a ‘kick in the guts’ for tech start-ups

Teal independent MP Allegra Spender is leading a chorus of technology start-ups and investors criticising the government’s proposed superannuation changes.

  • by David Swan
If I drop to part-time, can I use super to top up my income?

If I drop to part-time, can I use super to top up my income?

Managing an income while drawing down from your super can be a delicate balance, but there are plenty of ways to make it work.

  • by Noel Whittaker
Should I move from a small super fund to a major one?

Should I move from a small super fund to a major one?

While a small fund can seem like it lags bigger ones, it can still be a winner when it comes to returns.

  • by Paul Benson
Coalition looks to turbocharge super withdrawals, easy loans in battle for first home buyer votes

Coalition looks to turbocharge super withdrawals, easy loans in battle for first home buyer votes

Party insiders say the shadow cabinet is weighing which policies to include in Opposition Leader Peter Dutton’s budget-in-reply speech.

  • by Paul Sakkal and James Massola
Plan to tax unrealised capital gains is inherently unfair

Plan to tax unrealised capital gains is inherently unfair

The far-reaching and controversial super legislation from last year has had some unintended consequences that need addressing.

  • by Noel Whittaker
Why is retirement spending so difficult to navigate?

Why is retirement spending so difficult to navigate?

Super through our working life is relatively straightforward. The retirement phase presents an entirely different situation.

  • by Bec Wilson
A comfortable retirement? Not on these numbers

A comfortable retirement? Not on these numbers

As a recent retiree, I finally have more free time on my hands. I confess, I use a chunk of that free time wondering how long I can afford to enjoy all that free time.

  • by Paul McShane
Why the Coalition’s super-for-housing plan is a terrible idea

Why the Coalition’s super-for-housing plan is a terrible idea

The Coalition is again spruiking its plan to let young people use super to buy housing. Let me list the (many) reasons this is a terrible idea.

  • by Victoria Devine