
Seemed like a good idea at the time...

@cutlerish / cutlerish.tumblr.com

I'm a Canadian engineer living in Seattle and working at Hulu (formerly Brooklyn and Etsy). I am highly skilled at identifying bumps in the night. I'm not really sure why I have to say this, but at no point should you assume anything I post here ever reflects the opinion of any of my employers or coworkers, past or present. I can only assume it is because they have higher standards than my blog.

I want to buy something really cool, but I don’t know what.


I think it comes down to this:

It’s one am, and I’m trying to watch the Godfather. I get a message in my group chat. She’s an ex-Israeli living in Britain. Her “progressive” antizionist friend doesn’t understand why a Jewish man was stopped at last minute from giving a speech about antisemitism in his college.

Two days later, I’m sitting at the bank and scrolling through Facebook. I see three articles one after the other: “Man to be charge with hate crime for beating of New York Orthodox Jewish Man.” “Jewish teens assaulted, robbed in anti-Semitic attack in France.” “Jews’ headstones smashed in Greek city.”

Only a few months before, it’s seven am, and I’ve just woken up and I’m getting ready for work. I scroll through Facebook and see dozens of posts from my Jewish friends about Corbyn. Not a single one of their gentile friends comment.

A few weeks later, it’s five pm, and I’m scrolling through Tumblr on my way home from university. A post catches my eye. It’s a series of funny screenshots of idiots from Twitter. One of them is just an Israeli supporter.

Later that week, my friends post on Facebook and Twitter about a vandal who sprayed swastikas on a Jewish building where they grew up, where children are educated. I wish I could help, but all I can do is like their tweets.

Three months previously I realized that a group of friends I had was always extremely politically motivated to stand up for the underdog, the oppressed, the marginalized. But they had unfollowed me, see, because “I posted too many things that were irrelevant to their interests”. One of those girls had started our relationship by telling me that she was raised to believe Israel was evil, but didn’t seem to have any of the facts to back it up, because every time I brought up any point at all, she said nothing. And I got over that, and built a friendship with her.

And one day, I post about antizionism and how filled with antisemitism it is. And then she’s unfollowed me.

So it comes down to this:

The girl in the group chat said she thinks she might have to move back to Israel. The way the English see it, see, Britain might be where she’s lived for all these years, but she’s a Jew, and she doesn’t feel safe.

My Facebook friends are so tired of being angry, but they don’t know what else to do, because nobody’s listening.

I realize too late there was never any point to trying to force a relationship that would never work.

So it comes down to this:

Jews are in danger. They are in danger because they are Jewish. They are in danger because the world has never been and never will be a safe place for Jews.

And it comes down to this:

People don’t care about Jewish lives, and they aren’t listening, and they never will.


You’ve got to read the first letter, but try not to let your head actually explode.

(Have you ever noticed how men trying to justify their behavior use fancy words like “aver” and “eschew” and generally try to make it sound like they’re right because they’re just being so intellectual about it?)


This man sounds so resentful of and angry at his wife, it put a chill down my spine.

I grew up with a dad who yelled and a mom who was emotionally manipulative. While they’ve both bad, and affect you for life, being around a yeller changes the way you react to everything for the rest of your life. I startle easily. Conflict terrifies me. I can’t be around people yelling at all, really. You grow up without the feeling that home is a safe place to be. 

Fuck this raging dude and I really hope he gets help. 

I really don’t think the LW understands how much of an impact yelling in front of your kids can have.

Also: Carvell > Nicole Cliffe for this column’s contributors, but I think we all know that I’m biased against her for other reasons.

I made it to: “We’re not like the people on Facebook. We don’t get vacations”



Reading between the lines, I think he's, at best, going out with friends from work instead of helping out at home and treating it as if he's deserving of that time and she's resigned to being passive aggressive about it because he's stonewalling her when she brings it up.

But, honestly? I think he's cheating on her with a woman at work. I recognize this type. He brings up work relationships unnecessarily. I think he IS trying to build a case, either for himself to absolve guilt or for a divorce attorney.

FBI agents and Snohomish County deputies arrested a Washington state white supremacist last week for allegedly making threats to carry out mass killings of Jews and other minorities.  Dakota Reed, 20, of Monroe, Washington, was charged with malicious harassment—Washington’s hate crime statute—and making bomb threats.  Authorities also seized a cache of firearms, ammunition and white supremacist propaganda from Reed’s residence.
The investigation began after investigators in the ADL’s Center on Extremism uncovered Reed’s violent threats and fantasies and warned law enforcement about him in late October.
Reed made numerous online posts in social media accounts under a variety of pseudonyms that revealed deeply held white supremacist beliefs and visions of violence.  Using the white supremacist “echo”—the use of triple parenthesis around a word or phrase to designate that thing as Jewish—Reed claimed that he was “over here saving up to buy more guns and ammo to kill (((rats))) and animals.”
Reed also posted a call to “take back your future one synagogue at a time” and claimed that he was “gonna make the news some more and shoot some Jews in 2025.” This was one of several references he made to conducting some major act of violence in 2025, a date that for some reason interested him.

The article goes on to describe his sick fantasy of killing a Jewish child, which I have chosen not to include here due to its horrific nature.


That’s the next county over.


“the biggest problem is that aside from a handful of outraged Jewish students, nobody is talking about this. Not our administrations, not our school newspapers, not our campus minority groups; no one.”



the vandalization in question? “Palestine exists, acknowledge it”

and what does this have to do with a white supremacist in Pennsylvania murdering a dozen Jews in Pennsylvania in a synagogue in Pennsylvania? why graffiti over this memorial specifically? what is this if not targeting Jews on an entirely different continent? what did this accomplish for Palestine exactly?

update: the mural has since been restored by several different student groups working together (the Claremont Muslim-Jewish Solidarity Coalition, Nishmat at the Claremont Colleges, and Students for Justice in Palestine)


these are some old glassdoor reviews about tumblr from a long while ago. these problems were lonnnnnnnnnng coming.


it shows. Like…you didn’t even have to show me these. All the issues tumblr keeps having…all the updates that are touted as a great new feature, but the users hate it AND the patch/update completely fucks up whole other aspects of the site…that’s what happens when an IT shop has bad management. 


Yeah, my first interview with a former president was a giant red flag.


On this day (December 6) in 1989, fourteen women were murdered at École Polytechnique de Montréal because of one man’s backward belief that women don’t belong in engineering.

We remember the women lost that day:

  • Geneviève Bergeron, 21, second-year Civil Engineering student
  • Hélène Colgan, 23, graduating Mechanical Engineering student
  • Nathalie Croteau, 23, graduating Mechanical Engineering student
  • Barbara Daigneault, 22, graduating Mechanical Engineering student
  • Anne-Marie Edward, 21, first-year Chemical Engineering student
  • Maud Haviernick, 29, second-year Materials Engineering student
  • Barbara Klucznik-Widajewicz, 31, first-year Nursing student
  • Maryse Laganière, 25, budget clerk at École Polytechnique de Montréal
  • Maryse Leclair, 23, fourth-year Materials Engineering student
  • Anne-Marie Lemay, 27, fourth-year Mechanical Engineering student
  • Sonia Pelletier, 28, graduating Mechanical Engineering student
  • Michèle Richard, 21, second-year Materials Engineering student
  • Annie St-Arneault, 23, graduating Mechanical Engineering student
  • Annie Turcotte, 21, first-year Materials Engineering student

Violence against women, of course is not limited to engineers. It is an epidemic. A disease that continues to afflict societies across the world. Unacceptable. Damning for all those who sit by and let the lesser signs of sexism go by without speaking up.

Me (every time I try and fail to plug in my phone in the dark): You’re not always right Sherlock!

I got everything I hoped for nationally last night: a Democratic House and more Democratic control in the states. I thought “blue wave” meant overcoming huge disadvantages from gerrymandering and voter suppression with a large Democratic turnout. I didn’t realize everyone else was defining blue wave as we sweep the House and the Senate, Donald Trump immediately resigns and apologizes for being such a dick, Brett Kavanaugh spontaneously combusts in his Supreme Court robes, and literally no Republican votes at all. That’s an oopsie on me.


Seen in Fremont, Seattle. Tag yourself, I'm "People who say whenever when you ask them where they want to eat."