
Click here to read more about our approach to accessibility, tags, and trigger warnings.

We use organizational tags to make our tumblr more accessible, and we tag for triggers and content warnings to make this a safer space. If you’d like for us to tag for a specific trigger, please send us a message, and feel free to write us anonymously. No questions asked, no explanation necessary. 

Organizational Tags:

Advice: Our ask box is always open, and we’ll tag your questions (and our answers) with relevant keywords.

Binders & binding

Body positivity

Buy me: Our tag for things you can purchase, especially little things to show off your nonbinary pride.

Check it out: Our tag for signal boosts and spotlights, showcasing content that we think might be interesting to you all!

Coming out and coming out nonbinary

Dysphoria/gender dysphoria

Family, friends, and relationships:

For non-english speakers: Resources, articles, links, and information on gender-neutral language in languages other than English.

Gender topics:

Gender identities and gender expressions:

Giveaway: Our tag for giveaways run by this blog, and for signal boosts of other giveaways.

Images: Our tag for all image and/or GIF posts. Image posts are accompanied with image descriptions and/or captions.


Medical transition: Our tag for all posts that address different aspects of medical transitioning.

Misgendering: Posts on how to address, avoid, and call out misgendering.

Mod post: Pretty self-explanatory, but our catch-all tag for admin notes!

Nonbinary parenting: Posts on parents as a nonbinary individual, and on parenting your nonbinary kids!

Nonbinary positivity: This is our tag for encouraging words. Check it out when you need a friendly reminder that your identity is valid, your pronouns are your choice, your presentation is extraordinary, and you are valuable. Take care of yourself.

Pride flags


Reminders for cis folks: Here, you’ll find PSAs, friendly reminders, and words of advice to share with the cis folks in your life.

Representation: Our tag for calls-for-submissions from publications and media outlets seeking diverse representation, and for essays and text posts on nonbinary representation in the media.

Resources: Links to resources for nonbinary folks. We’re always looking for new things to spotlight, so if you have an article, website, or resource you’d like us to post about, submit here.

Self care: Tips and friendly reminders, because taking care of yourself is the number one priority.