Posts tagged "gender identity"
Anonymous asked:
Sometimes I dress more feminine and sometimes I dress more masculine and I ID as nb... Does that make me that one thing that starts with an a and has an x in it? I can't remember the name.

Androgynous? Perhaps.

You can be nonbinary and present differently from your identity. Gender expression =/= gender identity.

~ Jensen

Anonymous asked:
if I am agender and androgyne at the same time would I be bigender? or not because agender isn't exactly a gender? and can I just tell people I'm nonbinary than go into the specifics?

that would be bigender, if you’re okay identifying that way, yeah! even though agender is technically a non-gender, it can still count if you want it to.

and it’s 10000% okay if you don’t want to go into gender specifics with people and want to just call yourself nonbinary.


fluidortherkin asked:
Is Otherkin non-binary because one blog said it isn't

While Otherkin is an identity, it is not a gender identity and therefore does not fall under the nonbinary term. You can be both Otherkin and nonbinary but being Otherkin doesn’t automatically make you nonbinay as, again, Otherkin identity isn’t a gender identity.

- Quill

Anonymous asked:
If you identify as multigender, can any non-appropriative gender be one of them? Maybe this is a silly questions but can I say one of the genders i identify with is maverique, but not exclusively?

yeah, that’s alright. i actually identify this way, so like…definitely!

i can totally understand the unsureness when one of your genders is maverique—which includes “an independence from masculinity, femininity, and neutrality” in its meaning—and at least one other is somewhat masc/fem/neutral… my understanding of it is that it works because even though you have other genders, you’re still also maverique because that part of your gender /is/ independent of masc/fem/neutral genderedness (or genderlessness). does that make sense?


Anonymous asked:
Hey so, do you have to take hormones/have surgery/feel like you have to take hormones/have surgery to be non-cis? Because I'm questioning right now, but I don't really feel the need to take hormones/have surgery... I don't just want to be seen as just doing this to be special/different either (one of your recent asks used the term "transtrending"). Thanks!

nope! the only thing you need in order to be not-cis is basically not being cis, or identifying 100% with the gender/sex you were assigned at birth 100% of the time and/or not feeling that identifying otherwise would be more comfortable. you don’t have to want to transition at all in any way (socially, medically, etc.), you don’t have to have dysphoria, you don’t have to have euphoria, even. and it’s also okay if you /do/ want or experience those things.


Anonymous asked:
is a change in gender really obvious or can it be subtle? i'm really confused about mine because sometimes i feel like agender is definitely right and then sometimes i think it isn't. i'm never uncomfortable saying i'm one or other other or both or any variations of but it just feels i guess like it isn't exactly right. though sometimes saying i'm not a girl just feels dead wrong. so i don't know if my gender is actually changing or if i'm a girl and i just don't really feel gender or ??

gender changes can absolutely be really subtle. i know mine are… and they can be really slow, too, and that’s still valid. 

if you’re looking for words that describe these kinds of feelings so you don’t feel like you’re making things up or anything like that, there’s genderblur/blurgender, genderfade, and genderfuzz, all of which describe a changing gender experience where the transitions between genders is gradual or not clear/distinct.

there’s also argogender/argofluid, which is a fluid gender that has very slow transitions between different genders.

i hope that helps some…


Anonymous asked:
I'm really scared the only reason I'm nb is because of my mental illness or my medication or something like that... I feel genuine but how do you get rid of the doubts you have that you're just faking or being a special snowflake?

Neurodivergence can cause an altered gender identity. There’s even special gender identities for those who are neurodivergent, from autism to BPD to schizophrenia and beyond/between. 

And doubting your gender is a natural reaction a lot of people have, especially when it’s not of the big popular ones. Don’t worry - you don’t have to get other people’s affirmations if you’re real or not if it feels genuine to you. They decide what’s real to THEM, NOT what’s real to you.

Quick note before I forget, this link has some of the neurodivergent terms in it.

~ Jensen

Anonymous asked:
I'm afab agender, and I sort of just figured out that I'm agender, but I'm afraid because I'm still very femme and dress more femme? ((I'm not out yet and I'm not permitted to look for anything that isn't femme in my current home)) is it okay?

that is completely okay! you can dress however you want, act however you do, use whatever name and pronouns make you feel the most comfortable and happy, all of that, and still be whatever gender you are.

you are valid, friend, no matter how you present. <3


Anonymous asked:
I keep seeing xirl as a gender identity but I can't find anywhere that explains it? Is it like juxera?

it is pretty similar, as i understand it, yeah!

the definition for xirl that i’ve seen is slightly less separated from girlness, though. it’s basically another way to describe being a nonbinary girl or identifying with part of woman/girlhood but wanting a more neutral/nb term for it due to not being fully girls or not wanting to be associated with the things that usually come to mind at the mention of the word “girl”

whereas juxera, while feminine and similar to girl, is on a separate plane, so to speak, and off to itself.

if any of our followers (or mods!) identify as or have different definitions for either of these, please feel free to correct me if i’m not explaining well or am misunderstanding the terms!


Anonymous asked:
Hi! I've struggled with finding a label for my gender for 5ever but now I feel primarily agender but sometimes I go between demigirl and demiboy. Is there really a word for that? I've heard of librafluid and I really like it but not many people have heard of it so that kind of sucks. (also,can you tag violetfrnk?)

hey! there are several other words you could use, and some of them are at least starting to become more well known than librafluid…

there’s agenderflux, which is when you’re “base” gender is agender with occasional fluctuations towards the masculine/male and feminine/female

demiflux or demifluid might also be a fit for you. demiflux is when there is a part of your gender that is static while the other part fluctuates in the intensity of genderedness, and demifluid is the same except the type of gendered feeling changes rather than the intensity.

and of course then you’ve got (demi)genderfluix/fluidflux, which is where the changing part of your gender changes in both the intensity and the type of gendered feels

that’s all i could think of at the moment, but that gives you a place to start!


Anonymous asked:
Hi. I'm nonbinary but I was reading about the label "maverique" and I was really interested.. but I'm still confused on it. It specifies that it's a specific gender, but there's no definition for what that gender is. How can it be a specific gender if that gender is not specified, or has no definition? Or is the term meant only to specify the _existence_ of a specific gender? I hope I'm not being offensively ignorant, I just really am lost here.

no, you’re fine! i am always here for maverique explanation and education. :D

the way i define it is that it’s a gender that’s independent of masculinity, femininity, and neutrality to the same extent that agender is, but instead of being a lack of gender, it’s a presence of gender. 

queerascat, the person who coined the term (and who is also maverique), has lots of resources and information about it here and here, so if this wasn’t super helpful maybe what they’ve written might be.


tiny-tiger-lily asked:
For the past few months I've identified as a demigirl because at the time it was the closest term I could find to identify how I feel. But I recently came across the term vocigender/vocigirl and I feel like it fits me much better, but it's much less known and I'm slightly attached to being a demi. Help?

that’s okay! you can definitely have multiple labels, some more specific/accurate and others less so, for whatever reason. i run into this a lot because not many people know what “maverique” means, so i just say i’m nonbinary.

so you can absolutely still be a demigirl and also vocigender/vocigirl. you’re not obligated to tell people the intricacies of your gender, but of course if you want to be more specific, at least now you have the words! :)


Anonymous asked:
Is it weird that everytime the binary genders (aka female and male) are mentioned, I get upset?

It isn’t necessarily “weird”. I would take a look at why you feel that way though. Is it when they are mentioned together and people exclude nonbinary identities? Is it whenever they are mentioned? Is it all the time or are there other factors? Is it the people you know who set you off or is it everyone?


Anonymous asked:
Hi, so.. I'm really sorry if this is too long or if I sound really stupid... I really need some help and I didn't know who I could talk to. I never really talked about my gender or my sexuality with anyone (except when I was younger, when I realized I liked girls too). For a long time I thought I was bi, but then people made me feel really bad about it, and I never said I was bi to anyone anymore. At a period of my life I thought I was lesbian but after I broke up with my ex girlfriend (cont.)

(cont.) and later had interest for boys and realized I wasn’t. Anyways, it has always been like this, me never knowing a word to describe my sexuality, and also my gender. Sometimes I just wish I didn’t have to label myself but it seems that if I knew my identity everything would be easier and less confusing. I like girls and boys, and trans-guys, everyone I guess idk. (Cont.) About my gender identity I feel like crying all the time now because I sometimes hate being female but sometimes I don’t, I hate my name because it’s sounds so girly to me I want to buy clothes at the men section and have my hair short again but sometimes I want to wear a dress and paint my nails and let my hair grow longer. I’m almost 20 and I’m a mess, I think I should have everything figured out already, everyone seems to.

You could be pansexual or polysexual. You could also just use the word queer to describe your sexual orientation (because you’re not straight). 

You could be genderfluid or genderqueer or demiboy or demigirl or some other nonbinary identity. Maybe do a bit of reading on various gender identities (eg. look up one gender a day, see what resonates with you, etc). 

Presentation wise you could try cutting your hair so half of it is shaved and the other half is longer so you could adjust your style to how you’re feeling. You could also paint your nails darker colors (I’ve seen guys wear dark polish and it looks lovely) and wear more masculine clothes but accessorize with cute things. Or, you could wear a dress with sneakers and a snap back and tuck your hair up into the cap. 

As for your name, maybe go by your initials? Or look at alternate names? behind the name is a great resource.

Honestly, I think we’re all a bit of a mess. I’m 20 and I have no idea what I’m doing with my life. Most of my friends are also flailing around not knowing what to do with themselves. You don’t have to know exactly who you are and who you like (or if you even like people in a sexual or romantic way) before you’re 20. It’s not a requirement to have your gender and sexuality labeled for you to be a functioning human being. It’s totally normal and fine to question yourself and your identities. It’s really easy to sink into feeling like you’re the worst possible thing in the universe because you can’t figure yourself out (I do it all the time). 

You could be pansexual and genderfluid (that’s what I’m most strongly guessing from the info you gave) but I think you should also do a bit of research into genders and sexualities as well. It’ll be okay. Just remember to breathe. You’re awesome. 
