Blog Activity Update (BLOG CLOSED)

Hey, all -

Unfortunately, the wonderful Mod Zay has had to step back from the blog (please feel free to leave them thanks and good vibes in the comments because they put a great deal of effort into this blog and provided so many wonderful resources), so I, Pluto, am once again modding alone.

I will be answering the asks left in the inbox, but I’m going to be closing up our ask/submit for a while and thinking about the future of this blog. I will probably be reblogging the odd post now and then, so I’ll still be around, but I know I cannot keep up on asks right now, so as of Dec 12, 2020 I’m going to close the inbox rather than let people submit asks that may not be answered.

I’m so sorry. I know this is disappointing and frustrating. Please know our blog is still a resource, so there’s still plenty on here for you to check out if you need help.

Please do a little reading around our blog and try logical searches/tags to check and see if your question has been answered before.







Coming Out






Mental Health Services


Trevor Project - (COVID19 coping)

GLAAD COVID19 resource masterlist


Talk to you all later,


  1. stevia333k said: @nonbinaryresource if you start searching for more mods, i can signal boost
  2. righteous-he4then said: @honestleeee5593 This Is A Great Resource
  3. righteous-he4then said: @honestleeee5593
  4. ultracatan reblogged this from nonbinaryresource and added:
    Fit the resources
  5. theswahn said: Thank you for making such an amazing blog!
  6. nonbinaryresource posted this