


Clearing up some things about the “”official”“ gay man pride flag:

[Image: A flag with 7 stripes. The first three go from dark blue-green to light blue-green. The center is white. The bottom three stripes go from light to dark blue. It was designed to mirror the lesbian flag]

[Original post about it here] [Deviantart original posting with updated description here] [ @archivalflags​ more detailed post about it here]

Mod Hermy of the Pride-Flags Deviantart here: I just found out during my hiatus from this blog that there’s been a lot of discourse surrounding this flag that I helped make.

APPARENTLY some truscum/transmed took this flag and reuploaded it (that got 8.2k notes vs the 9 notes my original post has), wording it in a way that made people think it was made by them (and also “official”). Also, it seems like it’s been co-opted by truscum and transphobes to exclude trans and nonbinary gay men.

I am beyond pissed off at this, especially since I don’t remember anyone telling me it was stolen.

To be very clear:

I never want any of my flags being used to exclude part of the LGBTQAI+/MOGAI community. I am fully supportive of all aspec identities, “MOGAI” genders (including xenogenders, kingenders, neurogenders and neurorientations) pronoun noncomforming gays and lesbians (or anyone, really), GNC trans people, people who use the SAM, low/non-dysphoric trans people, and anyone else who may get excluded.

Basically, any identity (that’s not centered around harming people or animals) is amazing and valid.

Also this was never meant to be a finalized design (especially since I’m nonbinary and bi), it was simply a suggestion since the anon that asked me about a gay man flag suggested one that was too similar to the butch lesbian flag.  They never followed up on it so I posted it on Deviantart for opinions but didn’t get much interaction there. I saw it around a few times but didn’t realize it took off like that and was being credited to a truscum, no less.

I’m not quite sure what to do regarding damage control around the exclusionists that are using my flag, but I started by working with several gay men in a pride, and my personal server to come up with meanings for each stripe (based on @gayflagblog​ ‘s flag) that explicitly include GNC, nonbinary, trans, ace/arospec, split-attraction, and pronoun nonconforming gay men (also made it prettier).

[Image: The same flag as above but with meanings superimposed over each stripe: [Community] [Inclusion] [She/her and pronoun noncomforming gays] [GNC, nonbinary, and trans men] [Ace/arospec and split-attraction gays] [Love and attraction] [Diversity]]

Here’s a better version made by @gayflagblog​ to deal with the problems with my proposal/suggestion:

[Images: Two flags made to look similar to the first flag but with bolder colors. The blue stripes are slightly more purple and the green stripes are slightly more green. The first flag has seven stripes and the second is a simplified 5-stripe version]

And [Here] are some more gay man/MLM flags (including PNC and SAM gays) made by other people that I’ve been collecting (gallery is incomplete though, please send any missing flags/sources to me).

is there always an angle with neurotypicals?

do they always have ulterior motives to their actions and requests?

are they never genuinely interested in getting to know someone or helping someone?

- a confused and hopeful, yet skeptical autistic


1. a xenogender which reclaims the word "tumblr gender." similar to trendergender, it was coined for people who are assumed to be faking being transgender for attention. it's associated with gender nonconforming trans people, non-dysphoric trans people, xenic people, people who use neopronouns, etc.

2. a xenogender closely related to tumblr.

coined/flag by: @incusins (me!)

🚫 DNI: radfems, radscum, anti-mogai 🚫

Simple NeoPronoun Guide For Everyone 🎃

Practice with pronouns

If you’re new to neo’s or having a hard time learning someone’s pronoun sets, this is an easy way to practice using them.

Neo Pronoun Lists carrd.co

A simple list with a decent amount of themed and non-themed pronouns. This is a more mobile friendly version of the long pronoun list.

Long Pronoun Lists tumblr

A more lengthy version that might be a little stressful for beginners, but really useful! It’s easier to read on pc. ❤︎

Pronoun Dressing Room

If you want to see if a pronoun set works for you, try this site! It puts your name, gender, and pronouns in sentences for you.


Share your personal pronouns and stay updated on your friends’ pronouns. You can also share names you use, and gendered nouns you’re comfortable and uncomfortable with! (example in bio)

If you want more information, I highly suggest reading Anagnori’s tumblr post. ‘A non-binary person’s guide to invented pronouns’


New Symbols For Use!

So I know pretty much everybody knows these.

Male, female, nonbinary, and androgyne. (I do know the last one’s also used for bigender and intersex, but I see it more often as androgyne.)

And then this set, which might not be as recognizable.

Intersex, gender neutral, other gender and aliagender or thirdgender. (Explanation is further down.)

But I noticed that while xenogender, neurogender and genderfluid did have symbols, they didn’t seem to be consistent, or simple enough to be drawn by memory.

So, I made some!

Introducing, Xenogender (left), -Fluid/Flux (center), and Neuro- (right)

Explanations for ALL of these below!

PS. Whoops I forgot the Agender symbol, don’t worry it’s here.


Male symbol is from the Roman god Mars, god of war, men and power. Also based on the astrological sign for Mars. The arrow is associated with the masculine energy of Mars. (Not the planet.)

The female symbol is from the Roman goddess Venus, of beauty and femininity. The astrological sign for Venus, the cross – gonna be real I have no idea.

The nonbinary symbol has an X to represent not being of either male or female genders.

The androgyne symbol is the combination of the male and female symbol, representing the union and fluidity between/including male and female.

The intersex symbol is from the astrological sign for Mercury, who is also a Roman god of messengers, traders and trickery.

The gender neutral symbol is simply a line, to denote that it’s not male or female, but simply a neutral gender, that may or may not be nonbinary in nature. (Usually falls under nonbinary, but some genders like epicene lay between male and female, while also being both, and neutral.)

The other gender symbol is for genders that are culturally unrecognized in Western cultures. It represents a disconnection from male and female binary entirely. 

The aliagender symbol is associated with aliagender, which is to have no association with male, female, or nonbinary, while still being a gender. (Think of aporagender, maverique, atrinary, that sort of thing.)

The agender symbol is a cross through the circle, denoting a lack of gender entirely. This isn’t the same as some people who define themselves as completely lacking gender, or lacking the concept of gender entirely, but some include themselves into the agender spectrum even so.

The symbol I chose is reminiscent of a stylized iris, the flower that is symbolized on xenogender flags. It also happens to be associated with the goddess Iris, who is the goddess of rainbows and the messenger of the gods. Her asteroid’s symbol is also used on xenogender flags.

The curved line on the -fluid/flux represents fluidity, whether it be jarring, slow, fast or barely noticeable. The arrow represents how the gender keeps changing, on and on as time passes, continuing forward in time. 

The symbol for neuro- is the symbol also on the disability flag that capriuni coined here. It’s also the symbol for Pallas, the Roman god of war, victory and power, whose asteroid is associated with intellectual power, critical thinking, cognitive skills and how one’s mind is mapped out, in astrology. 

I’d LOVE for people to start using these! You don’t really have to credit me, just don’t claim it as your own if someone asks where the symbol came from. If you’d like a high-res version of these (since they’re all just 360x500px or something small), lemme know!

(PSS. I know there’s more gender symbols than this, this is just the ones that are associated with spectra.)

reference post for myself

this is free to reblog, and will be edited whenever i find something else i need to remember

min - masculine

fin - feminine

nin - neutral

xin - xenic

agin/glin - agender, genderless

autumin - autumn

lin - androgynous/masc+fem

amin - ambiguine, ambiguous

opin - omni/poly/pluri/multi

apiin - apathetic, indifferent

plin - partial, demi

no-min - not masculine

no-fin - not feminine

no-nin - not neutral

qin/quin - queer

okin - otherkin, alterhuman

midbin - midbinary

abin - abinary

bin - binary/ideogender

epin - epicene

flin - fluid/flux, fluix

idin - fluid

uxin - flux

auin - autonomous

din - defined

cin - collect

nuoin - neuro

neu/neuin - neutrois

voin - void

oin - otherine

autiin - autigender

cuin - cultural/culturally specific


pluralian - attracted to more than one gender


attraction types:

- aesthetic: a form of physical attraction to one’s appearance. experiencing aesthetic attraction (admiration, valuing their existence more than others (non-obsessively), adoration, interest in their persona, distant emotional reliance) . crush equivalent is “swish”. partner name is “idol”. pink

- alterous: desiring interaction that is neither 100% platonic, 100% queerplatonic, or 100% romantic, but is rather somewhere in between (affectionate speech, physical affection, doing things together exclusively, valuing the relationship more than others). crush equivalent is “mesh/hush”. blue, cyan

- amical: experiencing platonic + siblinghood attraction (nonsexual touch, valuing the relationship more than others, friendship, doing things together exclusively, emotional reliance, possible physical affection, familial bonds). crush is “shush/thresh”

- cedural: experiencing protected/guarded attraction (valuing the relationship more than others, doing things together exclusively, possible physical affection, possible grooming and being physically close, emotional and mental dependence, ‘following behind’ or willing to release some independence, but not completely or by force; may be platonic, romantic, a mix, or some other type) (also called submissive and concomitant). lightish blue + lightish green. 

- emotional: attraction that fits multiple types at once, or has characteristics of multiple types of attraction while not strictly falling into any type

- parental: Parental attraction is when you feel the desire to raise a child with someone. crush equivalent is “prush/prash”. relationship name is “parenthood”. partner name is “co-parent”

- platonic: desiring platonic interaction (nonsexual touch, doing things together exclusively, valuing the relationship more than others (possibly), friendship, making lifelong decisions together, relying on each other emotionally). crush name is “squish”. partner name is “friend”. associated with the colour yellow

- queerplatonic: desiring interaction that is not 100% platonic, but is actually more, while not being 100% romantic either (kissing, cuddling, handholding, nonsexual touch, being physically close, affectionate speech, doing things together exclusively, valuing the relationship more than others). crush equivalent is “plush”. partner name is “zucchini/queerplatonic partner/qpp”. usually associated with yellow or pink. also called quirkyplatonic, quasiplatonic, or qplatonic

- romantic: desiring romantic interaction (being physically close, affectionate speech, living together, making lifelong commitment decisions, romantic affection, doing things together exclusively, valuing the relationship more than others). crush equivalent is “crush”. partner name is “(date/joy/boy/girl/enby)friend/partner/lover”. usually associated with green or red

- sensual: desiring sensual interaction (kissing, cuddling, handholding, nonsexual touch, stroking, grooming, physical affection, sharing space, being physically close). crush equivalent is “lush”. partner name is “cuddle buddy”. orange

- sexual: desiring sexual interaction (sexual intercourse, sexually touching/groping, kissing, finding sexual pleasure). crush equivalent is “smush/lust”. partner name is “sex partner/fuck buddy/lover”. usually associated with purple

- soft romo: low level romantic relationship

- tutelary: experiencing protective attraction (valuing the relationship more than others, doing things together exclusively, possible physical affection, emotional reliance, being physically close, feeling protective or guide-like emotions; may be platonic, romantic, a mix, or some other type). also called guardian, dominant, or protective. crush is “mush”. partner is “comate, cherish, ward”. relationship is “guardianship, wardship, tutelage”

- wavership: experiencing attraction that can fluctuate between different types or different expressions (called fluidic). partner name is “wavermate/waffle”. brown + light blue

attraction types:

- intellectual

- spiritual

- noetic:  experiencing mental attraction (valuing their opinions, fascination with their point of view or perception of reality, fascination and appreciation of their ‘mental map’ (how they see the world/how their mind ‘works’), admiration of their perspectives or opinions, desiring a guide-like or apprentice-like relationship (possibly), valuing their existence more than others (non-obsessively), interest in their persona, possible emotional reliance, favoring their input and guidance, intimacy)

- familial/fellowship

- social:  desiring social interaction (verbal speech, sharing information, discussing interests, spending time together, possible desire to have a deeper relationship)

- pragmatic/hospitable:  ‘a means to an end’ type of relationship or attraction, the desire to appease for some gain, or to create a relationship with a common goal besides simply being in love (this can be across multiple expressions of affection, kindness, compatibility, interaction, and interest. This type is listed for those in arranged marriages, professional partnerships, procreational relationships, hospitality employment such as hospital or hotel services, and sex workers.)

- erotic/nonsexual:  experiencing erotic attraction (an aesthetic attraction to nonsexual nudity, or a nonsexual interest in human anatomy; the best example is admiration of the human physique, particularly genitals or secondary reproductive organs (though not always exclusively), but not wishing for sexual interaction. This is placed here for those on the asexual spectrum, or those who simply do not feel the desire to have sexual interaction with others, but are not sex-repulsed.)


🏳️‍⚧️✨ MTF/mtx tips ✨🏳️‍⚧️


i really suggest not tucking with tape, so please try this alternative (good4budget) or buy a pair of undies specifically made for tucking!


getting a swimsuit with a skirt whether it be a one piece or two, is great for hiding the bits. especially if it’s in black! for those of you who do use tape, it’s good to note that most tucking tape should last about 2hrs in the water.


measure your chest and shoulders to make sure you’re buying the right bra size! i suggest getting a padded one a size up, so you can fill it in. i really suggest getting silicone inserts and some double sided tape to keep them in place if they don’t have their own adhesive. you could always use tissue, make homemade inserts, or buy these foam inserts for only $5usd!

more about bras linked ✨ here & here

natural estrogen

I reallt suggest trying this! Some people say this stuff doesn’t work but I definitely think it does the trick!

Soy: i highly recommend soy because it’s really high in estrogen and is easy to get and add into your daily diet! tofu, soy beans, soy milk, soy yogurt, soy powder, etc;

fruits/veggies: peaches, raspberries!!, strawberries, dried prunes, alfalfa sprouts, winter squash, green beans, broccoli, and cabbage.

Wild-yam, lentils, flaxseeds, and bust tea!! (tiddy skittle herbs 🌿)

Before I end the post, I’d like to add that tomboyx.com is a great place to shop no matter your agab/gender! I’ll be making a part two if this gets enough notes. Stay safe! <33

AesthetiSpike (VideSpike)

Someone who usually feels no aesthetic attraction, but occasionally has rare, sudden, and intense spikes of aesthetic attraction for a short amount of time, before returning, just as suddenly, to one's normal amounts of acethetic attraction.

flag/term coined by; @incusins @mogaiverse


Gender Neurtral Terms

Enben: man/woman

Enby: boy/girl

Ren: mom/dad

Zaza: dada/mama

Parent: mother/father

Zizi/Auncle: aunt/uncle

Nibling: nephew/neice

Godren/Godparent: godmother/godfather

Sib/Sibling: sis/bro, sister/brother

Child/Kid/Sprong/Spring: son/daughter

Partner/Enbyfriend/Joyfriend/Datemate: bf/gf

Spouse: wife/husband

Mx: Mr/Ms

Tiz: Ma’am/Sir

Lairde: lord/lady

Goddex/Godden: god/goddess

Monarch/Royalty/Caln: king/queen

Princex/Princette: princess/prince

Fanenby/Fanby: fanboy/fangirl


Xenogender Specific

Xenic: boy/girl

Xenin: son/daughter

Xenen/xenicen: man/woman

Xen(ic)friend/(gender)friend: boyfriend/girlfriend

Notes: i don’t know if there are other xenic terms that are already known, but i thought it wouldn’t hurt to try to make my own. the only one i know is commonly used is ‘xenic’.

Gender Neutral Terms

Enban: man/woman

Enby: boy/girl

Ren: mom/dad

Zaza: dada/mama

Parent: mother/father

Zizi/Auncle: aunt/uncle

Nibling: nephew/neice

Godren/Godparent: godmother/godfather

Sib/Sibling: sis/bro, sister/brother

Child/Kid/Sprong/Spring: son/daughter

Partner/En(by)friend/Joyfriend/Datemate: bf/gf

Spouse: wife/husband

Mx: Mr/Ms

Tiz: Ma’am/Sir

Lairde: lord/lady

Goddex/Godden: god/goddess

Monarch/Royalty/Caln: king/queen

Princex/Princette: princess/prince

Fanenby/Fanby: fanboy/fangirl

Resources for Male Victims of Abuse

How to Recognize Abuse

Help Lines (Phone and Text Chat)

National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-7233 (or 1-800-787-3224 for TTY)

National Dating Abuse Hotline: 1-866-331-9474

National Sexual Assault Hotline: 1-800-656-4673

National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-237-8255

Domestic Abuse Helpline for Men: 1-888-743-5754 (US and Canada)

Hopeline Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-784-2433

National Hotline for Victims of Crimes: 1-855-484-2846

National Human Trafficking Hotline: 1-888-373-7888

Polaris Human Trafficking Text Line: Text “BEFREE” to 233733

Support Groups

Pandora’s Aquarium - Chat (includes chats specifically for men)

Pandora’s Aquarium - Forums (includes forums specifically for men)

How to Find a Shelter

Domestic Shelters Search (shelter locator with filters to find shelters specifically for male survivors)

SAFE (located in Austin, TX, but states they can help people find resources/shelters in their area)

How to Find a Therapist

Resources for and About the Abuse of Kids/Teens

Love is Respect Hotline: 1-866-331-9474 (Hotline for teens)

Darkness to Light Helpline (Sexual Abuse): 1-866-367-5444

Darkness to Light Text Line: Text “LIGHT” to 741741

ChildHelp USA National Child Abuse Hotline: 1-800-422-4453

Children of the Night Hotline (Children in Prostitution): 1-800-551-1300

National Runaway Safeline: 1-800-786-2929

Covenant House Nineline (Homeless Youth): 1-800-999-9999

Stop it Now Hotline: 1-888-773-2362 (for adults concerned about the welfare of a child)

Jennifer Ann’s Group (for teens experiencing dating violence)

Other Resource Lists 

(While I tried to include the most helpful resources I could here (i.e., resources that lend themselves to one-on-one communication, individual reading, etc.), there are plenty of other great resources, including regional resources, listed in these links. Some of the resources are specific to men and others aren’t, but they are all helpful for male survivors.)

**Male Survivor (regional, international, and online resources)

**Help for Guys: Help for Victims (some resources for men, many general resources)

This is so important. 

SLAMS that reblog

Stay safe and get help boys! <3