Albanese to voters: I feel your pain

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Albanese to voters: I feel your pain

By James Massola

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese will tell Australian voters hit hard by the rising cost of living that he feels their pain and has not forgotten what it is like to “struggle and strive”.

In a keynote speech on Friday just three days after the second anniversary of his government’s election, Albanese will say he knows “there are still people doing it tough right now”, in a frank acknowledgement that voters are hurting and unhappy, but will tell them the challenges the nation faces are too urgent to change course.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese will say: “In politics, wrecking is always easier than building.”

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese will say: “In politics, wrecking is always easier than building.”Credit: Dion Georgopoulos

“I know that when you are living week to week, it’s hard to even find the time to think about the future, let alone plan for it with confidence,” he will say, according to an advance copy of the speech he will deliver at the Western Sydney Leadership Dialogue.

The two-year anniversary speech could stoke speculation about an early election – despite the prime minister insisting he plans to serve a full term, until May 2025 – promising voters that Labor has the solutions to people’s everyday problems.

The latest Resolve Political Monitor underscored the depth of voters’ discontent, with last week’s federal budget generating no bounce for the government. Labor’s primary vote slipped 1 percentage point to 29 per cent over the past month while the Coalition held steady at 36 per cent.


The budget itself was well-received, with 40 per cent of respondents believing the budget was good for them, 39 per cent undecided and 21 per cent delivering a negative verdict.

Harking back to his first speech as leader of the opposition in 2019, after Labor’s disastrous electoral defeat to Scott Morrison, Albanese spoke again of conflict fatigue: “The frustration and exhaustion people felt at the fact the then-government treated every issue as just a pretext for picking a phoney fight.”

Relations between Albanese and Opposition Leader Peter Dutton remain fractious, with Dutton using his budget reply speech to tear into the government’s migration and energy agenda, setting the scene for an election that reignites both the energy wars and the population debate.


On Thursday, Dutton continued to accuse the prime minister of going into hiding over the Gaza crisis, insisting a Coalition government would reject the International Criminal Court if it pursued an arrest warrant for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

In an obvious reference to his opponent, Albanese will say: “There is a world of difference between talking tough and working hard. In politics, wrecking is always easier than building.”


The prime minister blames rising costs on two years of economic shocks and aftershocks caused by the pandemic, conflicts overseas and “the most significant international energy crisis in half a century”.

But he will make the case for sticking with Labor, arguing that “the stakes right now are too high for the shallow and shambolic approach we see too often from the opposition”.

“The challenges we face are too urgent for a retreat to denial and delay,” he will say. “The progress we have made together is too important to go back to fear and division. The opportunities we have before us are too big for small-minded negativity. And Australians have worked too hard to be dragged back to the era of conflict fatigue.”

Albanese will list budget measures including a tax cut for every Australian taxpayer, energy bill assistance, cheaper childcare and medicines, two increases in rent assistance and help for university and TAFE students as key policies designed to help with cost-of-living relief.

He will also note specific policies designed to help the surging population of western Sydney – the third-biggest economy in Australia – including 14 road upgrades, a rail line extension, investment in new housing and the western Sydney airport, which is due to open in about two years.

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