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private schools don’t infantilize students like public schools do

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private schools don’t infantilize students like public schools do

None of this misbehavior shit happened in private schools. From experiencing both, it seems like public schools have the tendency to infantilize students a lot more than any other school even if they don’t want to admit it. Students who deserved to fail, actually failed. Smaller classrooms, better education, and a much better safe environment. Yes, tuition is horrible and many can’t afford it but the difference in staff and environment is insane. Even if they were funded equally, I still don’t think authority in public schools would change.

Five private schools spent as much on new facilities in one year as 3,000 Australian public schools [The Guardian]

Making Public Schools More Like Private Schools To Stop the Bleeding

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Making Public Schools More Like Private Schools To Stop the Bleeding

Basically the 'if you can't beat em join' em method.

Do you think things like making it easier to expel students, the reintroduction of alternative schools for kids that act out and kids with disablities that make them unable to behave would help a lot? Basically, removing many of the competitive advantages that private schools possess in order to make public schools more competitive. From what I've seen having decent % of middle class and above parents that are very involved in their children's education is a great help to a school and they have options.

As a person who thinks public schooling is needed for strong democracies I'm curious if things like that can help public schools from being the place kids only go if theirs no other choice.

Would doing things like this be worth the trade offs? If you were to implement any like it what would you do?

Growth of homeschooling, private schools, and public schools in the US

The r/homeschool community is a place to share homeschool resources, advice, news, curriculum, and learning support for redditors who are homeschooling, unschooling, or educating their children at home (or considering it). Welcome to the largest home education subreddit!

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Growth of homeschooling, private schools, and public schools in the US

Public school teaches you how to socialize in a way private school never could

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Public school teaches you how to socialize in a way private school never could

I'm not ever sure if this is unpopular but in my experience (and as a public school kid) after graduating I've found that people who went to public school typically always have better social skills. I'm pretty sure it's because students who are in private school are sheltered and public schools demographic is much more diverse. ( at least mine was, i know this isn't necessarily true for all public schools)

Private schools vs public schools in the Bay Area

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Private schools vs public schools in the Bay Area

I’m a newbie Bay Area resident with no kids atm. My husband and I have been discussing buying a home in the next year or two and having kids (not connected, but the two events are planned). We also understand that people buy homes here depending on the quality of school districts.

Our preliminary search for homes led us to houses that we like in school districts with a sub 7 rating. Which led us to consider private schools. This is a long term decision and we don’t want to compromise on either.

What are the general pros and cons of private schools and public schools in the Bay Area?

PS: if this is a wrong sub, I apologise. I’d be happy to remove and post elsewhere if that’s the case.

PPS: happy new year! 🥳

AITA for refusing to send my daughter to public school or ask my BIL to pay for my step kids to go to private school?

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AITA for refusing to send my daughter to public school or ask my BIL to pay for my step kids to go to private school?
r/TwoHotTakes - AITA for refusing to send my daughter to public school or ask my BIL to pay for my step kids to go to private school?

Florida to Enforce Transgender Bathroom Ban Even at Private Schools. Though the original law was written for public schools, the Florida Department of Education approved a new rule expanding it to private schools.

Arizona advances attack on public education with universal private school vouchers

A subreddit dedicated to Keeping Track by organizing and summarizing the different notable developments involving, but not limited to, Congress, the White House, investigations, abuse of power, and election interference.

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Arizona advances attack on public education with universal private school vouchers


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Over the past two years, public education has faced unprecedented attacks and hostility originating from rightwing ideologues set on turning classrooms into culture war battlefields. The most recent campaigns against public schools have focused on critical race theory, transgender rights, and Covid-19 precautions, but are better understood as part of a decades-long crusade to shift people and funding towards private schools.

The policy known as “school choice” is the idea of providing public money to parents to send their children to private schools. While the concept originated in early America, due to the lack of a widespread public school system, the modern school choice movement has its roots in the mid-twentieth century pushback against racial desegregation.

In 1954, the Supreme Court ordered the desegregation of public schools in Brown v. Board of Education. The aftermath across the country, but particularly in the South, was marked by white rage and defiance. We’re all familiar with the picture of 15-year-old African American girl Elizabeth Eckford being screamed at on her way to school in Little Rock, Arkansas, which is emblematic of the hostility to Brown. Lawmakers organized a legal opposition to desegregation, known as the Southern Manifesto, with some officials going as far as to shut down public schools altogether rather than integrate.

In a 1958 letter to Virginia school superintendents, Governor J Lindsay Almond Jr wrote: “I am solemnly and irrevocably committed to do everything within my power to defend and preserve public education for all of the children of the Commonwealth. Irrefutable evidence abundantly abounds that the mixing of the races in our public schools will isolate them from the support of our people, produce strife, bitterness, chaos and confusion to the utter destruction of any rational concept of a worthwhile public school system.”

Crucially, as part of this crusade to preserve segregation, lawmakers offered white parents tuition to send their children to private schools, largely unaffordable to Black families and free to racially discriminate against applicants. Virginia spearheaded the movement, but other states quickly followed, from Florida to Texas.

Not one to miss an opportunity to remake America on libertarian ideals, economist Milton Friedman began promoting “educational freedom” in 1955 as a codeword for privatizing education, fully aware that vouchers were being used to avoid school integration. Over the years, the right latched onto this neutral language to mask their intentions—whether that be white supremacy or the destruction of taxpayer-funded public schools.

Duke University Professor Nancy MacLean: Perhaps most tellingly, though, the ultimate purpose was not really to benefit parents and children, even the white ones who patronized the new segregation academies. For Friedman and the libertarians, school choice was and is a strategy to ultimately offload the burden of paying for education onto parents, thus harming the educational prospects of most youth. As we will see, Friedman himself hoped it would discourage low-income parents from having children in a form of economic social engineering reminiscent of eugenics. He predicted that once they had to pay the entire cost of schooling from their own earnings, they would make different reproductive decisions.

Today, we see the weaponization of language like “choice,” "rights," and "freedom" influencing how people think about public schools, inciting parents to demand control over the curriculum, the teachers, their language, library books, and student bathrooms.

Voucher programs siphon money away from public schools, which have already experienced deep budget cuts over the past 15 years. There is an argument to be made that children in poorly-performing public school districts deserve a better education, but the answer is not to fund private schools at the expense of public education. Instead, lawmakers should increase the funding and resources available to public schools, raise teacher pay, and—critically—invest in the community to reduce poverty and create opportunity.


Arizona became the first state in the nation last week to offer all students government funded vouchers to attend private or religious schools. The Republican-controlled legislature approved the bill, HB 2853, after the state’s voters overwhelmingly [rejected](,Expansion_of_Empowerment_Scholarship_Accounts_Referendum(2018) the funding of private school choice in a 65-35% referendum.

Republican Gov. Doug Ducey signed HB 2853 into law on Thursday, calling it a “monumental moment” for Arizona students. “With this legislation, Arizona cements itself as the top state for school choice and as the first state in the nation to offer all families the option to choose the school setting that works best for them.” Previously, the state’s voucher program was limited to children with special needs, students at low-performing schools, military families, and residents of Native American reservations.

Opponents argue that the new law lacks financial and academic oversight, something state Democrats attempted to address in an amendment that Republicans shot down. “I’d like to know how many families that earn maybe a million dollars a year are getting voucher money versus how many families earning maybe 30 or 40,000 a year are getting voucher money,” state Sen. Christine Marsh (D) said. Superintendent of Public Instruction Kathy Hoffman likewise said the program “create[s] a vastly unequal system…with strict accountability for public schools and zero accountability for private vouchers.”

"The Republican universal voucher system is designed to kill public education," tweeted former Arizona House Rep. Diego Rodriguez. "OUR nation's greatness is built on free Public schools. The GOP goal is to recreate segregation, expand the opportunity gap, and destroy the foundation of our democracy."

West Virginia

A West Virginia judge struck down a law last week that would have funneled state money into a program that incentivized families to pull their children out of public schools.

Republican Gov. Jim Justice signed House Bill 2013 into law last year, allowing students leaving the public school system to use $4,600 for costs associated with private school or homeschooling. According to state estimates, the program was expected to cost over $23 million by the start of the 2022-2023 school year and could ramp up to at least $102 million by 2027 with the inclusion of students who already attend private schools.

Three parents, backed by the West Virginia Board of Education and Superintendent of Schools, brought a lawsuit against the state in January. “Parents are free to choose whatever type of education they want for their children,” the plaintiffs argue. “But the State’s founders made explicit in the Constitution that the State must—and may only—fund and support a system of public schools. Anything that exceeds or frustrates this mandate is unconstitutional.”

The Voucher Law also affirmatively incentivizes families of students currently enrolled in the public school system to leave that system, wreaking havoc on public school resourcing. Because state funding for public education is based in large part on student enrollment, the Voucher Law will result in a significant reduction in public school funding. This reduction in funding will occur without a reduction in fixed costs—libraries, administration, maintenance, and numerous other expenses that do not decrease with each individual student who takes a voucher. Moreover, because private schools generally cost more than the voucher amount, they will be used by more affluent families. And, because private schools are frequently unwilling and/or unable to serve students with disabilities, these students largely will not use the vouchers. As a result, the public schools will have fewer funds to educate a higher proportion of students with the most significant needs—including students from low-income families and students with disabilities—who are among the most expensive to educate.

Kanawha County Circuit Court Judge Joanna Tabit agreed, issuing an injunction that prevents the voucher program from taking effect. House Bill 2013 violates the provision “that our state legislature has a duty to provide a thorough and efficient system of free schools for the children of West Virginia, and the legislature can take no action to frustrate that obligation," Tabit said.

The victory for voucher opponents may only be temporary, however. West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey plans to appeal Tabit’s ruling to the state Supreme Court.

Ban Private Schools

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Ban Private Schools

Force rich people’s kids to go to public school and maybe just maybe we will have more interest and investment in our public schools!

A school district dominated by orthodox jews, who send their children to private school, elect themselves to the public school board. They gut funding of public schools, close one school and sell it to themselves to open a private school, and even use public funds for their private religious schools

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