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[–]bomberboy7 4849 points4850 points  (207 children)

I think one of my Facebook friends captured this moment from outside of the subway car


[–]realwinter 465 points466 points  (37 children)

Is it just me or Sandra Bullock looks like a wax sculpture in this photo?

[–]DrLovesFurious 1433 points1434 points  (115 children)

deleted What is this?

[–]colors1234 1375 points1376 points  (42 children)

[–][deleted] 397 points398 points  (26 children)

"did you find anything?"


[–]Newell00 163 points164 points  (15 children)

I always appreciated the understated gag in that scene of him using a megaphone to talk to the Col. standing right next to him, then yelling to the guys hundreds of feet away.

Col. Sanders: Sir?

Helmet: WHAT?

Col: Are we being too literal?

Helmet: No you fool, we were told to comb the desert so we're combing it....


[–]Areltoid 1510 points1511 points  (59 children)

Doesn't look like anything to me

[–]FriendlyDespot 862 points863 points  (43 children)

That's enough now, Bernard.

[–]greyshark 351 points352 points  (39 children)

Analysis. What prompted that response?

[–]Crash324 238 points239 points  (19 children)

Freeze all motor function.

[–]iCyber 69 points70 points  (14 children)

"His parameters indicated that the current scenario required more dankiness. A reference to a popular TV show with mysterious yet controversial plot, that may lead to many involuntary spoilers, appeared as a rather subtle way of introducing said dankiness, by quoting a spicy, yet spoiler-inducing meme."

[–]ezone2kil 19 points20 points  (11 children)

Oh God I'm at episode 5 right now..

Runs away from spoilers

[–]clwestbr 1840 points1841 points  (91 children)

Yup, that sure is a group of recognizable people right there.

[–]BearBruin 663 points664 points  (74 children)

Silly, that bunch would never get away with a heist with those faces.

[–]Optionthename 35 points36 points  (0 children)

I wonder if Sandra Bullocks character is going to use the fact that she looks a lot like Sandra Bullock to help pull off their caper.

[–]LookAtTheFlowers 12 points13 points  (2 children)

Except for Aquafina. Never heard of her.

[–]PM_ME_YIFFY_STUFF 990 points991 points  (11 children)

TIL Aquafina isn't just a made up character from Bojack Horseman.

[–]KittenAlfredo 1595 points1596 points  (72 children)

Can't help but think of this John Mulaney bit. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eb_4sm8JgSg

[–]guccidane13 543 points544 points  (12 children)

My first thought when seeing this on the front page was didn't John Mulaney already explain why this could never work?

[–]sandiskplayer34 257 points258 points  (5 children)

If I get a plate of crack, you'll have some, right?

[–][deleted] 124 points125 points  (3 children)

I know YOU'LL have some fries!

[–]Ahardknockwurstlife 38 points39 points  (2 children)

No, I was just lying. For drugs. Ya know, like a crime?

[–]Darth_Draper 344 points345 points  (7 children)

"I just love how you'll wear anything."

[–]givemeyomilk 119 points120 points  (3 children)

Totally forgot about this bit. One of my favorite comedians.

[–]LordMitchimus 34 points35 points  (1 child)

He also made jokes about Trump a while ago implying that he'd become president.

"I feel like Donald Trump just asks 'Hmmmmm. What would a cartoon rich person do...'"

[–]Chybre001 7980 points7981 points  (867 children)

TIL there is a celebrity called Awkwafina, lowering even further the standard for rapper names.

[–][deleted] 3711 points3712 points  (49 children)

I thought she was just a Bojack character

[–]Viney 2110 points2111 points  (42 children)

Sextina Aquafina is in this?

[–]Bigsam411 1167 points1168 points  (37 children)

Brap Brap Pew Pew

[–]TriscuitCracker 821 points822 points  (36 children)

[–]TJ_McWeaksauce 387 points388 points  (11 children)

I've only seen that episode once. I somehow missed the fact that the spaceships attacking the planet-sized fetus were hangers.

[–]bitterbear_ 436 points437 points  (10 children)

You could watch an episode of Bojack 5 times over and still miss things in the background. A lot of love and depression went into it

[–]Kai_Daigoji 189 points190 points  (6 children)

My favorite background gags are the consistently misprinted banners and T-Shirts Mr. Peanutbutter gets:

Congratulations Diane and Mr Peanut butter peanut butter is one word

Happy Birthday Diane and use a pretty font


[–]No_Creativity 158 points159 points  (5 children)

My favorite one is:

I had a ball at Diane's 35th Birthday and underline ball I don't know why this is so hard

[–]Mentalpatient87 72 points73 points  (0 children)

"Lowe's, but like a animal version"

[–]Jajaloo 118 points119 points  (0 children)


[–]CoffeeAndCigars 27 points28 points  (6 children)

... welp, guess I have a new binge ahead of me.

[–]joos1986 14 points15 points  (0 children)

There are worse shows you could do that on.

And this is one of the better ones out there.

[–]FaithfulSkeptic 44 points45 points  (0 children)

Came here to say this. I read the caption and clicked the link hoping to see a dolphin in that train car.

[–]blow_a_stink_muffin 15 points16 points  (0 children)

What is this, a crossover episode?

[–]lordblonde 349 points350 points  (19 children)

I read it as Akinfenwa and now I'm bitterly disappointed that The Beast isn't making a cameo.

[–]wfaulk 1091 points1092 points  (72 children)

From Wikipedia:

[Awkwafina] has listed Charles Bukowski, Anaïs Nin, Joan Didion, Tom Waits, and Chet Baker as among her inspirations.


Singles: "My Vag", "NYC Bitche$", "Queef"

[–]NeonPatrick 272 points273 points  (4 children)

Very Spinal Tap

"What's the name of this piece?", "Lick My Love Pump."

[–]whogivesashirtdotca 760 points761 points  (33 children)

I was rolling my eyes at this, then I watched her videos. She's hilarious. A bookish Asian girl rapping about ridiculous things. These inspirations make a lot more sense once you've checked out her work.

[–]Rahbek23 239 points240 points  (5 children)

It's very clear that it's not to be taken too seriously. Positively surprised actually, though it's not my kind of music.

[–]3BetLight 40 points41 points  (0 children)

Not taken too seriously? She's making straight up parody music

[–]Chybre001 100 points101 points  (2 children)

Haha that's hilarious, thanks.

[–]Snoyarc 25 points26 points  (3 children)

I feel like Queef is going to be a hit.

[–]PastaPinata 369 points370 points  (25 children)


So this is the inspiration for Sextina Aquafina...


[–]Cockrocker 127 points128 points  (2 children)

Got an aliens inside me gonna kill it like Sigourney...

[–]andres9231 105 points106 points  (17 children)

TIL what I thought was a clever fake dumb popstar name is actually a parody of a real dumb popstar name.

[–]MattDobson 263 points264 points  (42 children)

TIL also. I googled to make sure. I thought OP was making a joke, but there ya go. Awkwafina.

[–]July-Johnson 371 points372 points  (22 children)

That's right up there with Alpa Chino.

[–]OneTime_AtBandCamp 45 points46 points  (3 children)


I wonder if she has to pay Pepsi to avoid being sued for trademark infringement.

[–]Iwillnotreplytoyou 132 points133 points  (6 children)


I really wasn't expecting an asian girl.

[–]moonlitboulevard 65 points66 points  (0 children)

I thought that was the name of the hip hop dolphin from Bojack Horseman, but it's Sextina Aquafina. Close enough.

[–]KantusThiss 225 points226 points  (55 children)

I've also never heard of this actor Rihanna

[–]barandor 501 points502 points  (48 children)

What, you've never witnessed the awesomeness that is Battleship? A movie so great, they didn't even need actors. Models, singers, retired colonels and James Franco's brother, everybody gets a spot in this masterpiece.

[–]TheStorMan 332 points333 points  (16 children)

Liam Neeson was in it, but forgot he was when asked about it on a chat show.

[–]barandor 174 points175 points  (4 children)

I wouldn't be surprised if they shot all of his scenes in a weekend. Dude is barely in the movie.

[–]zach2992 28 points29 points  (9 children)

I need to see this.

[–]ours 28 points29 points  (4 children)

It's not good but it's "how isn't this worse?"-good based on the concept.

[–]ocxtitan 22 points23 points  (1 child)

I think they meant the chat show interview

[–]rmphys 86 points87 points  (7 children)

TBH, I prefer Dave Franco to James, although definitely not because of Battleship.

[–]FormerShitPoster 35 points36 points  (2 children)

Why don't you go piss your pants again

[–]YourBabyDaddy 30 points31 points  (1 child)

That was like eight years ago, asshole!

[–][deleted] 18 points19 points  (3 children)

James Franco's brother? You know he has a first name, right? His first name is Slow. Slow Franco.

[–]ropeadoped 665 points666 points  (260 children)

She's a legitimately terrible actress too.

[–]full-of-grace 106 points107 points  (12 children)

I think she's a comedian so the name is supposed to be funny...?

[–]Auteyus 303 points304 points  (70 children)

It's part of her comedy. She's really funny.

[–]whatudontlikefalafel 396 points397 points  (48 children)

Like Lil Dicky or 2 Chainz or Weird Al, these names are meant to be silly. They're comedians first. Oh the standards of the hip hop culture I don't pay attention to are so low

[–][deleted] 305 points306 points  (12 children)

2 Chainz is not a comedian he just has funny lyrics.

[–]Black_Goku_is_GOD 55 points56 points  (4 children)

Hay, it was either 2 Chainz or Tity Boi and 2 Chainz is the life he chose. Personally I would've combined them and became 2 Titties, but that's just me...

[–]MortalJazz 22 points23 points  (1 child)

He calls himself Titty Two Necklace sometimes.

[–]NDdownVOTED 11 points12 points  (3 children)

She got a big booty so I call her big booty

[–]flamecircle 125 points126 points  (9 children)

There's a shocking amount of people who aren't taking a second to think "maybe it's for humor"

[–]avi6274 102 points103 points  (57 children)

Have you never seen this masterpiece?

Edit: Its actually a parody of this.

[–]LilyMe 22 points23 points  (0 children)

The only song I know from her is Green Tea with Margaret Cho

[–]kommunis 47 points48 points  (1 child)

She's gona Britta it.

[–]yallsuckbollocks 455 points456 points  (60 children)

Why is Rihanna still getting movie roles?

[–][deleted] 165 points166 points  (3 children)

Cause she gotta work work work work work

[–]doctor_rockstar 45 points46 points  (1 child)

worh worh worh worh worh

dur dur dur dur dur dur

[–]AnotherUselessPoster 17 points18 points  (0 children)

Those are actually the official lyrics.

[–]Swinship 206 points207 points  (10 children)

Shes a Name people recognize on a poster.

[–][deleted] 54 points55 points  (4 children)

Watch her mess up the last season of Bates Motel as well. How anyone would cast her after that amazing performance in Battleship is beyond me.

[–]thoroughavvay 61 points62 points  (3 children)

To be fair, I couldn't even take Liam Neeson seriously in that awful movie.

[–]nahteviro 10 points11 points  (0 children)

My 7 year old son loves that movie and watches it on repeat... So as long as the demographic can't recognize shit acting, it'll do well.

[–]Olive_Jane 14 points15 points  (6 children)

And where's Julia Roberts? I thought she wanted to be in this film

[–]xG4M3RD4Dx 215 points216 points  (7 children)

Cate Blanchett's character is obviously going to betray them all!

[–]DickMurdoc 118 points119 points  (2 children)

Nuh uh, she passed the test. She will diminish into the west.

[–]karljt 94 points95 points  (5 children)

Also coming later this year - The Godmother.

[–][deleted] 16 points17 points  (0 children)

They look like they are about to drop a mix tape as Spice Girls 2.0

[–]fevildox 218 points219 points  (36 children)

That lady in green (Anne Hathaway?) is looking a lot like Nargis Fakhri

[–]tsharkx 257 points258 points  (46 children)

Why is Rihanna there lol

[–]CulDeSax 42 points43 points  (1 child)

Someone's name is Awkwafina...?

[–]uscmissinglink 103 points104 points  (10 children)

Sandra Bullock looks like a Real Doll.

[–][deleted] 11 points12 points  (0 children)

She's getting in character for the Lars and the Real Girl sequel "Lars and the Real Girl: Cruise Control."

[–]Pompous_Pilot 150 points151 points  (13 children)

Someone is trying to prove John Mulaney wrong after hearing his standup special.

[–]carbonyl_attack 415 points416 points  (117 children)

I think they managed to hit almost every demographic here.

[–]nonvalidSOT 10 points11 points  (3 children)

The films you have all been waiting for.

Malcolm X, starring Paul Bettany.

Cinderella, starring The Rock.

Little Women featuring The Wu Tang Clan.

Shaft starring Gilbert Gottfried.

Napoleon and Josephine, starring Jet Li and Idris Ella.

Why the fuck not?

[–]BIG_DADDY_CLETUS 43 points44 points  (1 child)


Are you shitting me

[–]feverpurple 795 points796 points  (69 children)

Oh sweet - a remake that an algorithm has probably predicted down to the nearest cent what this movie will take at the box office. What a brave, daring, and original concept for a film. Cool cast. I hope there is one that is always eating.

Edit: you're all very correct. It isn't a 'remake', by definition. I didn't really mean it like that. I meant it more as a rehashed concept that takes absolutely no risks. My complaint was about Hollywood in general... not about women ruining things. I was actually being serious when I said 'cool cast'. Shame on you all for bringing women into this.

[–]LevynX 194 points195 points  (3 children)

As long as she's as hot as Brad Pitt I'm cool with it

[–]LacklusterMeh 162 points163 points  (16 children)

It's gonna be Mindy Kaling. I guarantee it.

[–]brody2daMAX 8 points9 points  (0 children)

a remake of a series where they swap the male cast for all female? What could go wrong?

[–]vidiyan2857 268 points269 points  (37 children)

Oh fuck. this cast tho. Glad Sarah Paulson is getting some bigger stuff