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You can no longer log out of X/twitter

A community dedicated to all things web development: both front-end and back-end. For more design-related questions, try /r/web_design.

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You can no longer log out of X/twitter

I hadn't used I went to I got redirected to I had to accept cookie banners, my display/design preferences were reset. But I was logged in. How?

So I looked through it and discovered: if you visit while not logged in, your browser does a request to and gets your session info. It uses that to sign you in without any user interaction.

Here's the side effect. Visit Log out. You get logged out and instantly logged back in via the above procedure, because your session is alive on But you can't end the session on as it reedirects you instantly to

I think we have some lessons to learn from this...

Behold! A 100-line fully self-contained script for the dancing tesseract!

The official subreddit for the Godot Engine. Meet your fellow game developers as well as engine contributors, stay up to date on Godot news, and share your projects and resources with each other. Maintained by the Godot Foundation, the non-profit taking good care of the Godot project - consider donating to to keep us going!

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Behold! A 100-line fully self-contained script for the dancing tesseract!

My friend is sad and kind of depressed, as everybody laughs behind his back.

A wholesome community made by & for software & tech folks in India. Have a doubt? Ask it out.

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My friend is sad and kind of depressed, as everybody laughs behind his back.

Friend is full stack dev.

He shared the story that in January he told his manager and director that he will leave the company because after 1 YOE he is only getting 4 LPA even , he was selected at 3LPA last year. so manager also told him that go search for offers and leave.

Now 5 months is passed but he is still searching , he gave 3-4 interviews but no luck. Manager keeps taunting him that when is your next interview and talks to other colleagues that how much arrogant my friend was in January.

Also company put salt on the friends wound by hiring a new employee (fresher) at the same package that is 4LPA.

How can he confront the manager that he knows the salary of the fresher and want more raise?

My procedural pixel flame now reacts to terrain! Thoughts? (Kindled)

The official subreddit for the Godot Engine. Meet your fellow game developers as well as engine contributors, stay up to date on Godot news, and share your projects and resources with each other. Maintained by the Godot Foundation, the non-profit taking good care of the Godot project - consider donating to to keep us going!

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My procedural pixel flame now reacts to terrain! Thoughts? (Kindled)

No king rules forever

This sub is dedicated to discussion and questions about Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs): "an industrial digital computer that has been ruggedized and adapted for the control of manufacturing processes, such as assembly lines, robotic devices, or any activity that requires high reliability, ease of programming, and process fault diagnosis."

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No king rules forever
r/PLC - No king rules forever

The managers' expectations on AI is really annoying

A wholesome community made by & for software & tech folks in India. Have a doubt? Ask it out.

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The managers' expectations on AI is really annoying

I had a meeting reg GitHub Copilot and Gen AI with a few managers, senior managers and Test engineers across my organization. Some of the questions/demands that the managers had were ridiculous.

One guy wants test cases to be automatically created from JIRA. One wants no coding at all, he would give the api curl and all possible test cases should be created and automated on its own. Alternatively, just the api payload and entire test cases should be created.

One person says they don't want to maintain any test cases or code, and AI should be able to write, execute, and fix any failures on its own. Another person wants AI to decide on its own, which regression suite to run for which change, basically AI to cover all business scenarios in its own.

Another guy wants AI to study a new application and automate all possible flows on its own.

They are hellbent on reducing jobs. I wish AI soon starts doing management works efficiently. I'm sure the day it happens, all these people will shit bricks and start crying that AI is destroying people's lives.

Why I've spent six months making a pixel art editor from scratch

The subreddit covers various game development aspects, including programming, design, writing, art, game jams, postmortems, and marketing. It serves as a hub for game creators to discuss and share their insights, experiences, and expertise in the industry.

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Why I've spent six months making a pixel art editor from scratch

Hello everyone! My name is Jordan and I am the developer of Stipple Effect, which is a pixel art editor with animation capabilities that I have been developing on my own for the past six months! I am in the home stretch now. I have just released the penultimate major update before the editor's full release, which basically marks the software as feature-complete, so I figured now is the best time to share what I've been working on!


You might be asking yourself why I would go through all this effort when there is plenty of state-of-the-art software available at various price points depending on one's budget.

I develop games as a solo indie dev in my spare time. It is something that I would like to keep doing and potentially take more seriously in the future. I have a couple of game ideas that I've been toying with for several years - since high school, in fact - that are both hugely ambitious. As I began to contemplate if, when and how I could commit to these projects, my focus shifted to the tech stack and workflow I would need in order to develop these games on my own in as short a time span as possible without cutting corners on my creative process and the game's technical implementation details. A key part of that tech stack was a lightweight, flexible, powerful art program that could do a lot more than what I was using at the time.

One of those game ideas is a procedurally generated RPG codenamed Citizen. Every facet of worldbuilding in Citizen is procedurally generated rather than hardcoded. This extends far beyond the geography of game worlds to the cultures that inhabit the world, their attire, their languages, and even their weapons, values and philosophies.

Thus, most art assets in the game will be lookup textures that will be modified according to the various generation algorithms at runtime. Iterating on the creation of such assets in traditional art software would be very slow and painstaking, as one would have to build the game or at least run a simulation of the system that incorporated the relevant lookup texture to see the in-game render.

The problem is captured very well by this video.

That is where Stipple Effect comes in.

Scripting in Stipple Effect

There are three types of scripts in Stipple Effect:

  • Automation scripts

  • Preview scripts

  • Color scripts

Automation scripts take no parameters and return nothing. They merely execute a series of instructions, usually operating on the project(s) that are active in the program. The scripting API is very feature-rich; almost anything that can be accomplished in the editor can be automated via scripting.

See a preview script in action

Preview scripts, like the above example, can be applied to the preview window to modify the preview of the active project. In the above example, the project contents are being mapped onto an animation of the character swiveling in place so that he can be viewed from all angles.

Color scripts allow for the transformation of the colors of a user-defined scope of pixels in the project. For example, they can be used to turn the entire project greyscale, or to isolate the R (red) color channel of the current selection.

Overview of Features


Until its full release, Stipple Effect can be downloaded for free! If this post captured your attention or curiosity, it would mean the world to me if you gave the program a try and provided me with feedback. The program can be downloaded on here and is available for Windows, macOS, and Linux distributions. The best user experience is to run the program on a 1920x1080 pixel monitor on Windows, installing it via the Windows installer. Conversely, installing the cross-platform build will require a separate installation of the Java 17 Runtime Environment (JRE 17).

Additionally, the program is open-source. You can read the source code and follow the development on GitHub here.

Thank you and enjoy!

Analysis of ChatGPT answers to 517 programming questions finds 52% of ChatGPT answers contain incorrect information. Users were unaware there was an error in 39% of cases of incorrect answers. (x-post r/science)

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