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Please Read: Interested in or have a question about GPU mining? Please use a different subreddit like r/gpumining

With the rise in Bitcoins price over the past few months and interest in Bitcoin mining skyrocketing, our subreddit has been getting an influx of GPU related questions and posts lately. While there are many members of our sub who are knowledgeable enough and willing to help, as many have experience mining with both GPUs and ASICs, we would like to keep the content of our sub a bit more focused on mining bitcoin and ASIC hardware.

If you have questions or are seeking recommendations of what GPUs to buy, or rigs to build, software to use, or need help troubleshooting any problems you may be having, we ask that you please post in other more relevant subreddits.

You can start over at r/gpumining or try a more coin specific sub like r/EtherMining. They can probably better answer your questions and give you more relevant advice.

Please let's keep topics, discussions, and questions, focused strictly around Bitcoin mining and ASIC hardware. Going forward, will start removing posts related to GPU mining. Thanks.

Can you mine Bitcoin with a GPU?

Realistically the answer is NO. It is no longer realistically feasible to mine Bitcoin with a GPU. Nowadays, in order to mine Bitcoin and make any revenue that is worth your time, you will need specialized hardware, called ASICs. GPUs just don't have the hash rate to compete with ASICs.

Technically, yes you could still attempt to mine Bitcoin with your GPU if you really wanted to, but it's just not worth it. After months of mining you would earn pennies. That's if you could even find a mining pool that would accept your low hash rate.

You can use Nicehash to mine Alts with your GPU and get paid out in Bitcoin.

If you still want to earn bitcoin for mining with your GPU, there are pools / services like Nicehash, which will use your GPU hash power to mine alt coins and pay you in Bitcoin.

Comments being removed by automod? Please read here. We require at least 1 comment karma to post in this subreddit.

Getting lots of messages asking why comments or posts are being immediately removed by auto moderator, with an attached message saying "you need at least 1 comment karma to post in our sub".

Here is what that means and why we are restricting the ability to post and requiring at least 1 comment karma.

What is comment karma?

Simply put, you get comment karma by having the comments you post on Reddit upvoted.

Comment karma is different from post karma. You get post karma from having a discussion you created on Reddit upvoted. You can see how much of each you have by looking at your reddit profile.

Why do we require at least 1 comment karma to post in the r/BitcoinMining subreddit?

Unfortunately over the past few months our community has been targeted by bots, creating hundreds of brand new Reddit user accounts daily, and using these accounts to flood our subreddit with various crypto related spam. Mostly these bots are posting spam comments on discussions in an attempt to promote various ICO's and NFT's. It's gotten to the point where banning these accounts is no longer effective, as new ones are created daily to circumvent these bans.

We're still looking into different ways to prevent and combat this bot spam, but in the mean time, to stop it for now, we set a comment karma requirement in order to be able to create a discussion or post a comment on a discussion. Since newly created accounts start with 0 comment karma, setting a limit of 1 allows us filter out and remove this spam. Essentially, having comment karma is a way we can determine there is a human behind an account.

Unfortunately, this approach is not perfect. There is an unintended impact to people who are brand new to Reddit, or those users who don't have any prior activity across other Reddit communities, and who wish to post and comment on discussions in our community.

So what does this mean?

This means you will need a comment of yours, any comment, in any community on Reddit, upvoted at least once, to give you the required 1 comment karma.

How can you get the required 1 comment karma in order to post in our community?

You might be asking, "how can I get someone to upvote a comment of mine, when I'm prevented from posting a comment in the first place?" You're only prevented from posting a comment or discussion, if you have 0 or less comment karma, in r/BitcoinMining. Our auto mod rules don't prevent you from posting in other subreddits on Reddit. You can get comment karma by commenting on a discussion in another community and having that upvoted.

There are also a few subreddits on Reddit dedicated specifically to getting karma. One is r/FreeKarma4U but you can search Google for others as well. If you are not very active on Reddit in other communities, you can go there, find a random discussion, and post a comment asking for an upvote.

Ideally you should aim to get at least a few upvotes in order to give you a buffer, so if a comment of yours is downvoted in the future, you stay above the required 1 comment karma threshold.