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/r/neoliberal elects 2: Adams v Jefferson in 1796

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/r/neoliberal elects 2: Adams v Jefferson in 1796

Five years ago a user started an election poll series on this subreddit. Consider this a probe into if there is interest to do it anew. Pure popular vote, ideally without hindsight/knowing the future too much. Please argue and convince people you are right in the comments.

State of Play

These United States are a relatively young nation freshly finding its footing after war. George Washington has served as the only President since its founding under the Constitution, but he is stepping down. Washington's administration has succeeded in building strong national credit by taking over state debts, bundling them with national debt, and selling it off to private debtors who in turn now have a stake in the nation's success and solvency. Just last year a private citizen took over the U.S.'s war debt to France, and the country now owes no money to any foreign government. This comes as the Washington Administration averts war (temporarily?) with Great Britain and the Jay Treaty takes effect, smoothing over much of the residual conflict but inflaming tension with France, and many Americans. We have now emerged as an important neutral country with a large shipping trade and a decent financial situation just as Europe goes to war with itself in the face of Revolutionary France.

This success has come at a cost to the fragility of the nation internally. For one, paying for it has involved flexing the new Constitution's muscles with a tax on whiskey rather than just tariffs. These are signs of an expansive federal role and a tighter union than is desired by many. And, while the issue of slavery has been put on ice for another decade, Americans are deeply divided on the balance of power between regional interests, this is complicated further by a strong desire of many to push westward, introducing new territories that upset that balance. These kind of issues, in combination with foreign policy related to Europe, have fractured the political actors. Without Washington, secret caucuses have organized in the background to elect their own candidates, and political blocs have formed of the Federalists and Democratic-Republicans.

There are very few roads outside of cities. Most Americans are rural farmers. This is Tennessee's first election.

The Major Candidates

John Adams is a 61 year old lawyer and diplomat from Massachusetts, a leading figure of the Federalist Party and a major player in the statecraft pre-independence. Internally to the Federalists, he is seen as Washington's heir apparent. Adams is a strong supporter of a robust federal government that can effectively manage national affairs. He believes in a balanced approach to governance, emphasizing the need for a central authority to maintain order and stability. The Federalists, including Adams, are wary of the radicalism of the French Revolution and the instability it might bring to America. For example, two years prior the French minister was recalled for violating American neutrality in attempts to help the revolution, and many French citizens, refugees from the ongoing French and Haitian turmoil, have settled in American cities and remained politically active, setting up newspapers and agitating for their political causes. The Federalists believe that maintaining strong commercial ties with Britain, which is America's primary trading partner and a stable economic power, is crucial for the nation's economic prosperity and security. They advocate for a balanced approach to foreign policy that protects American interests and maintains peace, but their policies often reflect a preference for British stability over French revolutionary (democratic) fervor. Adams also supports the ongoing economic efforts of the Washington administration he was a part of: the use of tariffs and excise taxes to raise revenue as well as indirect taxes, further proliferation of the new national bank, a diversification of the economy towards manufacturing and industry (a distinctly Northern interest), etc. Internally to the Federalists, Adams is seen as not staunchly committed to the Hamiltonian vision of the economy. Externally, he is seen as too closely tied to it.

Thomas Jefferson is a 53 year old statesman and diplomat from Virginia, a leading figure of the Democratic-Republicans and a major player in the statecraft pre-independence. He has started reminding people he wrote the Declaration of Independence as party politics have risen. Jefferson is a proponent of agrarianism, envisioning America as a nation of independent farmers, and believes in a limited government that leaves authority to the states. He also hates this increased usage of taxation, favoring generating revenue with just the traditional tariffs (which would match his smaller role for the federal government). Jefferson is an ardent supporter of the French Revolution, indeed the Washington administration's most pro-Revolution member during his time as Secretary of State, seeing it as an extension of the same principles of liberty and republicanism that underpinned the American Revolution. The Democratic-Republicans, including Jefferson, are committed to neutrality and in avoiding direct war in Europe as a general matter, seeing economic disaster and the possibility of invasion, but they are not willing to roll over entirely. The Jay Treaty was a disaster that violated the existing treaty with France (made with pre-Revolution France) and is what defined the Democratic-Republican party's formation: Adams is cozying up too closely with the British—monarchists, the center of aristocracy and the chief threat to republican values. Jefferson and his supporters had a counter-proposal to establish "a direct system of commercial hostility with Great Britain," which lost out from Adam's vote in the Senate and Washington's decisions as President. Externally, Jefferson is seen as too closely tied to France, hurt further by the French ambassador publicly supporting him.

VOTE (Open until Friday at Midnight in Philadelphia)

Illustration from 1796 edition of “Les Liaisons Dangereuses,” by Choderlos de Laclos (OC)

In historic art pieces depicting multiple humans, there is a law that at least one of those humans will look like they have no clue how or why they got there. It's like Where's Waldo, except instead of looking for Waldo you're looking for the dude that looks like he just dropped acid.

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Illustration from 1796 edition of “Les Liaisons Dangereuses,” by Choderlos de Laclos (OC)
r/trippinthroughtime - Illustration from 1796 edition of “Les Liaisons Dangereuses,” by Choderlos de Laclos (OC)

Liberty 1796

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Liberty 1796
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  • r/coincollecting - Liberty 1796

1796 Presidential Election | Washington's Demise

A place free for all presidential polling. No polls get special privileges. Posts other than polls are also allowed, so don’t worry about that. Any offenses committed on the Discord server can get you banned on the subreddit and vice versa. Discord:

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1796 Presidential Election | Washington's Demise

The Presidential Election of 1796 will now mark the 3rd US presidential election since Federalizing in 1788 and will also be the first wartime election in American history. President Nathanael Greene is seeking a 3rd term in office, however Thomas Jefferson and his revolutionary supporters intend to prevent his re-election and declare the "eternal revolution"

Federalist Nomination

“As General Greene led us in the first war, we must now let him lead us in the second!”

-Secretary of State John Jay

Nathanael Greene, first President serving since 1789

The sitting President and Vice President were endorsed by the Federalist party with no opposition. Ever since Greene became President he has become closer and closer aligned with the Federalists, even openly endorsing the electoral bids of Federalists across the country. His right hand man in Alexander Hamilton, the founder and leader of the party, has been at the President's side crafting the new nation with the help of the rest of Greene’s cabinet(all federalists). Greene, to the Federalists, has proven to be a capable leader in his long service and they do not intend to waver their support. The party has positioned Greene’s 3rd campaign as the “Spirit of 76” portraying it as the only logical solution to the war as some did believe Greene should step aside and give his blessing to Hamilton or Pinckney. Greene has enjoyed immense popularity among the American people and believes there is no good reason to call it quits here. Vice President Pinckney has become a close ally to Greene and has been welcomed once again as his running mate.

The Democratic-Republican split

Thomas Jefferson may have become the greatest political enemy of the government. He has openly despised and defied the sitting President. He firmly believes Greene has betrayed the Revolution and is working to become a tyrant. Jefferson announced his bid for President not long after the war with Britain began running on these ideas and sought the endorsement and support of his party, however he was met with opposition from a collection of moderate republicans and liberals. Senator Aaron Burr openly called Jefferson a danger to the United States. Jefferson and Burr engaged in a hotly contested fight for control of the Republican Party which may have planted the seeds for a total party collapse. In October of 1796 Publisher James T. Challender would publish an article revealing that Thomas Jefferson has been in an inappropriate relationship with one of his slaves named Sally Hemings. In the article Challender states that Hemings, nearly 30 years younger than Jefferson, has been abused and taken advantage of for decades and claims that Jefferson has even fathered children with the slave. This realization turned much in the party against Jefferson and they threw their support behind Burr, denying Jefferson the nomination and endorsement of the party.

portrait of Sally Hemmings

The Victory of the Burrites infuriated Jefferson who stormed out of the building ranting and raving about how Burr and his supporters were traitors to the revolution. The stoic Jefferson breaking down and ranting in the way he did would earn him the nickname “Long Gone Tom” as many believed he had quite literally lost his mind. This was only emphasized by his later actions. Just a day later Jefferson reaffirmed his intention to run for President and would be forming his own party that he named “Jacobin” in honor of the French Revolution. In an October publication of the National Gazette Jefferson wrote; “The Jacobins of France are the embodiment of what we began in ‘76. Monsieur Robespierre is the greatest revolutionary of his time and is fighting for liberty in Europe.” Due to the controversial image the Jacobins have, some of the former VPs backers have endorsed the term “constitution party” instead. Jefferson has taken many of the slave owning elites from the Republican party who have stakes in Jefferson’s plans.

Crest of the Jacobin Party(Will most likely change)

The remains of the Democratic-Republican party, now under Burr, hope to maintain their strength in congress, reform their party and then expand their power. With the loss of Nathaniel Macon to Jefferson’s new Jacobin party, John Parke Custis has emerged as the Democratic-Republican leader in the house and has led the ruling Dem-Reps in endorsing Nathanael Greene and Thomas Pinckney for a 3rd term in office instead of supporting Jefferson or going rogue and running their own candidate. Burr has ensured that he will prevent Jefferson from being elected at “all costs.” The remains of the Dem-Reps are Northern Abolitionists, federalist-leaning Southerners, or other plantation owners who have a stake in protectionism and more centralized financial systems. Some in the party wonder if this collection can hold together.

Closed total votes
Nathanael Greene/Thomas Pinckney(Independent/Federalist)
Nathanael Greene/Thomas Pinckney(Democratic-Republican)
Thomas Jefferson/George Clinton(Jacobin/Constitution)
Voting closed

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The developer supported, community-run subreddit dedicated to the Fortnite: Battle Royale game mode by Epic Games. Tailored for those who want to keep up to date on the pro scene, tournaments, competitive plays and figure out new tips/tricks on how to play the current meta.

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Beadbi at Kumbh Mela 1796

The internet's home for all things Sikhi!

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Beadbi at Kumbh Mela 1796

In 1796 Maharaja Sahib Singh of Patiala took action against Shiva worshipping gosain sadhus who had attacked Udasin Mahapursh at Kumb mela, plundered their wealth and pulled down Nishan Sahib. In previous years these same gosain sadhus had terrorised and massacred around 50,000 Hindu vaishnav sadhus, especially in 1760.

The head of the Udasins approached the Maharaja Patiala Sahib Singh and narrated the incident. The Maharaja sent an army of 2000 men. The Bhangi Sardars sent an army of around 10,000 men aswell. Maharaja Sahib Singhs wife, Maharani Aas Kaur was a daughter of the Bhangis.

An army of 12,000 men headed by the Patiala state arrived at Kumbh mela. A clash took place between 50,000 armed gosain sadhus and the Patiala state. Along side the gosains was the army of the dancing girl begum samru of Delhi who had left islam and embraced christianity and become a missionary.

Around 500 Sadhus were slain by the Sikh army while around 20 Sikhs were killed.

Character of Raja Sahib Singh

The insanity of the Raja increased every day; “God knows,” said Sirdar Albel Singh, who was one of his favourites, “Whether the Raja is an avatar (incarnation of a deity), or what he is; but though at times he is a fool and at others a madman, he yet sometimes possess uncommon quickness, and whatever he determines on himself he purses with uncommon obstinacy; and he often acts himself when he is supposed to be governed by others, and when, in fact, we dare not oppose him, lest he should suppose us inimical, and rob us of our heads. The admitted loss or gain of lakhs, or the ruin or prosperity of his country, are of no consideration in competition with his will or humour. The Raja would break up a council in which with apparent shrewdness he was discussing affairs of State, and retire to his palace, where, with a drawn sword, at the head of a band of children, he would load and fire small guns with the utmost satisfaction; and in no civilised country in the world would he have been permitted to retain even nominal authority.[2]

Khumb 1796

The eye witness of Khumb Massacare of 1796 writes that the Gosains were the most trouble makers and used to impose their will on others by force. We should also make a point that just few year back (1760) they were involved in the killing of thousands of Vaishnavite Bairagis.

The most troublesome guests were the Goosseyns. who being the first here in point of numbers and power, thought it warrantable to take more freedoms than others did: and it was no easy matter to be, at any time, free from their company: it was, however, politically prudent, to tolerate them; for, by being allowed to take possession of every spot round the tents, even within the ropes, they might be considered as a kind of safe-guard, against visitors of worse descriptions; in fact, they made a shew of being our protectors[3]

This time as well the other sects didn’t liked Gosains behavior and Britishers expected again a armed conflict.

Apprehending opposition, in assuming this authority, they published an edit, prohibiting all other tribes from entering the place with their swords, or arms of any other description. This was ill received at first, and for some days it was expected force must have decided the matter; however, the Byraagees, who were the next powerful sect, gave up the point, and the rest followed their example. Thus the Goosseyns paraded with their swords and shields, while every other tribe carried only bamboos through the fair.[4]

The Gosains maintained an uncontested authority, till the arrival of about 12 or 14,000 Sikh horsemen, with their families. Raja Sahib Singh 21 years old misguided youth was their leader, while Rae Singh and Sher Singh Bhangis of Buriya and Jagadhri served under him as deputies. They were accompanied by a large number of Udasi faquirs, followers of Guru Nanak’s son Sri Chand. The Sikhs encamped at Jawalapur. the Udasis came to Hardwar, selected a site for their camp on the bank of the Ganga, and without the permission of Gosain Mahant they pitched their tents and set up their flag. The Gosains felt offended for not having been consulted about the choice of the site. They pulled down the tents, removed the flags, and insultingly drove away the Udasis, plundering “the whole property of a considerable amount”.

The chief Udasis priest hurried to the Sikh camp at Jawalapur, and complained to Raja Sahib Singh. A Vakeel from Raja was sent to mahant to inform about the incident and the Mahant conveyed that the plundered material will be returned but then also the entire Sikh body was divided into numerous units, and each was assigned a certain place for attack on the pilgrims Then the slaughter began at 8 clock in the morning of 10th April all along the western banks of the river. The situation was , however , saved by Murray and Hardwicke, the English officers in the service of Nawab Asaf-ud-Daulah, who were encamped at Unjinee ghat near Bijnor.


Accounts agree that the Fakeers lost about five hundred men killed, among whom was one of their Mehants, or priests named MAUNPOOREE; and they had many wounded: of the Seeks about twenty were killed, but the number of wounded not known.[5] [6]

For more info.

A Sikh never tolerates an attack on his faith or his people.

This event was witnessed and documented by many people including Western Christian missionaries, Western newspaper journalists, and prostitute Begum Samru who converted to Christianity and became a missionary.

The Sikh army clashed in such a way that the British feared a repeat of the clash. So worried were the British that years later they made sure Maharaja Ranjit Singh didn't pass through the area when he was travelling in the region.

Sahib Singh The 3rd Maharaja of Patiala was quite an unpredictable man and often ruthless! He was a patron of the Udasin and Nirmala Samparda, which was continued by his son Karam Singh.

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