Matthew Bach | The Age

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Dr Matthew Bach is a high school principal in the United Kingdom, a historian and a former Victorian state MP.

I support the right to protest, but these Melbourne Uni students should be expelled

I support the right to protest, but these Melbourne Uni students should be expelled

What’s now occurring at the university has crossed a line and is negatively impacting many other students. An environment that legitimises antisemitism has been fostered.

  • by Matthew Bach


‘Selfish, rich geriatrics’ are holding the Liberal Party back from young voters

‘Selfish, rich geriatrics’ are holding the Liberal Party back from young voters

Embracing new housing policies isn’t just good policy for the people of Victoria, it’s good politics for the future of the Liberal Party.

  • by Matthew Bach
Menzies is dead. It’s time for the Liberals to forge a new path

Menzies is dead. It’s time for the Liberals to forge a new path

Clinging to the legacy of a government first elected 84 years ago is not a viable strategy for winning elections and governing.

  • by Matthew Bach
Positive Education is driving away teachers and sending students backwards

Positive Education is driving away teachers and sending students backwards

The promotion of neoliberalism in our classrooms is of more concern than the pushing of left-wing dogma. Let’s bin it.

  • by Matthew Bach
Book ban calls come from both left and right - neither side is correct

Book ban calls come from both left and right - neither side is correct

If you believe in freedom of expression, you believe in freedom of expression. It’s intellectually moribund to criticise those seeking to censor books you like, while calling for censorship yourself.

  • by Matthew Bach
School refusal numbers are soaring. Parents need to show tough love

School refusal numbers are soaring. Parents need to show tough love

Parents increasingly want to be their children’s friend, rather than mentor, guide and – often – corrector. In my teaching years I saw this all the time. Going to school must be non-negotiable.

  • by Matthew Bach