Rocket League Review – A Vibrant Showdown Of Cars And Chaos

Cars steals the show in this addictive fusion of soccer and racing!

Rocket League Review
  • Gameplay
  • Visuals And Performance


Rocket League offers an exciting and challenging experience with entertaining gameplay and a high skill ceiling, even after almost a decade.


  • Engaging And Unique Gameplay.
  • Great Optimization.
  • Fun Vehicle Crossovers & Great Customization Options.
  • Vibrant And Colorful Visuals.


  • Steep Learning Curve.
  • Toxic Online Community.

Rocket League was a huge deal in 2015 because it’s like soccer and racing mashed up into one game. Even though it might look easy, it’s pretty tough watching cars zoom around trying to get a soccer ball in the goal. You need intensive skills, but it’s still a blast to play. Let’s dive into this Rocket League review and see how it compares to other competitive titles in 2024.

Key Takeaways
  • Developer: Psyonix
  • Publisher: Psyonix
  • Release Date: July 7, 2015
  • Platform: PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, Windows, Switch, MacOs
  • Game Length: N/A
  • Time Played: 15+ Hours


Rocket League Review
The Gameplay. (Image by eXputer)

Rocket League is all about handling your vehicle and scoring goals while competing against other players. It might look like a game for kids because of its bright and cartoonish style. But trust me when I say that this is not the case in the slightest.

Rocket League’s mechanics are among the hardest things I have encountered in a competitive game, coming from someone who has spent thousands of hours in CSGO and Rainbow Six Siege. Don’t get me wrong; Rocket League is still super-friendly for beginners who want to have a good time with friends. 

The mechanics of the game are easy to understand. You need to queue a match, use your car to work your way through the field and score a goal. However, the game becomes significantly more challenging in competitive matches due to the high skill gap.

Highly Addictive And Skilled Learning Curve

Rocket League Review
Mid-air shooting is fun but requires mastery to learn. (Image by eXputer)

Rocket League is pretty easy to understand, but the tough part is controlling your car while you’re playing on the soccer field. It’s a whole different ball game when you’re driving in the air. You need to be a pro at air mechanics to maneuver your car properly.

Sometimes, your teammates will be down to work with you, and sometimes they won’t, but when everybody’s on the same page and working together, you’re going to crush the game and take home W after W.

Rocket League is all about reading your opponent’s moves, predicting their driving pattern, and nailing the perfect shot in mid-air to score a goal while simultaneously throwing off your enemies. Every match requires some level of strategy that can define the game’s outcome. That’s why, even after almost a decade, Rocket League still feels as fresh and exciting to play as it did when it first came out.

Ranked Mode Is King But Surprisingly Toxic

Rocket League is an exclusive multiplayer title, so I was expecting some kind of ranked tier system, which, to no surprise, exists. Since I am terrible at this game, I wasn’t expecting myself to do better than being a bronze. I already knew this progression would not show mercy to me, and the players also didn’t.

Toxicity has become a part of competitive gaming culture in recent years. I was under the impression that Rocket League would not be affected by this curse. I was wrong and quite disappointed in the players, but it is what it is.

Rocket League’s mechanics are among the hardest things I have encountered in a competitive game, coming from someone who has spent thousands of hours in CSGO and Rainbow Six Siege.

As soon as you are defeated in a match, the communication chat box can quickly become a breeding ground for toxic insults and messages like “Git Gud” or “Skill Issue,” which can be ignored if they’re coming from the frontlines. Still, there is no cure for a toxic teammate. I will keep playing this game just for its fun mechanics (and you should, too).

Communication Matters A Lot As A Solo Player

Rocket League Review
Spoiler alert: we missed the shot. Nice try, though. (Image by eXputer)

Rocket League wastes no time in throwing you into the vibrant chaos of soccer, which is nothing less than a battlefield. The soccer arena is wide open, providing infinite possibilities for scoring a goal. This ultimately demands intense teamwork. As a solo player, your microphone is the best tool in your communication arsenal.

You have to be ready to adapt and switch up your playstyle all the time, which can be super frustrating and make you wanna rage quit. But that’s where communication comes in clutch, and let me tell you, it’s a total game-changer.

It’s a whole different ball game when you’re driving in the air. You need to be a pro at air mechanics to maneuver your car properly.

Sometimes, your teammates will be down to work with you, and sometimes they won’t, but when everybody’s on the same page and working together, you’re going to crush the game and take home W after W.

If you’re uncomfortable talking to strangers, you can still communicate with your teammates through the quick chat ping system. This system can quickly alert others to important information. For instance, if your teammate has a clear shot, you can instantly ping and encourage him to go for it without opening your microphone. 

Playing solo requires a different mindset and quick changes than playing with a team. You must observe every gameplay aspect and be flexible enough to adjust your playstyle, so in layman’s terms, having a good team is a blessing.

Visual And Performance

Rocket League Review
Various vehicles are available for you, with more from the item store. (Image by eXputer)

Rocket League provides high-octane fun and is also a visual feast for the eyes. While the overall design feels cartoonish, it doesn’t skimp on the visuals. The show’s main stars are the car models, which can be purchased from the item store.

Car customization plays a large part in enhancing the Rocket League experience visually. I was surprised to see such a distinctive line-up of vehicles available for purchase, and most of them were crossovers from other famous video games and movie franchises. My personal favorite is the iconic Dodge Charger from the Fast and Furious movie franchise.

And since I am talking about cars, how can I forget explosions? Customization doesn’t end on cars, you can add visual flairs to your vehicle, like a boost trail or a goal explosion to signify your achievement most fabulously.

Optimized And Excellent Car-Wrecking Fun

Rocket League Review
Excellent optimization makes it highly accessible to everyone. (Image by eXputer)

Even with all the chaos and fast-paced action, the game feels super steady and smooth. I had my graphics cranked up to the max and didn’t notice any significant performance drops. The fps hovered around 180+ and even went higher.

Granted, my PC rocks an RX 6600 with a 6-core CPU, which is well above its recommended settings, but players with a low-end setup will have no issue running at 60+ fps. It’s a pleasant experience that requires all your focus on mastering the car movements, ensuring that Rocket League is accessible to wider audiences.

Rocket League is still super popular among players, and it’s not hard to see why. The game looks amazing and runs great, even if you don’t have a fancy computer. But let’s be real here: the best part of Rocket League is having a solid team to play with.


Rocket League Review
The Verdict. (IImage by eXputer)

Rocket League might be a rare competitive game that excels at catering to both hardcore sweats and casual players. It excels at multiplayer mode and even more at blending two different genres—a simple yet exciting concept that doesn’t get stale after a few matches.

Rocket League offers an exciting and challenging experience with entertaining gameplay and a high skill ceiling, even after almost a decade. I must admire how the game enhanced some of the best aspects of multiplayer gaming. Like any other competitive game, the matches get tough and intense, but if you are playing with your team, you know they have your back.

If you enjoyed reading my review of Rocket League, feel free to check out our other amazing reviews at eXputer:

This is box title
Get This Game
If you are a fan of multiplayer competitive games.
Dont Get This Game
If you get easily frustrated with the steep learning curve in games.
Do I Need To Get This Game
If you have friends willing to play with you regularly.
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Moiz Banoori is the brains behind eXputer. Having worked at various Video Game sites, with 8 years of Content Writing Experience and a Journalism Degree at hand, he presently monitors teams, creates strategies, and publishes qualified pieces through his aptitude at eXputer. Feel free to get in touch with him through his gaming profile on Steam and PSN.

Experience: 8+ Years || Manages Teams, Creates Strategies, and Publishes Guides on eXputer || Education: Bachelors in Journalism.

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