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[–]Cademonium 473 points474 points  (138 children)

I was going to say I'm not surprised since Nike has the kind of personality that I could see doing something to get unpartnered but the reasons cited don't seem to be good reasons to unpartner him. Unless they recently changed the rules, the stuff Nike has said is no different from what Teapot has said. Are they going to unpartner Teapot too?

[–]MithranArkanere🌟 SUGGEST-A-TRON 202 points203 points  (81 children)

When I listen to Teapot he tends to do his jokingly 'walking on eggshells' thing, clearly trying to cut down on no-no words, but he does say stuff like the stuff Nike mention in his tweets every now and then.

Makes you wish there were honest and clearly indicated the actual reasons, since appearing so arbitrary and vague is counterproductive.

If it's speaking one too many negative things about the game, or speaking against gemstore stuff, or whatever, they should say so clearly.
Otherwise the rest of the partness won't know what it was, and that'll result in them not being able to properly police themselves.

[–]JonSnuur 162 points163 points  (3 children)

Honesty and clarity have never been core parts of the partner program unfortunately.

[–]Lon-amiLoreleidre [HoS] 53 points54 points  (1 child)

Or ArenaNet (management) in general :I.

[–]zyygh 9 points10 points  (0 children)

2004-2007 would like a word.

But yeah, things turned south very badly after that.

[–]MightyTeapothardstuck.gg 135 points136 points  (21 children)

It's a little more complicated than that. To be honest I'm very rarely thinking about the partner program rules ever.

It can be fun just to hardflame and go wild but I'm a little past that these days lol (getting old...), I'm just here to game. I also don't want to use my platform to make things worse or more negative in the community, I just don't have any interest in doing that.

[–]Karunch 10 points11 points  (0 children)

Real talk though...will you be discussing this "drama" on teatime next week? I could easily see it turning into a productive or unproductive conversation...

Be well

[–]DesireForHappiness 39 points40 points  (9 children)

he tends to do his jokingly 'walking on eggshells' thing

It's when he goes goblin mode and speak gibberish. BLEH... BLARGH...

I made a short highlights video cut from Teapot's rant awhile ago and I do think that is a fine example of 'walking on eggshells':


[–]MightyTeapothardstuck.gg 98 points99 points  (4 children)

Actually no, that's just how I communicate lol. No eggshells required

[–]Arcizo 28 points29 points  (0 children)

Actually, it's very unfortunate, guys.

[–]Alypius754 88 points89 points  (2 children)

TIL we're talking about a person not the shoe company. ("Are we selling Air Commanders or Air Aurenes now??")

[–]iDontWannaBeOnRedditbring back cap sig 109 points110 points  (22 children)

if you’re in any twitch chat with nike at the same time, you could see he is not a great “partner personality”. he’s always arguing with people in chat can has some weird superiority complex over “nobodies” in twitch chat. he’s a great player and makes good content for the game but as for being someone anet wants representing them, i think there are many more “presentable” options out there.

[–]double_shadow 76 points77 points  (9 children)

I'm not super familiar with him, but I was watching one episode of Teapot's discussion thing where he was a guest and he was just savaging the playerbase, accusing them of being braindead morons or something to that effect for some of the responses to the controversial patch. Like, I understand being critical of both the game and the players, but at a certain point if you're a public figure, you gotta temper your language somewhat. We're all humans here and deserve to be treated with some amount of respect, even if we just seem like an anonymous mass of internet tags.

[–]Silimaur 59 points60 points  (0 children)

His comments on Teatime are far tamer than his usual responses in chat and everywhere else.

It’s honestly far more surprising that he has been allowed to be a partner this long than it is that he has been removed.

[–]iDontWannaBeOnRedditbring back cap sig 41 points42 points  (0 children)

His response tries to paint him in the light of the other content creators when in fact he's much more deliberate and intentional with his comments. Entirely predictable that ANet doesn't want that to represent their company.

[–]Shadowraiden 21 points22 points  (0 children)

especially when and im going to say it a lot of GW2's appeal is that people can be more casual and sit back and play the game.

i lost interest in anything he does once he started bashing people and saying they was pathetic morons for liking a few aspects of a previous Path of Exile patch. like really just cause they are enjoying something you arent doesnt make them morons the only one here that is a moron is clearly him

[–]Good-Ingenuity-8436 7 points8 points  (0 children)

He's the PvE incarnation of Lord Helseth " listen up plebs"

[–]ShingJade 24 points25 points  (1 child)

if you’re in any twitch chat with nike at the same time, you could see he is not a great “partner personality”. he’s always arguing with people in chat can has some weird superiority complex over “nobodies” in twitch chat.

So he hasn't changed from his forum warrior days? Lame.

[–]biggiebutterlord 51 points52 points  (4 children)

Teapot tempers his criticism trying to look for and point out positives. Nike every time I have heard him on teatime is just calling everything terrible and calling it a day. Imo I think thats a huge difference between the two.

[–]WertygoSpiner 68 points69 points  (0 children)

I mean that's what he said it was, for all we know Nike might be misleading us to play the victim

[–]Ascleph 27 points28 points  (5 children)

I actually remembered the specific phrasing Nike used when he said the patch was "dog shit" and it was not just that, so it made me curious about all the other examples he brought up and if he was being honest about it.

Before going over the examples, lets take a minute to touch ground a bit with what has actually happened: Nike was removed from the partner program. He was not banned or cancelled. He is just no longer partnered with arenanet as a content creator. He can still share his opinions about the game or politics.

Is it a big deal? Normally, no. Should a partner be saying this? No. There are ways to give negative feedback without being vitriolic. Even just "dogshit" would've been better. At least just "dogshit" is way more casual than going the extra mile.

There's nothing wrong with this clip. Maybe you could say that it shows a pattern of being antagonistic towards the community.

There's nothing wrong with this tweet. I wouldn't even say this would point to a pattern or anything.

There's nothing wrong with this tweet.

Nothing wrong with these tweets. I don't think there's even a societal push for people to stop using "cancer" as an insult to even expect someone would not use it or feel like its "pushing the line". I would expect anyone to be blindsided if punished for this type of insults.

Yeah.... no. You should never be engaging in those kind of insults as a partner. It doesn't matter that you don't call yourself a partner, if the account is still a content creator account. This is also not "censoring political speech" so I have no idea why he would go there. He is not banned or cancelled. Also, I'm being very generous by calling that "political speech". If you go through his tweets he does A LOT of very angry political tweets and they only had issues with this specific one for obvious reasons.

I would say the first and the last one are the only real "bad" incidents, but those two alone really happen to be enough to revoke partnership, so I have no idea why they would pad it up with irrelevant stuff.

Also, as an aside, whats even the point of singling out a specific arenanet employee(Name and position is enough to identify the employee)? We know what this community does when a specific employee is singled out as "bad". Why even go there?

[–]IGotPunchedByAFoot 7 points8 points  (0 children)

I don't think Teapot ever said anything anywhere near as awful as this.

Nike likely didn't give us the full story. Even if he did, I would still look at this as a case of catching Al Capone for tax fraud. It might not be the best excuse to have gone after him, but it was the one they caught him on.

[–]MalevolentMurderMaze 130 points131 points  (10 children)

I'm not very surprised that Nike was unpartnered, but am very surprised that it was for these specific comments.

I would have expected some of his rants during teapot's twitch streams to be the real issue.

This feels like anet wanted to find a reason to unpartner him and were just too lazy to dig up something actually substantial.

[–]Funkativity 88 points89 points  (8 children)

Nike is the one saying it was because of these specific comments.

it could be for any number of things. ppl rarely paint the whole picture when making these kind of threads.

[–]MalevolentMurderMaze 35 points36 points  (6 children)

Anet used to come in here and immediately correct the record on ban reasons, it would seem really odd to wait around and let a lie spread if that's the case here.

Anet's track record lately makes it more believable to me that they would state these as the reasons why despite having much bigger reasons why behind the scenes. I just want that to be the case instead of what has been said so far.

I have no issue with Nike getting unpartnered, it's been a long time coming.

[–]Funkativity 41 points42 points  (0 children)

Anet used to come in here and immediately correct the record on ban reasons

that was mostly because that specific anet employee was active on here and was doing it on their own time.

they don't have dedicated staff patrolling twitter and reddit for things like this.

but yes, I definitely remember "I got banned for saying fuck" " here's a screenshot of you saying the N word 27 times in an hour"

[–]SomethingMatterToxic Casual 20 points21 points  (0 children)

They only correct the record for ban reasons in very specific cases or when talking about bans in general. I am pretty sure they don't get into details on individual bans except in extreme cases.

[–]BoringAdagio321 3 points4 points  (0 children)

he is not banned. Just lost his free sponsorship. People mainly get banned for verbal abuse (they know it then themself) or for cheating. In the latter case game companies do not reveal what they found and how they found out, because the next time another cheater will try to bypass that with the information given. That is the main reason all those mmorpg try to prevent spreading information about cheat detection etc. if it is not an obviously anti-cheat-guard-tool like other mmorgps use.

[–]matingmoose 4 points5 points  (0 children)

I am always a bit skeptical with these types of posts. He says that they shared with him 2 clips to cite his ban. Why didn't he share the clips in the thread? Worst that can happen is a ban, but assuming what he is saying is true then it would be optical nightmare for Anet to ban him over sharing the clips.

[–]pastrynugget 204 points205 points  (5 children)

At this point they should just nuke the partner program and make everyone re-apply. There's so many partners that aren't active anymore that are still on the list.

Edit: I'm gonna add to this since I got some traction, the oversight of the program also needs to be more transparent. They should have open windows/periods of time to apply and also everyone who applies should get a rejection if they are not accepted, even if they are not told why.

The fact that Nike got booted for the reasons he stated, and Sneb can't get an answer out of anyone makes the whole program feel like it stinks of nepotism. Anet has definitely improved their communication over the last year or so but this is one glaring area where it has been woefully inadequate to say the least.

[–]LeberechtReinhold 590 points591 points  (59 children)

ANet hates warriors so much that they are also removing its players

[–]Geralt_Romalion 127 points128 points  (4 children)

Anet confused 'banner' with 'ban'.

[–]glytchypoo 71 points72 points  (1 child)

Banner? I hardly know her!

[–]LeberechtReinhold 11 points12 points  (0 children)

This must be the so called banner fix that was supposed to come on August 2. Hurray for the early release!

[–]kitabake 96 points97 points  (50 children)

Brazil was removed for bashing legendary armor even though it was valid criticism. I guess if you are not gw2 advertisment, you just get removed.

[–]BEATORIIICEEEEEE 105 points106 points  (33 children)

brazil was a lot more abrasive and violent in his language even before that particular event. he pretty much deserved that (and admitted as much since then), but the situations arent even close in similarity.

[–]Shadowraiden 72 points73 points  (12 children)

i dunno Nike absolute shits on the playerbase calling them pathetic morons no offence but what kind of company wants a person who calls its playerbase that around their partnership programs.

[–]coy47 38 points39 points  (10 children)

Didn't their own devs trash talk the player base in those discord leaks though?

[–]Knamliss 35 points36 points  (5 children)

Right, and the dev also never apologized. They just turned it around on the public in the last statement about not accepting toxic behavior. Lmao

[–]Balthazars_Furyz 37 points38 points  (3 children)

There's a segment of a teatime where Nike decided that he was going to compare Warrior's treatment in the patch to a botched abortion. If there's anything that would set ArenaNet off, it's that. It's pretty much been scrubbed from existence at this point, but it definitely did happen.

[–]Azureavocadoe 76 points77 points  (1 child)

I love drama Thursday, wicked

[–]_dizzee_ 239 points240 points  (166 children)

Seems like pretty tame stuff, pretty suprised it wasn't the "failed abortion" comments about the recent patch on Teapot's stream, but I think that was scrubbed from the internet.

Anet digging through social media and specifically the political stuff is pretty troubling. To me it looks a lot like they went looking for an excuse to get rid of him as he is consistently critical about the game, while not really providing much in terms of representing the game in a good light.

It's their perogative to remove partners if they deem them to have broken the rules, but maybe if Anet wish to stifle criticism, they should focus on not consistently shooting themsevles in the foot every few months.

[–]JonSnuur 83 points84 points  (1 child)

The partner program has been an absolute mess fully of inconsistencies. You look at the list and see that it’s bloated and has no real reason why some partners are even still partners. I can totally believe that Anet simply doesn’t like Nike and looked for an excuse. It’s in line with how inconsistent the program is.

[–]Xilverbullet000 30 points31 points  (1 child)

Yeah, I have a feeling that his loss of partnership is linked to that stream, I'm surprised they didn't use those examples. He directly said that Anet hates skilled/hardcore players and wants to drive them away from the game, and called anybody who isn't wholly against the last update a braindead idiot. That indicates a deeper negative attitude towards Anet that's not going to get any better over time, and they don't need to be supporting him

[–]fohpo02 59 points60 points  (0 children)

Severing the relationship is one thing, but the way they are going about it here is an absolute joke. This is just shooting the other foot, it’s blatantly obvious a personal attack and doesn’t help them with current perception. The Tea Time episode where they’re pulling some of this stuff alone shows other partners violating the same rules.

[–]Gundamamam 14 points15 points  (3 children)

I would actually be fine if anet said "were cancelling your partnership, youre too negative of our game and we want to protect our brand." Like, be honest about it. Unfortunately no one wants to be honest so they try to twist and bend rules to cite as a reason.

[–]Nike_Phorostwitch.tv/nike_dnt 116 points117 points  (141 children)

while not really providing much in terms of representing the game in a good light.

In my defense, I actually create content for the game that is extremely high value, which is more than can be said for many of the partners in good standing.

[–]TheExtremistModerate 96 points97 points  (80 children)

In ANet's defense, you also go around flaming people for disagreeing with you.

Edit: BTW, he not only confirmed he does this but doubled down and tried to justify it. I came into this thread on his side, but it's pretty clear the departnering is 100% justified.

[–]_dizzee_ 55 points56 points  (3 children)

Agree, your videos are much higher effort than the majority of partners and some don't even make content anymore.

I don't know if Anet disclose their criteria for partners, but it seems to me that they don't really care how much good you do in the community for existing players (#sneb4partner). They seem happy enough to slap a partner badge on anyone that comes over from another game are now happy to discard partners that they deem problematic.

Maybe this is step 1 of a larger shakeup cleaning out the basement of crusty partners, but something tells me this is just personal.

Best of luck.

[–]fether 23 points24 points  (2 children)

Can’t believe Sneb isn’t a partner.

[–]LANewbie678 5 points6 points  (1 child)

Yeah, Sneb deff deserves it. He does a lot for the community

edit: he hosts a lot of fun meme runs and a shitload of trainings.

[–]Diggledorgle 6 points7 points  (0 children)

That just goes to show you that the partner program is bullshit.

[–]lostsanityreturned 13 points14 points  (0 children)

Octovine trolling aside you were one of the first people I saw advocating easy rotations, easy builds and encouraging people to use stuff like trailblazers out in the open world.

For a filthy elitist you have actually been a positively impactful person on the whole :P

[–]ze4lex 212 points213 points  (33 children)

If thats why he got unpartnered then i exoect the majority of the partners to be nuked from orbit then.

[–]SweetLoh 130 points131 points  (18 children)

Considering the fact that Stephanie combed through his social media and specifically linked his personal tweets about other issues unrelated to Gw2, to use against him for "breaking terms and conditions of the program"; implies they were grasping at straws to make a valid argument. My guess would be that they didn't like how he was critical about the balance updates so Stephanie did all that she could to try to build a case.

I get once you enter into a partnership, you represent the company. But what was used as evidence against Nike to show that he violated the terms, 1) alot of other partnered streamers have done 2) was nothing remotely outrageous, even by twitter standards that would require a severance in partnership.

Calling the builds and update "cancer"? Supporting Emi by calling the people who were griefing her "trolls"? Lol, tf??? How about the political tweet? I dont know what that was about but if its about that, then what does that say about Anet and the political views they support?

Anyways, My response is coming from a third person perspective. I don't watch Nike or other streamers but see their clips time to time when it gets linked on here. And from what Nike explained, it seems Anet is as scummy as they've always been, a lot worse now actually. They are picking and choosing who they want to keep partnership with, maybe because since the steam release is supposedly to come soon, they can't have anyone giving "honest" feedback about the game. Only those who see Anet through rose colored lenses can stay as partners lol.

What a great company and game, setting the standard for "valuing the community" and "their voice" ... but only if you say nice things.

[–]7BitBrian 107 points108 points  (8 children)


Just read this thread and we have all the reason we need to justify this
removal. Nike presenting himself in the best way possible is not the
truth. This is the truth, he admits it, and he does it a lot. Why would ANet want to
be associated with someone like that?

[–]TSP-FriendlyFireGW2Radial/GW2UAM dev 20 points21 points  (0 children)

I was ambivalent about it, but wow. "Yikes" is all that comes to mind reading this exchange.

[–]DrDan21🌵 51 points52 points  (3 children)

Yea, that’s not the behavior you want your company associated with

Too many people get caught up with the fairness or semantics of the situation, but none of that actually matters in the business world. This isn’t a court, anet can drop anyone for just about any reason, regardless of if the issue is perceived or actual, because to the customer perception is reality. All that matters is signed agreements, and you better believe anet holds all the cards in those

[–]Economist_Asleep 9 points10 points  (0 children)

Yeah, always be a bit critical of the one setting the narrative.

[–]SomethingMatterToxic Casual 8 points9 points  (0 children)

My guess would be that they didn't like how he was critical about the balance updates

That's silly. All of the streamers were critical about the balance updates. I am sure they did search for stuff to kick him out but it definitely wasn't because of being critical about the balance update.

[–]ChoiceDuck 40 points41 points  (12 children)

If Anet just came out and said to anyone "we are discontinuing you as a partner" upfront, I would be okay with it, as it is their right and they dont even need to provide a reason.

Edit: it seems there are some really nasty comments made by him. Found this on Twitter:


If I ran a business, I wouldnt want someone like this as partner.

[–]IllegitimateLiteracy 17 points18 points  (0 children)

This is why many companies "reinvent" their partner system every few years.

It lets them cut loose people without officially declaring it. Everyone has to reapply and well, you know we're just so behind with launching the new system and we can't guarantee we've gotten to everyone yet.

[–]TheExtremistModerate 36 points37 points  (2 children)

The account is one-sided, as we haven't heard directly from ANet about this, but I can speak from personal experience when I say I don't want someone who acts like Nike does to be endorsed by ANet.

[–]Suavepuppy 28 points29 points  (0 children)

The most surprising part is that they didn't do it on Friday afternoon

[–]fohpo02 107 points108 points  (47 children)

Hasn’t Teapot insulted players before… going through some of the other comments and the rest of the tweets confirm my first reaction. Seems targeted and not consistent, the portion about political statements made with no relation to ANet or mention of an affiliation is just… omega oof. Someone grab them some more straws.

[–]RandommUser work in progress 103 points104 points  (28 children)

good luck finding any youtubers/streamers who havent...

[–]fohpo02 46 points47 points  (7 children)

Right? Especially after the last patch, where I think a majority agree criticism was warranted. It honestly feels like they’re trying to partly censor criticism.

[–]Gas42 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Mela :x

[–]ninja_slothreddit 36 points37 points  (2 children)

Teapot insulted our static years ago. Good to know I can just trawl through years of his content, cherry pick a few comments and get the lad unpartnered. Thanks Anet!

[–]LANewbie678 10 points11 points  (1 child)

I mean shit, I got a clip of him in a w3 being a total cunt to some guy who was having trouble with doing it. He just randomly joined us too,, wasn't hosting.

[–]thivasss 11 points12 points  (2 children)

Literally in this thread:

You made one of the craziest game design comments I read in a long time and I concluded that something must be wrong with you.

I find myself jumping in the Anet hate train as of late but he made it easy to see what type of person he is. Was the ban justified? Maybe not, but it seems nothing of value will be lost.

[–]Ascleph 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Its a partnership removal, which is more than fair if thats how he behaves. They should've just been more honest about it

[–]Fendoxx 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Yup, I think the general consensus after the initial nike white knights is "he should've been removed, but the examples they used are dogshit and that sets a concerning precedent for other partners".

Behaviour like that isn't uncommon from him. Hang around any stream where he's in and he regularly makes extremely ableist comments, frequent use of r word, called an "sc nobody" autistic the other day, got told off in hardstuck discord that he couldn't tell someone they have a chromosomal deficiency (downs syndrome). Nothing of value was lost. He can continue being himself without partner support.

[–]ComputerCloth 13 points14 points  (3 children)

Teapot can get really rude towards his viewers but he's maybe 1/5 of what Nike is. Still not right but yeah. Mel's is way worse and should be removed.

[–]New_Problem_806 59 points60 points  (1 child)

Not surprised but the reasons given by him don't reflect his worst behaviour.

[–]igrouch3 19 points20 points  (0 children)

Not even close to surprised. We'll probably never hear Anet's side, but I imagine this isn't the only reason. We're pretty much only seeing one side of it so you better believe this isn't the whole reason.

[–]OftenSarcasticDragon Stand, Dragon Fall, Dragon End 70 points71 points  (2 children)

Apparently ANY use of a pejorative insult is against the rules.

I don't know what ArenaNet's normal policy is, but this shouldn't be a surprise when dealing with any company. It's basically a community PR program and the behaviour of the partners reflects on the company since they're selected/approved.

[–]TheExtremistModerate 31 points32 points  (1 child)

Especially when he specifically personally attacks people for no reason, rather than civilly disagreeing.

There's a line, and it's clear he crossed it.

If other partners do what he does, I hope they get departures departnered, too.

Edit: stupid auto-cucumber

[–]Corbzor 29 points30 points  (0 children)

Nike's always been like this. I don't know why he was ever made a partner to begin with.

[–]sB-_- 28 points29 points  (3 children)

Was sitting here trying to figure out why a clothing company was ever on anets partner program.

[–]AskMeAboutPangolinsor Quaggans 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Town clothes coming back when

[–]GuildWars2Helper 243 points244 points  (36 children)

I will always maintain that Guild Wars 2 is the best MMORPG on the market. With the absolute worst management of any game period.

Yeah there are some pretty bad content cycles from other companies in their games.

But the reason I hold such a grudge with Anet management is the raw potential.

This game‘s systems are so damn good. Combat, fashion, mounts, exploration, open world, WvW, collection.

They are so out of touch with what makes a game good, with the added tragedy of having so many tools to actually make one of the best games.

[–]JonSnuur 54 points55 points  (4 children)

I wouldn’t call them the worst, not by far, but they have always seemed to be a studio at war with itself. The side that just wants art streams and no criticisms seems to win more often.

[–]IllegitimateLiteracy 18 points19 points  (0 children)

ArenaNet is the kid who consistently turns in C- work, gets a C- and then thinks everyone is out to get them for not giving them an A+.

[–]thetracker3Charr Main 13 points14 points  (1 child)

There are companies way worse than anet. I mean we really don't even have to look far to see one of the worst, craptivision-shittzard.

That company is so irredeemably terrible. Like, I know they could be worse, but it'd be because they branched out into different avenues of evil. Like hiring people to hunt endangered species.

As a video game company craptivision-shittzard is one of the worst and anet is far better. Anet is like the little-league of bad companies while others are in the fuckin major league of shitty companies.

[–]Lon-amiLoreleidre [HoS] 45 points46 points  (2 children)

GW2 could and should have beat the shit out of WoW years ago, I'm not even exaggerating. Instead ArenaNet wasted their time and resources in the dumbest of shits.

Imagine if GW2 had been built with expansions in mind, from the very beginning. Imagine we had a real deathmatch PvP mode from day one. Imagine we had roller beetle racing as a supported game mode. The amount of wasted potential is staggering and completely aggravating, it's like they can't understand what makes GW2 such a great game, limiting themselves to inconsistency and mediocrity instead :I.

[–]LANewbie678 10 points11 points  (0 children)

Raids were some of the best content as well.

[–]epherian 72 points73 points  (17 children)

Gw2 had some of the best design and devs, most of whom left for greener pastures soon after launch. Many things good about the game are engine or system based which were present at launch or early on.

The newer devs have done a good job maintaining it but I don’t think much compares to the mammoth task of building the foundations of things such as combat and design philosophy which have carried the game through some of the worst management possible. It’s like the opposite of FFXIV which in comparison seems like a janky and unresponsive mess, but is carried by the ongoing management of content and community.

[–]Twidom 18 points19 points  (0 children)

I will always maintain that Guild Wars 2 is the best MMORPG on the market. With the absolute worst management of any game period.

This is pretty much how I've always felt about GW2. The disconnection between the devs and what the players/game need has always been so clear to me.

I don't currently play GW2 anymore but I always loved it and always will feel like this game has/had the potential to be the MMO out there.

[–]Xiohuntersprayin' you w/ heal juice 5 points6 points  (0 children)

I will always maintain that Guild Wars 2 is the best MMORPG on the market. With the absolute worst management of any game period.

Here here, mgmt at Anet is so disconnected from what the community wants it's baffling. And the game has a long history of this, ephemeral S1 instead of an expac, fractals instead of dungeons, raids which got abandoned, fractals which rarely get updates, WvW left in maintenance mode for close to a decade, Stronghold sPvP abandoned, IBS instead of expac #3, mount skin lootboxes, etc.

It's touch to imagine the mgmt incompetence that could make such decisions, but the reality of it can't be denied.

[–]TheReaperAbides 108 points109 points  (18 children)

Ngl when it said they combed through his Twitter, I'd expected for some actual offensive shit to come up to at least justify this. But apparently all they dug up was him being.. Critical about the game? Perhaps in a vaguely undiplomatic manner? And him being.. Outspoken against the kind of bigoted politics that you might try to dig up on someone in this kind of situation?

Nani the fuck, Anet.

[–]NawrotexThief Enjoyer 35 points36 points  (0 children)

I guess he must have been on ANet’s crosshair for long time now for whatever reasons and this whole balance drama was perfect opportunity to dig deeper and try to enforce their claims. It really is a bad move from ANet.

[–]IGotPunchedByAFoot 2 points3 points  (0 children)

The most likely scenario is they wanted him out and were looking for an official, easily available proof collected through public means to remove him. It's the same reason Al Capone was arrested for tax evasion and sentenced to a punishment more fitting to the countless murders, thefts, smuggling, and other bullshit done by Capone.

The other likely scenario is that they don't want to ruin Nike's life by giving the actual reasons, such as the fact Nike is actually a piece of shit as a human being. If it came out Nike was no longer endorsed because of the fact he's not really dogshit, but the maggots that feed on the dogshit, then it could potentially ruin Nike's future partnership prospects.

[–]TheExtremistModerate 19 points20 points  (1 child)

Based on past experience with him, I'd wager ANet has far more to the story than he's trying to represent.

This action is 100% justified on ANet's side, even if they weren't the best at communicating why.

[–]SpectralDaggerN L Olrun 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Yeah, it's perfectly reasonable to remove someone like Nike from the program. They're just going to draw criticism any time they remove somebody because of how poorly they manage the program in general.

[–]LuxSpooky 134 points135 points  (19 children)

Stephanie sounds like a GW2 forum moderator. If you criticize you gonna get banned. Soon all GW2 partners will be drawing artists xD

[–]kormirsimp 60 points61 points  (2 children)

Stephanie sounds like a GW2 forum moderator.

She probably is. Forum mods and community managers overlap.

In fact I'd bet money she's Forum Mod.5021

[–]Geralt_Romalion 15 points16 points  (0 children)

Another victim of that particular mod I see.

[–]Murandus 56 points57 points  (4 children)

More quaggan fanart! Who needs build guides anyway?

[–]squidjeep 62 points63 points  (1 child)

UwU just made my first legendary thank you to everyone who donated!!!!!!!

[–]Shadowraiden 9 points10 points  (1 child)

or you know they got rid of somebody that ive heard be very toxic from people who dont even play the game who came across him

there is literally funny memes gone around in other games about how toxic 1 of the "big" content creators is for GW2

[–][deleted] 14 points15 points  (1 child)

In all my years on the internet I don’t think I’ve come across more incompetent moderators than those in the GW2 forums. Outstandingly bad.

[–]GreenKumaraThat’s quality armour! 21 points22 points  (0 children)

He used to run this guild right?

DnT removed from raid testing

[–]rym1469www.twitch.tv/rymm_ 79 points80 points  (3 children)

Frees up a partner slot for another artist or once-a-year content creator with 20 views, can never get enough. Excellent.

[–]vluhdzvluhdalt.2715 41 points42 points  (2 children)

I'm so excited for the next xpac announcement stream to be hosted once again by someone no one has ever heard of!

[–]Lon-amiLoreleidre [HoS] 16 points17 points  (0 children)

Don't you like it when the game's representatives use their mouse to click on weapon skills?

[–]LANewbie678 3 points4 points  (0 children)

At least they know the game and whats in it. Amazon got fucked by their guy Cy for Lost Ark, he spouted a huge load of bullshit that was disproven within 5 seconds and heavily meme'ed on everywhere. Best part was when he was saying Assassin was a subclass of Mage.

[–]UnScience 120 points121 points  (4 children)

Seems like anet took offence that he knows more about warrior than their entire balance team

[–]Nightcrawl-EUW 81 points82 points  (1 child)

bro who the fuck doesn't at this point, the random lvl 80 i met a few days ago probably knew more about warrior than anet's joke of a balance team

[–]vikirosen 42 points43 points  (5 children)

I don't know this person, but the way he tries to explain his way out of things makes me think I wouldn't have liked him anyway. Not being an asshole is not an unreasonably high standard to uphold.

[–]QuietRock 16 points17 points  (0 children)

Never heard of the guy before, but now realizing he was one arguing with me last week about dungeons and being kind of a jerk about it. Lol.

[–][deleted] 43 points44 points  (0 children)

Regardless of his relationship with the game, I just find Nike to be an incredibly annoying and abrasive person.

[–]PsychologicalMine294 49 points50 points  (5 children)

Guys. remove your pink tinted glasses. Anet is a company like everyother conpany. When a company Sponsors someone. E.g. nike for runners. Canon for Mountainbikes etc they do that for Marketing reasons. If the sponsored person insults the product or the customers and customers report that. The company will have to check that and take action. I read the twitter comments and they are valid Arguments for removing sponsorship. That was not "critical" that was just insulting tge product and the customers. Stuff like that happens all the time in sponsorship relationships.

[–]xsdfSir Scuttles.1205 47 points48 points  (0 children)

I'm not too surprised, Nike!'s comments were frequently inflammatory and seemed to be getting worse over time. Most comments were satirical jokes but some were purely spiteful. Most commonly it was about having to deal with underperforming players in hardcore content. He often took an uncompromising stance that didn't encourage player growth but rather player exclusivity. It undermined contructive feedback and hampered inclusivity in the community, which goes against what Arenanet wants representing them.

I think it was more the staw that broke the camel's back that made this decision rather than some explicit comment. I don't think Nike! is awful or anything, I think he just became a bit jaded and wasn't mindful of his comments as a partner.

[–]ghoulsnest 15 points16 points  (0 children)

lol, that's not a surprise at all...

[–]The_Shiniest_Skritt 65 points66 points  (19 children)

I’m surprised he was a partner to begin with when he’s always had a negative tone about the game (not saying it is unjustified) on TeaTime. If Anet was my company, I’d also not want him being associated with my brand. But I agree that their justification for removing him is unfair.

[–][deleted] 20 points21 points  (0 children)

Agree. We only know one side and probably will never get anet's full reasoning but I suspect they probably seen him constantly bashing the game and the player base and where looking for a reason to pull the trigger.

[–]teknim 37 points38 points  (17 children)

It's not negative for the sake of being negative though. He's critical, and rightly so, of a game he loves.

[–]Karunch 77 points78 points  (8 children)

Its the delivery:

Nike = "This patch is dog shit"

Teapot = "This patch really, REALLY missed the mark"

Obviously not 100% of the time, but enough that thats the vibe I'v gotten watching them over the last three years.

[–]dtothep2 30 points31 points  (0 children)

Yeah, this narrative of them just wanting to silence criticism doesn't really ring true for me. Plenty of partners constantly criticize them and the game and aren't shy about saying they don't like something.

Ultimately it's their brand and they can choose to have whichever personalities they want associated with it. I haven't seen Nike in anything since dungeon days but if calling patches dog shit like a random angry Redditor is something he'd do, it's possible they just don't want that vibe around even if I don't personally mind hearing it.

[–]NawrotexThief Enjoyer 10 points11 points  (7 children)

Yeah I agree however I also believe if someone is your donator/investor/supporter and see that you are constantly negative and critical towards their actions(even if rightfully), they may not want to have you on board anymore and will finally find a reason to kick you out (which has probably happened here).

[–]sinisteacup 22 points23 points  (4 children)

ain’t this the guy who flames individual people for not doing good enough dps at chak gerent?

[–]Solicor 26 points27 points  (0 children)

Right now Sneb put his sweaty bandana back on in hopes he will now get partner to fill the gap.

[–]ShingJade 33 points34 points  (0 children)

It's incredible that he was a partner in the first place. No-one has a right to be a partner, and partner's are essentially an extension of ANet's marketing - you don't become a partner to give your honest and frank feedback (that is never the point of a partner - there are other avenues for that), you become a partner to promote the game in some way. Nike and several other partners actively harm the game and community morale, unlike some of the others I don't see what Nike does to make up for it.

I don't pay close attention to these things, but I don't think this is the first time he lost partner (or at least he's been kicked out of beta access in the past because of his behavior).

Honestly it was a mistake at all for them to cite specific reasons he was being unpartnered. I doubt many people would be shocked to see him lose partner, giving specific examples isn't necessary - it's not a job, it's a privilege and one that either party can walk away from any time they wish.

GW2 will potentially be reaching a larger audience with the Steam release. It's in the game's best interest to ensure we have the best ambassadors representing the community with ANet's stamp of approval. It's crazy people think this is controversial.

[–]7BitBrian 32 points33 points  (0 children)


Just read this thread and we have all the reason we need to justify this removal. Nike presenting himself in the best way possible is not the truth. This is the truth, and he does it a lot. Why would ANet want to be associated with someone like that?

[–]EuphoricNeckbeard 35 points36 points  (0 children)

Based on his own thread he sounds like an asshole.... If you're working with a company you typically need to uphold a certain standard of professionalism. I wouldn't expect to keep my job if I called one of my company's projects "dogshit", even if I thought it was a terrible idea.

I think Nike has a lot of love for the game, and I don't wish him ill, but I don't think he was a good fit for the partner program.

[–]ComfyFrogmake your own group 37 points38 points  (2 children)

I can think of a few partnered streamers that based on such light requirements to get unpartnered would lose their status within minutes.

[–]CallMeBigPapaya 33 points34 points  (5 children)

Unless we're about to see a big crackdown on partnered streamers for similar behavior, and Nike is just the first, then this seems unfair.

[–]ShingJade 13 points14 points  (1 child)

I hope we do.

[–]painstreamBack to the GRIND 8 points9 points  (0 children)

Should've cleaned house years ago, to be honest.

[–]Tharuzan001Oh, there'll be some amazing salt. I can't wait. 9 points10 points  (0 children)

They suddenly remembered he was a Warrior right?

[–]Malusorum 15 points16 points  (0 children)

Whenever people report something negative that happened to them in an extremely public way they're subconsciously revising the truth. It's clearly presented in an unnuanced way that makes him appear totally innocent and ANet as the total villain.

When things are presented this way it's to create a narrative, however, what's created is a crybully performance.

There's an extremely high chance of there being more to this than he presents and the complete picture would make him look extremely bad. The way he presents this, in public and with a clear narrative, makes him look extremely bad and ANet is fully justified in booting just for this as that sort of behaviour is one that's extremely Karen.

[–]TwistedAlga 10 points11 points  (0 children)

Mmmmhhh, drama on a day like this? Yes please!

[–]Tormentor- 13 points14 points  (0 children)

I'm actually surprised he lasted this long.

I hold no ill feelings towards the dude, but i knew it was only a matter of time, with the way he speaks about the game.

[–]Shmendalf 79 points80 points  (12 children)

Anet is hard at work dismantling the little goodwill Grouch managed to build with his blog posts.

[–]ilikedmatrixiv 48 points49 points  (0 children)

I'm not sure he built a lot of goodwill... Those update notes were pretty universally hated. Not to mention, they said in a forum post they wouldn't drop sensitive stuff on a friday anymore and then bail for the weekend, only to release the update notes on a friday and bail for the weekend.

[–]WOF42 37 points38 points  (1 child)

What good will? Those “explanations” were either outright lies or didn’t cover a single controversial issue.

[–]giotheflow 32 points33 points  (0 children)

Grouch's blog posts are dismantling the little goodwill Grouch managed to build.

[–]whatsforsupa 22 points23 points  (5 children)

What are the perks of being a partner anyway? It’s not like they put the spotlight on their biggest streamers /tubers often.

I don’t know the whole story but Nike is a big influence in the community and is one of the best warrior mains in the game. He had some pretty strong comments about the changes, but somebody big in the community needed to.

[–]Benjammn.6845 - SOR 18 points19 points  (1 child)

The biggest perk I think is that you can swap being NA and EU for free and more than once a week.

[–]PsychologicalMine294 2 points3 points  (0 children)

They get free stuff and stuff they can give away gems etc for free which anet gives them.

[–]Jaffas_Reddit 19 points20 points  (2 children)

[–]thefinalturnip 10 points11 points  (1 child)

OK, wow, what a douche by saying something like that.

[–]AdilemTeam Toxic Elitists 13 points14 points  (1 child)

not surprising that anet wanted to get rid of Nike, but they could at least try to find some of his spicy takes on feet fetish instead of the most vanilla takes he gives in the specified tweets lmao

[–]IncreasePopular276 3 points4 points  (0 children)

that would be kink shaming. or kink shaming shaming? at this point i dont even know anymore...

[–]NawrotexThief Enjoyer 6 points7 points  (3 children)

What are benefits of being ANet partner?

[–]Dull_Function_6510 80 points81 points  (35 children)

People hate on Nike because he is often blunt and uncaring about sugar coating players feelings. Sometimes this comes off as egotistical. But he has been one of the longest running gw2 players to continue to produce content. He has helped plenty of players become better at the game, and is often critical but fair of Anet, and the playerbase. The stuff they are removing him from the partner program for is ridiculous, and absolutely right of him to be pissed. They are a private company and can do what they want, but this is a shame. Been boycotting gem purchases until they fix the balance, likely to keep boycotting until they free nike.

[–]Nightcrawl-EUW 51 points52 points  (12 children)

anet did a great job of killing off almost every hardcore or nameworthy player in the last few years, this is just them finishing the job

[–]TheExtremistModerate 30 points31 points  (11 children)

Putting out content for a long time doesn't justify being toxic and insulting people for doing nothing more than disagree with your opinion of a video game.

[–]Won_Too_Tree_For 23 points24 points  (2 children)

I'm fully convinced it is solely because Nike isn't very PC a lot of the time, using "ret*rded" and talking about people having extra chromosomes and such. I can't imagine Anet being happy about that. That being said they should've cited that instead of random irrelevant bs.

But this is nothing new, Anet has been shooting themselves in the foot with content creators since day 1, e.g. when they banned Krippararian for karma flushing. Congrats on eliminating yet another free source of marketing guys!

[–]Miraweave[🍰] 40 points41 points  (1 child)

I'm fully convinced it is solely because Nike isn't very PC a lot of the time, using "ret*rded" and talking about people having extra chromosomes and such.

I mean yeah, not wanting to have your company represented by someone who casually uses slurs seems like a pretty reasonable call

[–]QuietRock 8 points9 points  (0 children)

Absolutely. You can be critical and direct with your communication without being unprofessional. From what I've seen, looks like ego may have got the best of him. Hard lesson to learn, especially if the ego continues to blocking self-awareness.

[–]mandala30 23 points24 points  (0 children)

He shouldn’t be surprised. He’s been looking for drama and doing his best to antagonize the game and the company. I don’t even understand why he’d want to still be a partner anyway, seeing how critical he’s been of the game, especially recently.

Also, his brand of vulgarity is a few steps over the line Anet is okay with, I’m sure. His partnership was a relic they finally decided was corroded enough to just toss out.

A split that should have happened much sooner than it did, really.

[–]SuperRetardedDog 11 points12 points  (0 children)

New week, new drama.

[–]NoSuchThingAsBalance 30 points31 points  (3 children)

Why is he crying about it? Especially for someone who talks so highly of himself and down to others, this seems very out of character.

I haven't seen any good come from him being a partner anyway. So, there's literally no change...regardless of his fanbase being upset or not.

I also think a LOT more of the partners should be removed, because they clearly don't serve the purpose. So, not just him, but a lot more in similar position. The whole program is a joke.

It should come as no surprise to anyone, given his personality and a lot of the comments he makes. If I was in ANet's marketing position, I wouldn't allow him to have partnership either, because that would mean he represents the company to an extent. It's not about silencing criticism, but about how the company is represented.

Also, for all you know, there's a lot more to the story than what is stated by him. He's also partaking in fear mongering tactics. So, in fact, all in all, his removal from the partnership program was well deserved.

[–]Duke-WLIMITED TIME! 6 points7 points  (2 children)

This is what gets me: They removed Nike because of how he came across and they didn't like it? Fair enough, but there's a tonne of Partners who do not even play the game anymore, and haven't for ages! It just seems very inconsistent to me. Either tidy up the Programme, or let it fester. Not do a bit of this and a bit of that.

[–]Blackdragon1400 20 points21 points  (1 child)

Do I agree I violated their agreement? Yes. Using any pejorative violates it.

There you go. No need to read through the 20 tweet admission of guilt.

If Anet doesn’t like how partners are portraying their business they have every right to remove that status from them.

[–]Stable_Orange_Genius 16 points17 points  (0 children)

God i hate Twitter

[–]Keorlgw2organizer.com 8 points9 points  (2 children)

I used "dog shit" as criticism, and called people "idiots" to describe how wrong they are.

"This is a standard that not a single partner could uphold."

Just because he can't uphold doesn't make that "not a single partner" could ! As much as the balance patch he called "dog shit" is worth criticism and as much as there might be valid reasons to criticize people who raged at a specific balance change, I doubt that you can only do so by respectively calling it "dog shit" and them "idiots".

Btw I don't follow the guy and don't know the links he's referring to, but it's a bit fun to read those 2 examples as one where he rages against a balance patch and one where he hates some people who rage again a balance change ...

[–]mini_mog 40 points41 points  (3 children)

My guess is he was too negative about the game and this was Anets out. Almost feels like a cult disowning a member or something. Not a good look.

[–]Shadowraiden 21 points22 points  (0 children)

i mean from what ive heard this is a better look considering steam launch is coming. ive had a few friends who happened to start playing come accross some of his content and their response was "how is somebody so toxic being shown as one of the big content creators for the game"

its a bad look especially when every time he is on a podcast all he does is constantly call the playerbase morons

[–]aliamrationem 41 points42 points  (10 children)

I guess ANet can choose not to partner with whoever they like. I just hope they realize that being this knee-jerk over nothing makes them look like, well, dogshit.

[–]Nightcrawl-EUW 36 points37 points  (4 children)

as if they needed any more help to look like idiots lately

[–]Karunch 7 points8 points  (2 children)

Like other people in this thread have said, this probably wasn't knee-jerk at all and they have been looking to get rid of him for a while. Some of his stuff on the balance patch was Anet's best opportunity to get rid of him. Imagine the uproar if Anet's cited excuse was "Over the years we have found that you are not a good fit for our partner program" or something less tangible.

[–]leafeytea 18 points19 points  (5 children)

This doesn't surprise me frankly. Not the part about anything you have said or tweeted, but the part about the response.

The last MMO I played takes roughly the same approach to criticism - they try to squelch it.

Even when it has come from people who were far, far more eloquent and professional in their speech than you.

For example, threads on official forums get buried, people get banned permanently from the game even just for discussing things on forums they don't want discussed, and media partners are monitored and dismissed very easily; generally speaking, anything beyond very light questioning of game changes will result is some sort of disciplinary action against the person.

That said, to see that here is disappointing because to take it up against you over comments made on your own social media thread about things which have nothing to do with the game, and which focus on your politics instead? Is something I have not seen, but I suspect is in this case the reason for the split.

It's the same rule everywhere when it comes to money: don't piss off your donor/supporter/investor. If someone was offended over the comment and they reported this, then likely that could be the real reason this was brought to your attention.

The issue that I see wrong with this, is that unless it's explicitly stated somewhere in your agreement that you will have to adhere to their rules around non-political discussions of any sort while interacting on social media, I fail to see how the tweets about that which they cited are grounds for the actions they took.

I mean, if there is no transparency about a policy on this specifically, they are in the wrong for using those tweets as part of the justification for the split.

[–]Dar_Mas 10 points11 points  (2 children)

Was it ESO?

[–]leafeytea 15 points16 points  (1 child)

Yep. But not just them. There is also another MMO I play which has a long history of similar tactics when it comes to game criticism. One of their forum moderators created such a toxic environment with his attitude, even he was eventually dismissed but those who came in after his wake were just as bad. I now stay away from all official MMO channels/sources these days for this reason.

[–]Bronze1979 21 points22 points  (0 children)

Who cares.

[–]BlueC1nder 25 points26 points  (13 children)

Good, now remove toxic Teapot and toxic Sneb (edit: he's not even in it) from the programm too! /s

Jokes aside, what's going on at Anet? It looks like the company and Grouch battle each other when it comes to community managmemt stuff. I mean Noxxi never got partnered too so yeah, memeing on decisions made from Anet are a criteria since forever, it just isn't enforced equally.

[–]Benjammn.6845 - SOR 12 points13 points  (5 children)

You can't even remove Sneb from the program!

[–]Lon-amiLoreleidre [HoS] 2 points3 points  (4 children)

I mean Noxxi never got partnered too so yeah

I forgot about that one lmao, what a clown circus.

[–]Good-Ingenuity-8436 3 points4 points  (1 child)

Noxxii. Nothing against them, but frequently posting about mental health issues and suicidal ideation doesn't make you look like a good candidate for the partner program.

[–]young_sint 27 points28 points  (1 child)

Thank heavens this, might I say, cancer, to the community has been removed! Thank you Anet!

[–]Krawkyz 24 points25 points  (0 children)

You are only allowed to say that if your dad died from it, according to Nike

[–]f3m_shack 2 points3 points  (0 children)

deserved lul

[–]therealmyself 15 points16 points  (0 children)

I don't really care if he is banned or not.

It does feel to me like quite a few of the streamers on teatime are playing the wrong game, and should quit. It feels like they want the game to be something it isn't and have become really bitter.

[–]ezcrammi 20 points21 points  (11 children)

I never really liked Nike as a content creator but this is stupid as fuck.

[–]TheExtremistModerate 37 points38 points  (3 children)

It's not stupid. Nike insults people for disagreeing with him. It's a bad look for ANet to look like they're condoning it.

[–]Erick-Alastor┬┴┬┴┤ᵒᵏ (☉_├┬┴┬┴ 9 points10 points  (0 children)

Since this got downvoted in this thread and could excape your attention, please consider it before formulating your opinion about Anet's choice.

[–]Marok_Kanaros 6 points7 points  (0 children)

I'm surprised thats all the found as reasons to terminate the partnership..or at least all they listed.

[–]SaiyanOfDarknessRIP What.CD, You Will Be Missed :([🍰] 26 points27 points  (26 children)

This isn't the first time ANet's acted like this toward one of their Partners. Remember when Deroir voiced his opinion and Jessica Price didn't like it. Jessica of course ended up losing her job.

Long story short, they don't like negative feedback of any kind.. especially from their assigned Partners.

Well your fucking game won't improve unless you actually look at both the positive and negative feedback. Not what you only want to see.

[–]__Gemini__Marketing Trinity - Tea,Sexy Leggings and a Dying Sandwitch Shop 53 points54 points  (5 children)

Jessica of course ended up losing her job.

Only because it turned into a massive dumpsterfire. She would probably still be at anet if it didn't explode so hard.

[–]LANewbie678 13 points14 points  (0 children)

They knew what she was like though before hiring her, fully on Anet.

[–]SaiyanOfDarknessRIP What.CD, You Will Be Missed :([🍰] 17 points18 points  (2 children)

Yeah no doubt. The whole situation made them look bad.

[–]Lon-amiLoreleidre [HoS] 14 points15 points  (0 children)

The problem is why they hired her in the first place, when she already had a pretty peculiar history.

[–]Magehunter_SkassiCaristinn.7935 4 points5 points  (1 child)

Jessica Price shouldn't have said she was glad Total Biscuit died of cancer I guess. Or at least not did so on her public facing account.

[–]Dreamtrain 8 points9 points  (1 child)

Remember when Deroir voiced his opinion and Jessica Price didn't like it. Jessica of course ended up losing her job.

Are you seriously telling me the way she reacted was professional? It was terrible.

[–]sitarskeh 4 points5 points  (0 children)

I like Nike's content and his personality. However, I have no idea how he got partnered with ANet in the first place knowing how ANet operates and wants to be perceived.