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ArenaNet confirmed for E3 2018

[News] -- Developer response

Not yet updated on the "Participating Companies" list but the logo is visible at the bottom on this page.

Unsure what they could be bringing I believe last time they were there as ArenaNet was 2015 (correct me if I am wrong) so it seems unlikely that its just GW2 playable on the floor. New game (straight after PoF release) or new DLC maybe?

E: Credit to u/RandommUser for taking a screenshot.

I also think that looking at it, there has been discussion about some sort of mobile game/companion app that seems the most likely situation if its not just exposure for the expansion pack.

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Guild Wars 2: Battle Royale

u/epicjas0n avatar

But we already have the Southsun Survival activity

Not as fun as the original though.

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New marketing team marketing?


Remember back in the day we did this thing with a Taxi? Well we figured out a way to make it better...think exact same a decked out Lyft!!!

Hi yeah I don't remember this taxi thing, I don't remember some Seth Myers look alike saving up for the greatsword Eternity, nope not one neuron in my head remembers a red haired lady making cheesy 4th wall jokes like talking about updating every two weeks or that there are no sub fees in tyria, nope there is no evidence in my mind of this cheesy immigrate to Tyria business I've immigrated well enough thank you very much


Are you sure you don't remember? ;-)

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u/rym1469 avatar


That taxi video delayed my purchase of gw2 for 4 years.

u/billypowergamer avatar

I know you're joking. I hope you're joking. Please be joking.


Rest assured I am totally joking. Lyft said no to this video so we're partnering with Uber instead ;-)

u/billypowergamer avatar

I love hate you ;-)


I understand 😘

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Will Meg Turney be in the video?!?!?


Cannot confirm or deny

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u/rudanshi avatar

The entire presentation will be Colin, out of retirement, screaming on stage. No footage, no announcements, no pauses, just screaming.

u/Dawnfang avatar

So basically, the presentation is the big enough meme but with Colin? I can get onboard with that.

What.... is this...?

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Ironically, that would probably give GW2 plenty of attention simply from the media talking a lot about screaming Colin.

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making T-Shirts! :-)

u/taran47 avatar

I want one of these shirts now

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I will buy it if you make it. Put the Arena Net logo on it, with an Asura running across the top.

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Holy shit this is the best one I've seen yet, thanks for linking that! Isn't there also that one where someone edited a Choya over the mountains in place of Jimmy Barnes?

u/Mez_Koo avatar
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This meme died way too quickly ;(

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Or another digital card game? :P

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new mobile card game?

u/CptGia avatar

polymock go inc

u/Earx avatar

I'd play Polimock Go every day

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hope it's called "purity of purpose"


I can see this being a thing, would be easy to create CCG that revolves around cleansing conditions and stacking boons.

u/GambitDeux avatar

Ooh! WP did a vid on a GW2 based card game made for tabletop simulator.

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New mobile card game: skrit im hit!

u/Lon-ami avatar

Mobile/Minipet hybrid game would be a very smart decision.

u/VaelVictus avatar

I would never stop playing Polymock on my phone, especially if I got in-game rewards for it.

u/Mez_Koo avatar

Probably just a one time minipet/title reward for reaching a milestone. I doubt there would be ongoing rewards.

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u/RandommUser avatar

If you clicked this thread for "Developer response": it's memes

Bamboozled again!


It's always fucking memes.

Why do I even check any more?

u/wickwiremr avatar

For when it's Ben.

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u/Jeronimo1 avatar

I indeed did click it because of that.
Now i dont know if this is better or worse


Anyone who expected more is new to the sub.

u/Vikt22 avatar

Is it ever not memes? I'm sure it happens all the time, but I genuinely cannot recall the last time I've seen a developer response on here that's actually offered insight.


Yeah actually quite often r/gw2devtrack

People see what they want to see.

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This one is crap because last one was [News] -- Developer responsé

u/RandommUser avatar

That was manually set, this is from bot due to actual dev comments

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u/Raknel avatar

GW1 for android pls Anet

didn't realise how much I wanted this until I saw it.

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u/Hinyaldee avatar

That would be freaking awesome and a good excuse for me to finally play it. Didn't like it whereas trying it twice.

u/VacuumViolator avatar

I would pee myself irl

u/Tiavor avatar

when I think about how restricted the movement is, that would be perfect.

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While I'm not a big fan of the original Guild Wars, that would be one mobile MMO port that would actually kinda make sense. Wouldn't even have to add a jump button; seems good

u/Tiavor avatar


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Woa that's actually kinda cool

This...would work. Huh.

Dude, Yes.


Wow you are some kind of sorcerer. It would work well.

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u/roelski avatar

Polymock Mobile game reveal

u/Vahkris avatar

I'd love some sort of mobile game that would allow you to link to your GW2 account and use your achievements to unlock features within the game (as one method of unlocking it).


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u/Kurosov avatar

gw1 polymock was more a fancy rock paper scissors than anything.

Proper polymock was supposed to involve movement across a board like a grid based strategy rpg.

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u/Nordalin avatar

New game (straight after PoF release) or new DLC maybe?

I very much doubt it. Iirc it took them 18 months to make PoF, so they're not anywhere near to start disclosing details, especially because of story spoilers.

The sale numbers of PoF also seemed to be good enough to not warrant abandoning gw2 for a new title, especially because LS4 development is in full swing (and xpac 3 probably as well).

u/Will_Lucky avatar

Unless they’ve moved to a model where they’re working on multiple expansions at the same time like Guild Wars 1. And it wasn’t 18 months, remarkably it was in production apparently the moment HoT was released so a good 23 months.

Hypothetically, there was nothing to stop a very small team working on XP3 before PoF was even announced to get a foundation in place for a faster development process.

However main problem here, is Anet like to release what they show very quickly and something tells me an expansion isn’t coming out in July.

u/Carighan avatar


From what I understood from WoW and EQ1, this is the common thing, actually.

u/regendo avatar

And it wasn’t 18 months, remarkably it was in production apparently the moment HoT was released so a good 23 months.

The expansion team did do that Heart of Thorns 2.0 overhaul. I don't know how much of their team worked on that (I doubt the mount devs were adding extra events) but at least those that worked on that started work on PoF quite a while after HoT release.

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u/Hinyaldee avatar

It's totally not related, but that reminds me of some "heated" discussions a few players had about the fact that would never release an expansion pack, before having HoT announced. I was so happy and grinning like a child when it was all showed.

u/Nordalin avatar

To be fair, Anet did say they weren't intenting on it, and were trying to make Living World working instead.

I was glad too when HoT got announced, even though I didn't expect it and probably participated in a bunch of those discussions on the "not gonna happen" side.

u/Hinyaldee avatar

Same here :) Though about the mounts seeing the same "treatment" from the community, saying we would never get them because it would be useless. I'm totally happy aswell ! I swear that's the next thing I wish Anet would add into the game, because I like having a mount to mess around and move around the maps.

And they implemented them so well, I'm totally amazed. Crossing old maps has never been as much fun as with mounts. I don't even mind doing the travels instead of using WP most of the time

u/Vahkris avatar

Though about the mounts seeing the same "treatment" from the community, saying we would never get them because it would be useless.

Ironically, there were a few employees that outright said that if they were to do mounts, they'd want it to be more than just a speed boost. (I'd give a source, but this was back within the first year of the game on GW2Guru). They did exactly that. While it's definitely a speed boost, the unique abilities and skill each gets makes them far better than most mounts.

Granted, now I want some special WvW specific mounts that function as cavalry (only in very specific areas of the map) with 3 skills each. Won't happen, but might be fun. Or maybe just a PvP activity where everyone's on a mount and you have multiple skills and get involved in jousting and such.

u/Nordalin avatar

Agreed. Gw2 did an amazing job with them, especially considering that the PoF maps still have a high content density.

When mounts came up to discussion before PoF, I couldn't help but think of games like WoW and LotRO where you'd have massive maps, almost completely devoid of... anything, except for endgame instances in far-away corners. Mounts in those games simply function as a weak excuse for a speed boost, which was only necessary because they made their maps so stupidly big that they couldn't possibly fill it with an adequate amount of content (to my liking at least).

u/Hinyaldee avatar

I didn't play WoW, but I did play LotRO and agree with you. Yes, the maps were pretty like the landscapes, but it was a big desert of nothing in between. I do remember the auto-travel with horses in LotRO and them being annoyingly boring.

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The thing about mounts is that the bar had been set pretty low by competitors, and we (wrongly) expected something similar. Also, the simple idea of "make bigger maps with fewer waypoints" kinda entered our headspace a little later than it maybe should have.


that was soil reason why I dropped the game in 2014. Anet was so stubborn they won't release any expacs and will continue with their LW, which back then was only adding some small events and one shallow map (Southsun Cove) in over a year of game existence. I left for TESO for about a year and promised I will come back to gw 2 if they announce the expac. Day one oafter pax I was back logged in buying season 2 I missed xD

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u/Sxi139 avatar

look at the numbers. Both expansions had an increase of sales and money which is what they need. They will keep expansions and those expansions will add new things im sure.

u/Nordalin avatar

Definitely, I was just talking about the time before HoT got announced.

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Mounts, raids and expansions were all things people thought would break the game.

And all of them ended up improving the game tremendously in the end.

And the only reason they did, was because they were REALLY done right

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u/GordTheNorn avatar

Lineage M made $408 million U.S. in Q3. It went down quite a bit in Q4 but that kind of Scrooge McDuck money is enough to get the ball rolling for "Guild Wars M: Plight of the Six" 😁

Anet has had job listings for Mobile Game developers on their site last year.

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u/Hinyaldee avatar

I think they'll be announcing that they finally managed to tame the technology to allow us to sit on chairs

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u/HPetch avatar

Good on them for getting out there and reminding the world we still exist. No such thing as too much visibility at this point.

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Can you imagine if they just suddenly revealed they were working on Guild Wars 3?

u/Neramm avatar

Dunno why you get downvotet, it's probably a meme about GW3, but w/e.

I would like for them to update the engine a lot. WvW with large zergs isn't really fun when you drop down to like 10-20 fps. I know it's difficult to display MANY players ANd keep a stable framerate, but still ... I'd love that regardless.

And a new engine would go nicely with a new game.

Obviously not so "soon" after their last expansion pack, but yes.

Sure, of course. It could be exciting if they were working on a GW3 release for 5 years from now. Gw2 is in a great place right now, but it still would be cool to look forward to a reboot in the future.

u/k0rnflex avatar

I can only hope they would take the good stuff from GW1 and the good stuff from GW2. The current skill system allows for little creativity.

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u/Hrafhildr avatar

Wouldn't be the the first time they just abandoned ship on their game so it's not really beyond the realm of possibility.

one can only hope

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u/InarD avatar
u/MovieTrailerReply avatar

OOoh, you may be onto something here. To my knowledge anything with that concept art has yet to be announced.

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u/derd4100 avatar

i thought anet was one of those 1 game companies so i doubt it's a new game. and we just got an xpac so i doubt it's dlc.

edit: most likely PoF exposure or that rumored mobile app

Well there's nothing to say it's not an expansion due for next year.

In an ideal dream world they will be announcing moving over to a better engine lol. I can dream right?

u/derd4100 avatar

slow down there mate. you don't announce a new xpac when you're still releasing content tied to the previous one. also E3 doesn't seem like the place to announce an engine port.

u/kiradead avatar

you don't announce a new xpac when you're still releasing content tied to the previous one

Blizzard announced Battle for Azeroth before they released the last raid for Legion and Square Enix announced Stormblood before the last 2 story content patches for Heavensward.

I really don't see the problem with going on stage and releasing a short teaser with the name of the xpac before the last living story episodes. And they can use the extra time to talk in depth about not lore related system like elite specs before the xpac release, not the 1-2min teasers we got this time.

To be fair GW2 really can't announce an expansion before the end of the season because it could ruin the story.

u/kiradead avatar

Or Anet should stop using cliffhangers to hype a release. On a second thought, knowing the title of the 2nd xpac before Flashpoint would have actually helped us discover who Lazarus was, because pretty no one expected it to be Balthazar even with anet's top-notch story bread crumbs.

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u/Solemba avatar

Somethingsomething gen 2 legendaries

u/Wakareru avatar

Wait. They announced those in E3? I wasn't around back then. Why would the audience care about weapon skins in a game they don't play....?


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It won't be another expansion announcement because season 4 would have just got its 3 episode. Also they wouldn't go to E3 to announce a better engine.

u/decoy90 avatar

I have no idea why people keep saying they should move on another engine. Do you even understand how much work that is? It's pretty much building the game from scratch and it would take years to port a game as complex as GW2.

Nope I don't know how much work that is or could even try to understand, I'm an accountant.

But I do know my 1080 is wasted on the game, my i5 is overworked and the engine they have now in ancient and runs on dx9 where most games are higher. Like I said Ideal Dreamworld

u/Avalyah avatar

DX9 is supposedly not the issue at all. Engine might be, but GW2 engine developer explained once that going to DX10+ would not be a sizable improvement.

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u/RandommUser avatar

You will be surprised to find out they have released 2 games!


Doesn't Rytlock's Critter Rampage count as a standalone game?

u/RandommUser avatar

it surpasses the definition of a game and counts as art

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u/Will_Lucky avatar

Maybe they got the game working on PS4/Xbox.

Gotta jump on that free money waiting them.

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u/rude_asura avatar

Come visit us in Hall C, Stand 35 to visit our Mount Petting Zoo and your chance to win exclusive skins!

I dont think raptors conform with the safety instructions

u/rude_asura avatar

it will be skritt in raptor outfits

u/derd4100 avatar

it's never advised to bring skritt in large groups to an area with lot's of shiny monitors and electronics

u/Hinyaldee avatar


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I'm ok with this

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u/Plobmaster94 avatar

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" - HumanFemaleMeta.1337

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They will probably just use the opportunity to give PoF more exposure. Although there have been rumors for a long time that they were working on a mobile game/app/something.

I don't think they will announce expansion 3 so early...but, Ill be really happy if it turns out we are getting a substantial graphical update like the one WoW got with Legion. Its unlikely but who knows.

See the exposure thing is the most likely scenario of course, I just notice that they didn't really do that at any other point, last time they went to E3 it was an announcement, maybe the mobile thing is a likely case.

What is the mobile thing do we know? Being able to trade on TP would be awesome.


Card game most likely. Cheap to design and create, cheap to maintain and develop.

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u/Schlummi avatar

Some time ago a job description at Anet said: "Create, maintain and manage visual systems, brand identity, and style guide of our mobile game ".

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u/darksora2323 avatar

Most likely the mobile game but I doubt they would travel all the way to E3 just to promote one of their games. It would be a great opportunity to promote GW2 as well. Hopefully the marketing team doesnt show off those awful ads we've been getting lol.

"JuicySkrittBooty.2143 - This game is shiny!"

u/Ev0kes avatar

It may well be a GW2 showcase, many people that shunned GW2 back in the day are surprised to see what it is like now. With WoW trying to bring back the glory days in an attempt to stop hemorrhaging subscribers, now is the perfect time to remind people of GW2 on a global stage.

I imagine the majority of us are hoping for some amazing new content/game, but try and keep your expectations reasonable, that way you won't be disappointed!

Alternatively, you could just derail the hype train. NCSoft registered a bunch of Guild Wars 3, 4 and 5 domains in 2014.

edit- typos

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Guild wars 3 mang. They decided they themeselves could no longer manage the conditions in this game and they need to jump ship. Or a pvp overhaul and they want to get the word out.

GW2 port for nintendo switch confirmed

Dude...I would never.stop.playing.

Don’t get my hopes up like this!

u/Artemis-Thuras avatar

The practical side of my mind says: those little tablets wouldn't handle it or it would be almost unplayable lag.

The other half is going "zomg my switch battery would be hammered!"

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u/RhenCarbine avatar

They could be there to market to non-GW2 fans how the game has progressed since their last visit. I'm sure a lot of people had bad impressions of gw2 and this might be their chance.

Also, mobile game. Probably.

All aboard the hype train. No? Ok, I'll wait.

Guild Wars 3!?

Standalone single player game to see (minus the one Fractal) all of the events in action on how Joko took full control of Elona. I would buy that game.

u/derd4100 avatar

guild wars

rise of the awakened

I would absolutely love a revamped GW1 but I know that is crazytalk.

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Polymock arena for mobile. I am from the future. Also Stranger Things season 3 is freaking awesome, DC still cant make a good movie, and Necro is overpowered.

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It could just be them marketing better and showing the game is still alive with an upcoming expansion announcement. June would be about right for an expansion announcement where they would release it late Q3/early Q4. Whatever it is, its gotta have something as big as mounts or gliding if they really want to show off the game.

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Guild Wars 1 Remastered please

u/bigwigx avatar

The previous times Arenanet has had a presence at E3 it has been as a part of another companys booth. Alienware showing off hardware specs using Guild Wars 2 is one example.

I'm guessing this is the same.

u/Mostreup avatar

I am not sure that GW2 is a good benchmark for hardware in 2018. Let's hope it is for something else

Alienware: Check it out! BAM! 325 FPS in DOOM.

Fans: Can this run Guild Wars 2 with a good framerate?

Alienware: Oh um... Yeah, totally! Watch this.

-Disables FPS counter before launching the game.-

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Suddenly all the gw2 players pcs blew up in fiery flame.

u/Adriaen6 avatar

I cried a little.

u/Gangstrocity avatar

Can you imaging flying on your dragon mount across zone boarders without loading...

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u/Tulki avatar

We've overhauled the whole engine to allow for 10-person buffs and 25 more bleeding stacks.


This. Or build templates.

u/Monstrum27 avatar

Guild Wars Tag Team Racing Nitro Deluxe for Switch Starring Dante From Devil May Cry



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As far as I am aware Anet were at E3 in 2016 just not in an announcement capacity all they did was show news sites Out of the shadows.

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u/Are92 avatar

I imagine them hyping up a single Living world episode and at the same time refresh the publics idea of what GW2 is. Could be quite effective to show what can be expected from one episode and then show how many episodes we've gotten and how often we get them.

u/polarbytebot avatar

This is a list of links to comments made by ArenaNet employees in this thread:

Beep boop. This message was created by a bot. Please message u/Xyooz if you have any questions, suggestions or concerns. Source ^Code

To find this post you can also search for the following keywords: developer response anet arenanet devresp

Release s1 as playable in story journal. I dont think thats it, i just wanted to say it. would be awesome if they announced plans for the next expac, and maybe some other cool side project.


Guild Wars 3 confirmed. /s

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u/rude_asura avatar

Announcement that NC Soft sold it to EA


That's possible and also terrifying

u/Lon-ami avatar

I'd legit stop playing. EA would destroy it slowly, a slow agonizing death.

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u/ApatheticBeardo avatar

That's genius, imagine the possibilities.

They could slap a "Bioware" sticker on the next expansion's box!

Finally, something worthy of a genuine "AAAAAAAAHH!" reaction. Just, y'know, not the good kind.

Not even jokingly, but my mind can see some messed up changes.

Chests you get while roaming (like daily boss chests and such) now locked behind a paywall. Spend $1 to get those open.

Fractals and Raids are even more limited. Can only do about 3 Fractals a day (success OR failure) before having to pay up for more chances at it. Raids can only try each wing once daily. Making pug runs even more chaotic (for this one I'm talking out of my ass as I never did a pug raid before so I don't know how bad they are).

Maps have premium slots to them now. Maps now have 25 slots that are locks and will show the map as full no matter who or what is on it. The only way to get on them is to pay a premium fee to get into the premium slots during certain metas/bosses.

Equipment loot boxes. Pay for a quick roll, almost like black lion chests, but for random set of gear. The only guaranteed is you will get exotics or higher, but the chance on getting anything ascended is about the same rarity of ascended drops from Teq, and Legendary is about the same rate as the Treasure Mushroom's invisible boots.

I really don't like my mind when it thinks of random stuff like that.

Dude you just discribed Aion since GF took it

u/Hinyaldee avatar

Stop there Satan and calm down ! And delete this post before anyone from EA or Anet sees it and takes ideas from it, or worse !

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Time to announce their new mobile game

u/Charrikayu avatar

I feel like more people would be skeptical of/annoyed by this than excited for it. Guild Wars 2's content pace has settled into a nice rhythm but a lot of people are still feeling the neglect in their niches.

u/Raknel avatar

Guild Wars 2's content pace has settled into a nice rhythm

Well, story and maps did, nothing else. The rest is just randomly thrown out occasionally without ever announcing that it's even being worked on.

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u/ihazbackup avatar

Guild Wars 2 Go! confirmed?

You don't go to E3 just for an xpack for a 5 year old game.

This is most likely a brand new game with a brand new IP unrelated to the guild wars franchise.

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It's time.

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u/Yosika avatar

City of Secrets? hehe

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u/the_ninetailed avatar

Mobyle Polymock, tied to our ingame mini collections. Maybe even with ingame achievements :D

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u/queenofhunting avatar

console release after doing action cam stuff etc, tera went to consoles etc aswell

I assume it's going to be PoF related, or rather living story. Timewise it might be due that we take on an elder dragon or similarly epic entity. Maybe they have some grand visuals or unique mechanics tied to that battle, which are worth to be shown off at such an event to draw in more sales and generate new hype


I'm guessing they'll just be partnered up to show off someone's new hardware using GW2, like they've done a couple times in the past, (I think it was with Nvidia at PAX).

But if it's a new project, my personal hope and dream would be a fighting game made by a capable contractor. I just think everything about GW2's combat would carry over excellently into 2D. It's not likely, but a guy can wish.

Also possible: they may just be hosting a tourny at E3.


ArenaNet and NCSoft aren't listed on the exhibitor page. Its outdated but its possible that the logo at the bottom is a mistake.

Alternatively, they are actually going. I wouldn't expect a mobile game period. I'd expect them to show up with PoF/Living world and expect people to maybe give a damn.

Whatever they do, having a presence at the show is probably better than flying a large portion of the developers to Germany for Gamescom and not putting up a booth period.

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u/DUDE_FERRIS avatar

I really hope they have plans for bringing the game up to 2018 standards in this case.


I mean build templates are definitely E3 worthy.

u/dagbiker avatar

Quagon Crush Saga. Calling it now.

I thought ArenaNet boycotted E3 because, IIRC, "E3 is too much press not enough fans" (shorthand paraphrasing).

Aion x Guild Wars 2? Pls. Aion has very awesome armor skins.

u/flaagan avatar

So I guess I should start saving up for my next Legendary already...




Seriously though, do people still care about E3?

u/Niradin avatar

Look like SAB world 3 is finaly going to get anounced!


Some one in the thread talked about Guild wars 3 as a potential idea.

If I was dreaming it would be Guild wars Remastered. Make GW1 again but with new engine! Then in 4 years they can cancel further dev and move to Guildwars 2 remastered!

I doubt it will be exposure for an expansion that's been out for 9 months by the time E3 rolls around.

u/Zuluuk1 avatar

Gw2 releasing on ps4 / xbox one? They have immersive mode and auto targets already... It is an action mmorpg after all.

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On the other hand, Anet is 400 employee company, let's say there are 3 teams that work on living world episodes, each 10 ppl, then there is xpack team, let's say 100 ppl. What about the other 200+ employees, I am pretty sure they're developing another product.

u/cripplemouse avatar

There are a shitton of teams and divisons in the company, many of them not even related to developing (IT, finance, cleaning lady, HR, etc.) so don't be sure about that.

OK, even like that, let's say it is 150-170 ppl, there are still ~50 people left. That is more than enough to develope a game. Though it is all speculation, I am not insisting I am right.

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The first AMA Mike O'Brien did set out the teams "120 devs working on the live game, 70 devs on Expac2, and 30 devs on core teams that support both."

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Gw3 ?

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I know it's not gonna happen but an overhaul of the graphics engine would be the shit! Like.. gimme GW2 - Horizon Zero Dawn Edition (yeah yeah not practical for an MMO and all that but one can dream).


I really want this. Sure not Horizon Zero Dawn level, but WoW had a graphics update when their Legion expansion came out. If Gw2 gets an updated graphical engine, that will really attract new players that judge the game for its slightly outdated graphics compared to the current market.

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My moneyz and hopes is on a new engine.

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GW2 Console release!

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