Thursday, May 23, 2024

Thursday Night

Rock on.

Happy Hour

Get happy.

It's Groundhog Day, Again

I recommend reading this article in the BBC, and then realizing it's dated Dec. 12, 2023.



Is That The Good Auschwitz Or The Bad One

I keep saying this, but I don't think it's generally appreciated how (some) conservatives see Nazis as both the worst thing ever and something to aspire to depending on who they imagine is wearing the swastika cap.

Is It Any Wonder The Monkey's Confused

 "Republicans are going to vote against the bipartisan border bill..."

"bipartisan border security bill" which one party supports and the other doesn't.

Can you learn to speak human please?  I follow this stuff and I don't know what the fuck he's talking about.

Chasing Haley Voters

There was zero chance Haley would endorse Biden, but successfully chasing her voters seems to require, at a minimum, her doing a coy "I'm going to write in Ronald Reagan" kind of nonsense.
Nikki Haley says she will vote for Trump in 2024 election
Nothing is that straightforward, but the idea that dedicated Republican voters - the kind who actually show up to vote in primaries - are itching to vote for a Democrat is not a solid idea.

A useful exercise - one I do myself occasionally - is to ask yourself just how bad the Democratic nominee would have to be before you would actually go pull the lever for the Republican? House, Senate, Governor, President? What would make you say "wow, that Dem is a piece of shit, time to hand it to the Republicans instead?"

I might stay home. I might not bother to jump through the minor hoops to get an absentee ballot or similar if I needed to. But actually go vote for, I dunno, Mitt Romney for president? Don't think I can!

Why do people think Republicans are different? Sure there are swingy voters, but the ones who vote in primaries?


Thirsty Thursday.

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Wednesday Night

Rock on.

Happy Hour

 Get happy

Slurp Juice Journalism


Nobody Could Have Predicted

The kind of revelation that they should have had last October.
The Biden administration fears Israel is disastrously squandering its opportunity for victory against Hamas, losing its best chance to eliminate the group’s hold on Gaza and threat to the Israeli people.

Top officials are publicly calling Israel’s strategy in Gaza self-defeating and likely to open the door to Hamas’ return — a level of criticism of the Middle East ally not seen since the war began in October.

The officials say Israel’s government has failed to hold parts of Gaza after clearing them, has turned the civilian population and the rest of the world against it with widespread bombing and inadequate humanitarian aid, and enabled Hamas to recruit more fighters.
Of course if they really believed this was genuinely an effort by Israel to get rid of Hamas, instead of murdering or expelling as many Palestinians as they could get away with before the US stopped them, then Biden's people are dumber than I imagine!



America's Worst University

Yale University. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.

Prominent Atlantic Writer Is Very Concerned About The Atlantic

The primary conduit for this stuff in the US is her own magazine!


From an electoral perspective, "the president appearing to have his wallet stolen regularly by a country smaller (population) than Sweden" isn't a great look.

I mean, even if you approve of what's going on there, our guy getting pantsed daily isn't how it's supposed to be for The United States Of Fucking America.

Big loser energy.
My rule: Never listen to what Bibi tells you in private in English. Only watch what he says in public in Hebrew. For months, the Biden team has beseeched Netanyahu to articulate a post-Gaza vision that would involve Palestinian and Arab control over Gaza and a long-term pathway to demilitarized Palestinian statehood — so that the United States is not facilitating an Israeli occupation of Gaza, along with the West Bank — and to pave the way for a U.S.-Saudi security pact that could also produce normalized relations between Israel and the Saudis.

Netanyahu has said no to all of it. He did, though, show his gratitude to Biden by having his parliamentary majority give Elise Stefanik, a hack Republican congresswoman with no foreign policy standing whatsoever — and a person groveling to become Donald Trump’s vice president — the extraordinary honor of giving an address Sunday in the Knesset, where she slammed the U.S. president and praised Trump.


Another glorious day in the liberal international rules-based order!

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Tuesday Night

Rock on.

Happy Hour

Get happy

So Unexpected

Much like Blinken pretending that peace and justice are coming in Gaza, I was fake believing that Trump was going to testify this time for sure. Oh well.