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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Had to laugh at the comment about London not being multicultural or having immigrants. I was born and raised in London, and it's about as racially diverse a city as you'll ever find in Canada.

5 October 2011 at 09:10

Anonymous Lost and Damned. said...

You know... I hate to say it but our buddy Paul has definitely made one incredibly outstanding and irrefutable point in all this, and one must admire this kind of dedication: No matter who you are or where you hail from... you are irrevocably more intelligent than a white nationalist. I mean, He speaks for all of them right? (I added the question mark because Fuck you Paul Fromm... that is why.) He reads from plain red-neck propaganda to illegibly inane. Because really... you have to try to suck that much... sorry for ranting, but this level of stupid deserves a special rung in hell.

7 October 2011 at 02:32

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