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Anonymous Anonymous said...

This shit just keeps getting funnier and funnier. Looking at their profiles, with the exception of Max, just has me figuratively dying of laughter. Who would ever have thought a bunch of wiggers would band together to scream "White Power!!".

Also, looking at Jeremy's profile, it seems he's a fan of Young Jeezy... you are aware that Young Jeezy is black, right Jeremy?

24 August 2014 at 19:51

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow this collection of idiots never cease to amaze me. If they had any sort of standards for membership and didn't collect idiots as quickly as they possibly can they would not exist at all anymore. they have rats, drug dealers, drug addicts and race only seems to be an issue for a small minority in that group. if it wasn't just their say so and a few shitty tattoos you would never know they were any different then any other gang.

24 August 2014 at 20:09

Anonymous Anonymous said...

These guys make Jordan freshcut look good hahaha

24 August 2014 at 21:11

Anonymous Anonymous said...

*Complain about immigrants,can't even spell.

25 August 2014 at 07:26

Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's always kinda funny to see the bonehead evolution. Jeremy has discovered Skrewdriver... now we wait for the Romper Stomper quotes/pics that are sure to follow! It's all so fucking predictable.

26 August 2014 at 12:40

Anonymous Anonymous said...

While racist ideology can consume otherwise intelligent people and the ruling class generally utilizes racism to divide those that actually work for a living - it is interesting to see that these people represent the most vocal folks on the far-right today.

These kids strike me as legitimately unintelligent, maybe even borderline mentally challenged.

I am not just throwing out an insult here, there are more clever insults you could level at these folks, I would actually like to see a sociological study of these individuals to determine what, if any, correlation there is between simplistic racist beliefs and extremely low IQ (a problematic indicator of course, but I use it as shorthand for some type of test to determine intellectual capacity).

26 August 2014 at 15:57

Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I would actually like to see a sociological study of these individuals to determine what, if any, correlation there is between simplistic racist beliefs and extremely low IQ"

There have been several studies that have been done that show this correlation between the two. Those who hold racist beliefs have been shown to have reduced cognitive ability, and lower integrative complexity. This is not to say all are unintelligent, just those with higher intelligence are better at concealing.

I wish I could say without a doubt that ones intelligence was the only reason these groups come together, but there are other factors as well. With SOS (not the sharpest tools in the shed), and many other groups as well. recruits are often targeted that are disenchanted youth who are often abused, sexually repressed, bullied, angry, unemployed, drop outs, and who may be looking for someone to blame for their problems. They offer then a false sense of belonging and fitting in.

27 August 2014 at 06:27

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