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Anonymous Keep doing stuff Jeremy! said...

What a firecracker he is! All lit up, and ready to type in all caps. That's how you know he's tough. Real tough, not just "on the telephone" tough. So, yeah. In conclusion, don't fuck with Jeremy Crawford, because he's covered in white power tats. I especially like the "Raver" one. What MC does that one belong too?

6 September 2014 at 16:02

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really hope this continues to be a thing, their stupidity and moronic antics bring me great amusement. Will any of them ever realize that the whole knuckle-dragging, hood mentality shit is not exactly the best way to tout yourselves as the "master race"? Bragging about being a criminal and being in and out of prison? And with an elementary (at best) level of education to boot?Wow, such a shining example you are.

6 September 2014 at 17:09

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Being an ex violent right wing extremist myself I sure get a kick outta reading about the SOS,I've always enjoyed reading arc even when it was me you made fun of.whoever the author is for arc has a great sense of humor!these guys are gun toting hip gangster wannabes,drug dealing ex cons.the exact kind of people the " movement " was supposed to be against but that's all it will ever consist of.what a contradiction.the pic in part IX the aftermath looks like the cast of jersey shore shaved their heads and put on some red braces,or maybe just some white boys who got a little crazy with the spray tan! I made a lot of mistakes in my past and live a normal life now free of hate but seeing that pic makes me even more grateful that I'm no longer a part of it hahaha thanks SOS for being a constant reminder!

7 September 2014 at 02:27

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well..don't imagine he'll be out enjoying his freedom for long. Writing it on the wall.
Unfortunately you know an innocent person is going to get hurt in his effort to "prove" himself.

7 September 2014 at 09:16

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well S.O.S. seems to be shaping up lol. At least he didn't threaten to call the cops this time.

7 September 2014 at 09:42

Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I especially like the "Raver" one."

Me, too! Are those dots around it supposed to be ecstasy pills? lol

7 September 2014 at 14:02

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you guys should have some sort of competition for best demotivational poster featuring S.O.S.

7 September 2014 at 21:24

Anonymous Anonymous said...

As Bugs Bunny once said so eloquently..."what a maroon!!!" Thanks, Jeremy! It's ass-hats like you that keep giving white antis like me the ammunition to keep on successfully turning white kids away from folks like SOS. Please keep up the great work! You're doing a better job at destroying your sacred "master race" than anyone I know!!

8 September 2014 at 01:27

Anonymous Anonymous said...

My favourite thing about Jeremy is that (for all intents and purposes) he "dresses black", baggy ass jeans and a neon green ecko shirt, he wouldn't know skinhead if one hit him in the face, which may or may not happen soon, "HAY HOOS THAT PREPPY IN THAT POE-LOW SHERT! SKINHEADS WARE ECKO AND SHADY AND LISSEN TO REAL SKINHED MOOZIK LIKE THAT BAND THAT WAS MAYDE UP FOR THE DOCUMENTARY ROMPERSTOMPER THATS REEL LEIF! SOS WPWW SWTOR WWE OHIP POTUSA RAMALAMADINGDONG!!!!"

8 September 2014 at 11:53

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think this guy has a mental problem.No way a person can be this stupid.

8 September 2014 at 11:58

Anonymous Anonymous said...

best series ever. seriously. i get giddy when there's a new part to the sos stooges. it's like some kind of horrible soap opera. keep it up boys!

8 September 2014 at 17:50

Anonymous Romper Stomper Bomper Boo said...

D'awwwwwww. The SOS has their own lil' John Marleau, all dumb n' stupid-like. I look forward to the revelation that he's actually half Native.

8 September 2014 at 21:13

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where are all his white power tats?? I've only seen a celtic cross on him. Or is that "RAVER" tat supposed to be white power? I can't believe the AB would let a prat like this run one of their crews. I wonder what they would do if he got sent back inside and they heard about all the lies he's been spewing. I mean, he ran an AB crew but has no AB tats?

9 September 2014 at 00:26

Anonymous Anonymous said...

He looks like one of those dudes from that late 90s band, Crazy Town.

11 September 2014 at 20:28

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nothing says "white power" like hip hop clothing and junkie tattoos

11 September 2014 at 22:21

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Every time I see another SOS post it reminds me of the old 90's TV show Goof Troop.

Report to the Goof Troop!

12 September 2014 at 10:17

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Real AB would make short work of this turd

3 June 2018 at 13:28

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