
Another anti-Islam protest by Pegida Canada results in assault charge

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It’s a grassroots anti-Islamist group, born in Southwestern Ontario.

An unlikely assembly of about 30 to 40 people, Pegida Canada’s membership is small enough to fit on a single school bus but loud enough to provoke violent clashes with counter-protesters on the steps of London city hall.

One person was charged with assault after the group’s most recent rally Saturday, the latest in a string of demonstrations that have tested the limits of tolerance.

Its August protest — which prompted London city council, in a unanimous vote, to ask city staff to review their use of public space guidelines — was a flashpoint for violent clashes with anti-hate demonstrators.

Two people were arrested at its September rally when fists flew once again.

But Pegida Canada is planning another rally in November, its members united by fear of Islamic radicalism and a desire to preserve what they see as traditional Canadian values.

“What we want to do here is protect our Canadian democracy. That’s our aim,� said a Pegida Canada organizer who did not want to give her real name, fearing violence. Online, she uses the moniker Jenny Hill.

Her group is an offshoot of the European far-right movement Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamization of the West. Hill, who has relatives in Europe, was inspired to start the chapter in January 2015.

Pegida Canada largely is middle class and white, but includes blue collar workers and academics, men, women, Christians, Jews, students and seniors, Hill said.

“We’re just concerned citizens. We like Canada just the way it is,� said member Dave Capuano, who works as a carpenter.

“One of the signs I like the best is ‘Love Muslims but reject Islam,’ � said member David Wolfe, 43, a labourer from Goderich.

“I don’t want the changes happening in Europe, in terms of demographics, to happen here.�

Though there are supporters in other provinces and online, including more than 30,000 followers on Facebook, the Southwestern Ontario chapter is the only organized one in the country.

Hill said Pegida Canada is motivated by fear of terror attacks by radical Islamists, fear of the dissolution of Western values and fear of the loss of Judeo-Christian culture.

“I’m not intent on inflaming, I’m intent on educating,� she said.

The Facebook group shares news stories about crimes committed by Muslims, columns critical of radical Islam and content from firebrand conservative outlets such as The Rebel and Breitbart.

“(Our supporters) see what’s happening around the world, not just terror attacks, but the implementation of Islam in the West, and that scares them because they’re afraid of losing freedom of speech or just freedom, period,� said Hill.

Pegida does have some genuine concerns, said Salim Mansur, a Western University professor and vice-president of the Council of Muslims Facing Tomorrow, an advocacy group that opposes violence and extremism in the name of Islam.

“There has been violence, there has been terrorism, there have been shootings,� Mansur said.

But the problem comes when otherwise legitimate worries are exaggerated or used to stoke fear or xenophobia, hate crime researcher Barbara Perry said.

She has no doubt Pegida Canada does just that.

“They really are a single-issue hate group. Their focus really is on Islam and the threat posed by Muslims and the threat posed by Islam and Sharia law and all of those pieces they imagine are creeping into Canada,� said Perry, a social scientist at University of Ontario Institute of Technology in Oshawa.

Anti-Islam groups in Canada fear monger, paint Islam as inherently violent or terrorism-­inspiring, overstate the threat of Sharia law creeping in and don’t distinguish between fundamentalists or extremists and the rest of the Muslim community, Perry said.

Groups such as Pegida Canada are a brand of hate group, one that isn’t explicitly racist, she said. They hide behind what she calls cultural nationalism, a dislike and fear of a group that goes beyond skin colour.

“They’re very careful not to talk about race,� she said.

“They do that, I think, to present themselves in a more sanitized fashion. It’s as insidious, if not more, than to talk about white nationalism.�

More concerning still, said Perry, is the fact that Pegida Canada stood alongside the Three Percenters — an armed anti-Islamic group — at its August rally.

The move suggests sympathy or complacency with the far-right group’s message, Perry said.

“(The Three Percenters) are more violent, and are more extreme in their views and rhetoric. I think that that’s cause for concern,� she said.

Pegida Canada is relatively new in the landscape of Canadian anti-Islamist organizations, and it’s one to keep an eye on, said University of Toronto political scientist Chris Cochrane.

“We really don’t have any research at all on this group in particular,� he said. “They are different from other far-right groups and that’s a bit of the problem, I think, in trying to understand these movements in general.�

What Cochrane does know, according to public opinion research during the past decade, is anti-Muslim opinion in Canada is high and is increasing. He said messages from groups such as Pegida Canada are resonating.

“It’s changing people’s minds. It’s giving people the feeling that their positions, which they may have otherwise kept to themselves, are perfectly legitimate to express publicly,� he said.

But if groups such as Pegida are marching to promote their message, concerned citizens should be hitting the streets, too, said Alan Dutton, national director of the Canadian Anti-racism Education and Research Society.

“We’ve had these huge demonstrations against racism and they’ve had a big impact because people have shown they’re concerned,� he said.

“One of the main things we can do that’s had huge success is to show our opposition to racism by marching in the streets, by having peaceful demonstrations.�

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Pegida Canada

Southwestern Ontario chapter started in January 2015.

Offshoot of the European far-right movement Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamization of the West.

Members have held several rallies in London, the latest of which Saturday resulted in one charge of assault.



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