Showing posts with label M.K. Show all posts
Showing posts with label M.K. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Bill Noble: Still a Little Bitter

It's been a while since we wrote about the folks who were associated with Kyle McKee's AG/B&H/C18/AARP/WWE/NAMBLA but we certainly haven't forgotten about them. While he certainly has been quiet these days with McKee's one time ally, now rival Max Hynes getting much of the press, he has been quietly trying to reestablish himself.

Part of the reason for the collapse of the Aryan Guard and it's Blood & Honour successor was because of pretty massive egos and the infighting that resulted. WEB broke away from the AG due to "philosophical differences" which appears to have resulted in an attempt to off one of the WEB members with a pipe bomb. When the AG morphed into Blood & Honour, there was already a faction of the movement associated with the Hammerskins and Volksfront who had a preexisting acrimonious relationship with the C18 aligned B&H internationally as well as within Canada. And then McKee's B&H splintered, with one group siding with McKee and the other Jessie Lajoie. By the time of Max Hynes' falling out with McKee, it looks as if Lajoie had reconciled with McKee which, of course, resulted in this:

McKee Associate Convicted and Sentenced in Violent Attack

Really, it's hard to conduct RAHOWA if you continually shoot, stab, or bomb each other in the backs. But hey, don't let us stop you.

One of the more entertaining incidents that occurred during this time was detailed in this blog more than two years ago. Bill Noble, still loosely associated with the McKee faction, had entered into a new relationship with a woman who had more liberal views about human sexuality. Long story short, Noble was photographed at the Winnipeg Gay Pride Festival having a great time.

It didn't take long before Noble was taken to task for his attendance at the event, though he tried to justify it as a sneaky way of proving how intolerant anti-racists really are rather than telling people that he had a blast, made some new friends, and that those criticizing him should jump off a bridge.

Suffice it to say no one bought his explanation and he was booted from the Blood & Honour International forums by the then Canadian moderator and his chief accuser, Jessie Lajoie. And when he learned he had been banned from the forum, Noble threw a hissy fit and went after Lajoie.

Now one would think that two year later Noble might have decided to have let it go and just move on with his life. However, if you believe that you really don't know Bill Noble:

Friday, May 09, 2014

May 2014 Bits and Bites

This will be relatively short. First, we would like to provide our readers with what looks to be a bit of a preview:

We have a feeling that the lives of the Southern Ontario Skinheads are about to become a lot more public and, perhaps, a lot less comfortable. And that all might be happening very soon.

More on that later. In the meantime, we offer our readers the wit, wisdom, and silver tongue of Mr. Hynes who waxes poetically about the nature of the fairer gender:

Yeah, hard to believe these people have a difficult time maintaining relationships. Or forming relationships in the first place. But.... wait.... is that Bernie Miller we see? Why yes it is! Miller has just recently completed his house arrest stemming from an incident in Edmonton which also resulted in Kyle McKee ending up serving a year in jail. It's sort of funny that an ally of McKee, someone who is suspected of being involved in the assault on Hynes in the summer of 2012, would be communicating with Hynes. Even more funny when you consider who Miller is pictured with in Miller's profile photo:

That there sidling up to Miler is Eric Marshall, one of the two men (along with Jessie Lajoie) who assaulted Hynes after being lured into the trap with promises of a sexual encounter with Ms. Kissack.

Saturday, May 03, 2014

Kyle McKee Writes in the Third Person Now

There was a little update regarding McKee's alleged involvement on the attack against Max Hynes, a one time ally now rival, that took place in the summer of 2012:

White power leader denies role in Kitchener ambush

KITCHENER — The leader of a Calgary-based white supremacy group denies he orchestrated a vicious attack in Kitchener to mete out internal discipline. 

Kyle McKee, 28, a former Kitchener man who heads a neo-Nazi organization called Blood and Honour, was named in court last week when two other people admitted their roles in the plot. 

The facts accepted by Jessie Lajoie, 25, and M.K, 24, specified meetings with McKee while he was in custody for alleged hate crimes in Alberta preceded the armed attack here in the summer of 2012. 

Now free on bail, however, McKee denied involvement in the ambush of Max Hynes, a former group member lured to the park by M.K with a promise of sex. 

"I've never been questioned about it, I haven't been charged and it definitely hasn't been proven," McKee said in an interview from Calgary this week. 

Const. Jeff Gren, the local detective who investigated the case, confirmed McKee hasn't been formally accused of the crime. 

"The short answer is we simply lacked the evidence to proceed with a charge against him," he wrote in an email. 

Gren would not say if McKee was interviewed because it could adversely affect the investigations conducted outside Ontario. 

Hynes, 21, was described in court as a former Blood and Honour organizer in London who had a falling out with McKee "due to a number of unauthorized activities." 

He was hit in the head and slashed twice in the stomach by Lajoie and alleged accomplice Eric Marshall, 26, after they travelled here from Alberta to get him.

That Jessie Lajoie, Eric Marshall, and M.K were involved in a violent attack against Max Hynes would likely have received only a little mainstream media coverage in addition to the focus we would have given it. However at least one bonehead has been keeping the story alive on Stormfront as well:

Gee, ain't that a coincidence? "Freedom Fighter" suggests that the journalist who wrote the original article was incorrect but will soon make some corrects. Lo and behold a couple of days later, and the promised article appears.

"Freedom Fighter" joined Stormfront on May 31, 2013 and has been sporadically active (89 posts as of May 2, 2014) ever since. He has suggested that he is a new but also a long-time activist:


It didn't become too long before this "relatively new" Stormfront member took an inordinate (and surprisingly detailed) interest in the affairs of Kyle McKee. We earlier noted that when Hynes was trying to promote the Southern Ontario Skinheads on Stormfront, "Freedom Fighter" very quickly stepped in to offer his unsolicited $0.02:

He claims that he doesn't have knowledge about the case despite providing some fairly accurate information.... you know.... for someone who doesn't really know any of the parties involved.

"Freedom Fighter" also has an odd interest in the past annual marches that McKee's Blood & Honour (as well as their forerunner Aryan Guard) used to organize:

Come on Kyle! Who you think you're fooling? (Update: Thanks for catching that for us)

Monday, April 28, 2014

McKee Associate Convicted and Sentenced in Violent Attack

Leave to go camping a for five days and look at what we missed.

There are a few stories of particular interest to our readers, such as the anti-immigration flyers in Brampton and the "Free Matt Hale" posters being put up by Wes Smith and his friends in the Southern Ontario Skineheads. We'll address those stories at a latter date. However we want to focus on the recent conviction and sentencing of two individuals involved in an attack on the founder and leader of the SOS, Max Hynes. We'll include a little bit of commentary along the way:

KITCHENER — Bad blood within a white supremacy group fuelled the vicious ambush of a former organizer in a Kitchener park almost two years ago.

The masked attack in the summer of 2012 was orchestrated by Kyle McKee, a former Kitchener resident and leader of a Calgary-based neo-Nazi group called Blood and Honour.

For someone who has been in jail as often as he has been, we're surprised that McKee was so careless. He had to have known that his jailhouse conversations would have been recorded.

Then again, maybe he wasn't the one being careless?

Sunday, February 23, 2014

February 2014 Bits and Bites: Fun Times in Southern Ontario

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.

Especially if your name is Max Hynes.

On the one hand, he is the "leader" of a small group of boneheads in southern Ontario with supporters in Toronto. Recently he has been trying to become more of a public presence, at least online:


But on the other hand, being more public has certain pitfalls, such as when people start asking uncomfortable questions.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

More Infighting: Calgary Blood & Honour Feud With Southern Ontario Skins

The McKee faction of Blood & Honour has been uncharacteristically quiet aside from the suspected  attack on the Devine home in September and their short-lived website.  And except for a planned MMA exhibition (i.e. a couple of drunk boneheads wildly throwing haymakers at each other in an unfinished basement while being poorly filmed), the Southern Ontario Skinheads haven't appeared all that active either.

Which isn't to say that things aren't interesting if one knows where to look.

We have to admit that we don't know the reason but there has been a wee bit of tension that exists between the members of both racist gangs which is interesting considering the overlap. For example, the founder and (for lack of a better word) leader of the S.O.S. is Max Hynes who, when he lived for a time in Calgary, was closely associated with B&H and when he returned to Ontario started a B&H branch there. The leader of B&H in Calgary, Kyle McKee, has his own origins in southern Ontario. Eric Sheridan, a Toronto member of the S.O.S., helped flyer Lethbridge with the precursor of B&H (the Aryan Guard) in 2007. And Brenin Bonifaz who was appeared to be closely associated with the S.O.S. is now very much a part of McKee's B&H now that he has moved to Calgary.

Which brings us to Brenin Bonifaz.

Dude. You should really change your privacy settings.

It looks like since we grabbed these screen shots Bonifaz has removed the whole monologue, but a couple of questions come to our mind upon reading this:

1. At the risk of being referred to as, "noobs" by the kids, what the hell is a, "hard Furback"?
2. What did comments that were deleted say?

It seems pretty clear that there was a much more extensive conversation going on. Bonifaz seems to be discussing the rational for insulting (because calling someone a, "hard Furback is and insult, right?) Hynes in what we would regard as in rather personal manner and is arguing with one or more individuals who's comments are no longer available.

It would be very interesting to know exactly what they were talking about. Sadly, we can only imagine what the rest of the discussion might have been.


Naw! We're just screwing with ya! Of course we know what the rest of the conversation was about.

We were watching a lot of it take place in real time:

Friday, April 05, 2013

Update on Kitchener Assault: McKee's Name Mentioned

First, if any of our Edmonton readers know anything about this story, please give us a heads up:

Racist grafitti on house focus of hate crimes probe

We don't know if it's one of the usual suspects, someone we aren't aware of, or a random act of idiocy, but we would like to find out.

But in the meantime, we have an update on the assault that took place in Kitchener, ON for which Jessie Lajoie, Eric Marshall, and M.K were arrested.

Max Hynes

Even though we were told that we could legally print the name of the victim, we didn't feel comfortable doing so until we saw it published elsewhere (that, and we still were not sure what his real name was). Max Hynes, currently a leading member of the new Southern Ontario Skins and formerly associated with Kyle McKee's Blood & Honour chapter, was allegedly attacked in August 2012. A better image of Hynes can be found below as he celebrated New Years with Paul Fromm a few years back:

Saturday, March 09, 2013

Another Former Aryan Guard Member Arrested

In a February 22 post concerning violence in the racist movement, we also included an article and suggested that we would soon be learning more about the assault and it's link to some of the people we cover here on this blog. On March 4, while we were focused on Tyler Sturrup's guilty plea in the murder of Mark Mariani, we failed to also note that arrests had been made in the assault in Kitchener, Ontario:

CTV Kitchener
Published Monday, Mar. 4, 2013 1:45PM EST 

Three people are facing charges in connection with an attack at Victoria Park last summer.

On Aug. 24, 2012, a man was assaulted in the Kitchener park.

At the time, police said he was attacked with an unknown edged weapon and hard, metal object. He received cut to his head and abdomen.

Police announced Monday that three people were arrested in February in connection with the attack.

M.K, a 23-year-old Kitchener resident, was arrested Feb. 20 and charged with aggravated assault, public mischief and obstructing police.

Eight days later, two more suspects were arrested in Calgary and Winnipeg on Canada-wide warrants.

Calgary resident Eric Marshall, 25, and 24-year-old Lavoie, MB, resident Jessie Lajoie were transported to Kitchener and are both charged with aggravated assault, disguise with intent and conspiracy. 
Jessie Lajoie
Our readers will be well familiar with at least one of these names, however, for the benefit of any new readers who might stumble across our little spot on the World Wide Web, here is a brief introduction:

Jessie Lajoie: A friend of the "Nazi Mom," Jessie moved out to Calgary for a few years along with hois then girlfriend and became active first in the Aryan Guard and then it's successor, Blood & Honour (which was essentially the same group anyways). Jessie and others eventually had a falling-out with Kyle McKee and his loyalists, however Jessie remained very active in the racist movement. One such example of his continued active involvement is his participation on the Combat 18 forums where he serves as the moderator for the Canadian section using the name "Endsieg." After the birth of his child, and as many of those in the racist movement who claim what they do is for "white children" and "family values," Jessie abandoned the mother of his child and hooked up with another woman who was also for a time active on the Combat 18 forums. This woman's online name was "rizz88" but she is better known to friends and family as M.K. 

M.K: Truth be told we don't know a hell of a lot about M.K other than her, "on again, off again" relationship with Jessie. She was for a time active on the Combat 18 forums, but her account wa
s later suspended, perhaps at her request. She was reported to have been engaged to Jessie, but then the engagement was called off and they were reported to have broken up. Then we were informed that they were going to live together in Winnipeg, but only days before she was to have flown to Winnipeg M.K dropped out of sight, deleting her Facebook profile and seemingly making an effort to hide from the world. Given the time she did all this, a little before we published our article on the assault in Kitchener, we might have some cause to consider there might be a link of some sort.

M.K actually contacted us back in September, 2012 asking for us to remove her name and picture from the blog after we had reported about her giving Bill Noble a hard time about a post on this blog:

Hi , I have recently been made aware.

You have made a Blog post regarding to Jessie and Bill's arguement that I was apart of.

Let me first state that I am not longer apart of any sort of retarded movement regarding Nationalism and I was caught up in a mess.

Secondly , Jessie and I are no longer dating ..

That being said , I would like to ask if you could take me off this post. I have since deleated my B&H forum account. I have removed myself from anything dealing with so called Nationalism and Am Attending college for social work and would like a clean slate and fresh start.

If you are understanding of fresh starts please allow me this much as this blog post could damage my schooling and future career aspects.

thank you .


We gave her the benefit of the doubt and blacked out the profile picture on her posts. We also asked her, in return for our good will, to provide some background information on the movement, specifically about the assault that took place in Kitchener (we've known about it for some time, as well as Jessie's involvement, but had no absolute proof so we didn't report on it then). Her response?

OKAY , what?... uhm Firstly my image being slightly blacked out. to where just my eyes don't show is hardly enough

secondly as for the attack , I honestly wish I knew more details of who or what I know what i've heard from people thats about it. I know that it was not that severe though it was bad non the less, I know that it's scary , and a tramatic experience and that i wish to have absolutely no further envolvment with any of these people and have been trying to move on with my life in the best way possible but keep getting dredged up in these sorts of scenarios .

I've been terrified and was pre-warned and I did not listen , I have and need to move on with my life. and the post set my normality back ALOT.!

That's all you know, eh M.K?
Eric Marshall

Lies make baby Jesus cry.

Eric Marshall: A resident of Calgary, Eric has been someone we knew about, but at the time didn't think significant enough to really dig up information on or to write about. Seems we might have erred in that assumption. Eric was closely linked to a number of far-right figures in the Calgary racist scene, but did not seem to be a significant player himself and appeared to us to be relatively quiet. We do know that he's dating a women attending the University of Calgary who first name starts with the letter "t".

Might we suggest, "t", that you reconsider your choices of boyfriends? There ain't much of a future on the path you've chosen.

As for the victim of the assault, we've been told that it was another member of the racist movement and who also, for a brief time, resided in Calgary as a guest of the McKee-aligned Blood & Honour. He attended the last of the Calgary marches in 2011 and then later organized a march in London, Ontario, which went really, really, badly.

We're not sure if we can legally post this individual's photo as he is the victim of an alleged crime, but we think most of our longtime readers know who it is we are writing about here.

We'll provide more information as it comes to us.