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Saturday, May 10, 2014

Southern Ontario Skinheads Outed

First, and in deference to our friends who actually ARE skinheads, it needs to be made clear that no one in the SOS is actually a skinhead. They've co-opted the look and, to a degree, very selected elements of the skinhead culture, but it's only window dressing. They are, and always will be, boneheads.

And now the boneheads in the SOS are known to more than the relatively small circle who are part of the Canadian racist movement or who make a point of monitoring the movement in Canada. And that is not a good thing if you are an SOS bonehead:

London skinhead party on police radar

By Jennifer O'Brien, Randy Richmond, The London Free Press
Anti-racism activists are warning about the rise of a new neo-Nazi group in Southern Ontario and a celebration planned for the Victoria Day long weekend near London showcasing their strength.

But the man hosting what’s billed online as a White Pride World Wide celebration, and who’s connected to the group, says there’s nothing to fear from either the gathering or white pride views.

“It’s just a birthday party for me and my daughter, too,” said Jared Gilkes of Dorchester, east of London.

“It’s not white power, it’s white pride. All I am about is being proud of our own race. It’s not hatred. It’s about pride in your heritage, not hate.”

Some members of the group, Southern Ontario Skinheads, have been invited because they’re friends and he has joined them on rallies.

“But I’m part of no group. I put up on my (Facebook) wall: anybody that comes leave your attitudes at home,” Gilkes said, shortly before inviting a Free Press reporter and photographer to drop by May 17.

There’s more to the new group than white pride and the long weekend gathering than a simple birthday party, warn anti-racism activists.

“In reality, it appears to be an excuse for members of the Southern Ontario Skinheads from London and Kitchener, like-minded individuals, and a contingent from the biker culture to get together,” said a spokesperson from Anti-Racist Canada.

Anti-Racist Canada, which describes itself as a non-violent collective of people battling hatred, has been monitoring the Southern Ontario Skinheads (SOS) for just over a year.

The group has at least 12 members, the spokesperson said. “Things have picked up during the last few months and there seems to be more growth.”

SOS recently handed out flyers in Kingston in April, and members posted photographs on their Facebook pages of a small run-in with police and some members of the group giving the Nazi salute.

Several members have criminal records and some were connected to Western Canada’s violent Blood and Honour, a white supremacist group involved in physical attacks on non-whites, Anti-Racist Canada says.

Provincial police said they’ve been monitoring the group for some time and know about the party.


We had access to the Facebook group announcing the gathering as well so we were able to speak to some of the questions posed by the "Free Press":

The following claim made by Mr. Gilkes in the article bare some investigation:

“It’s not white power, it’s white pride. All I am about is being proud of our own race. It’s not hatred. It’s about pride in your heritage, not hate.”

Some members of the group, Southern Ontario Skinheads, have been invited because they’re friends and he has joined them on rallies.

“But I’m part of no group. I put up on my (Facebook) wall: anybody that comes leave your attitudes at home,” Gilkes said, shortly before inviting a Free Press reporter and photographer to drop by May 17.

Well, that's all well and good, except for the stuff Gilkes posts on his Facebook profile:

"Donny's" post has obviously been removed.

And then there was the videos that he took of himself and the SOS marching through Kingston shouting, "White Power!", "Seig Heil!", and a liberal use of profanity:

Yes. That evening walk through the streets of Kingston was all about being proud, eh?

It's funny how proud "White Nationalists" are when they don't think people are watching. Having a spotlight turned on you isn't all that comfortable:

And once the spotlight is on you, it's harder to find a dark place to scurry under again.


Anonymous said...

“In reality, it appears to be an excuse for members of the Southern Ontario Skinheads from London and Kitchener, like-minded individuals, and a contingent from the biker culture to get together,” said a spokesperson from Anti-Racist Canada.

This is a growing issue in Europe, where there are full blown racist gangs transforming into 'friendly bikers'. Not only to have 'back up' in case an argument or action is coming up, but it is also a way to gain control about certain things and with it a lot of money, that 'helps the cause'.

Is this a common problem in Northern America as well? Or is it in the beginning stages, since this seems to be one of those introduction meetings to set up further joint ventures?

Anonymous said...

Sounds like Jessie Lajoie needs some stitches. Talks too much.
No matter what side you are on, right or left; skinheads do not talk to cops ACAB.
These are not representative traits of REAL skinheads. Do not lump us in with them.
In the WP movement the S.O.S. do not exist they are a bunch of junkies and wiggers they have absolutely nothing to do with any respectable Nationalist organisation in Canada.

Anonymous said...

Good reportage. Stoop to conquer.