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Reviews & advice

A nightmare? No, here are seven reasons travelling with kids is better

A nightmare? No, here are seven reasons travelling with kids is better

Travelling with kids in tow is alarmingly different to travelling when you’re young and child-free. Embrace it and you will find it’s better.

  • by David Whitley
Ship review: The world’s biggest cruise ship is insanely perfect
Ship reviews

Ship review: The world’s biggest cruise ship is insanely perfect

These giant ships are not everyone’s cup of tea, but for families who see the advantage of an all-in-one, something-for-everyone holiday, they’re just the thing.

  • by Keith Austin
Airline review: Rare jumbo jet’s economy class feels more like premium
Airline reviews

Airline review: Rare jumbo jet’s economy class feels more like premium

I can’t remember the last time I wanted a flight in economy to last a bit longer.

  • by Kristie Kellahan
Australian travellers can get free healthcare overseas, but beware this trap

Australian travellers can get free healthcare overseas, but beware this trap

While Australia has healthcare agreements with 11 other countries that mean you can access their health systems for free, there are some issues to be aware of.

When it comes to tour groups, bigger is not better

When it comes to tour groups, bigger is not better

Bigger groups usually mean lower cost but a group of 12 is a very different experience from one of 20.

  • by Michael Gebicki
Tripologist: Is 90 minutes enough to connect to an international flight?

Tripologist: Is 90 minutes enough to connect to an international flight?

I have booked flights from Sydney to Tokyo using frequent flyer points, but I have to go via Melbourne. What if my domestic flight is cancelled or delayed?

  • by Michael Gebicki
Fourteen worst-case travel scenarios (and how to cope with them)

Fourteen worst-case travel scenarios (and how to cope with them)

No record of your booking? Got the time of your flight wrong? Been scammed and lost money? Don’t panic – here’s how to deal with it.

  • by Michael Gebicki
The medicines and first-aid items every traveller should pack

The medicines and first-aid items every traveller should pack

Few things ruin a tropical holiday as quickly as an ear infection. I’ve been burned before, but a two-week cruise finally saw me pack my first medical kit.

  • by Sheriden Rhodes
The battle for carry-on bag space on planes has become a joke
Air travel

The battle for carry-on bag space on planes has become a joke

I’m guilty of taking a bit more than is strictly allowed in my carry-on but some people – there’s no polite way to say this – are absolute piss-takers.

  • by Ben Groundwater
Got somewhere to be? Never try to arrive the same day

Got somewhere to be? Never try to arrive the same day

The recent deluge that soaked Dubai left some passengers stranded for several days.

  • by Michael Gebicki
Airline review: Bravo to this Virgin crew. Boo to the same old food
Airline reviews

Airline review: Bravo to this Virgin crew. Boo to the same old food

The crew starts things off well by reorganising seating to give passengers some extra room.

  • by Julietta Jameson