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‘Supply gap’: Labor was warned last year Victoria will run out of gas

‘Supply gap’: Labor was warned last year Victoria will run out of gas

The energy department warned a plan to switch Victorian homes and businesses to electricity instead of gas will not happen fast enough to make up for predicted gas shortages.

  • by Annika Smethurst


Melbourne Uni students agree to end building occupation

Melbourne Uni students agree to end building occupation

Organiser Dana Alshaer said the students would disband the protest once the university committed to disclose its ties to weapons companies on Thursday morning.

  • by Sherryn Groch
Labor dumps GP payroll tax after poll shows primary vote slump

Labor dumps GP payroll tax after poll shows primary vote slump

Bulk-billing GPs will be exempt from payroll tax and other doctors will be spared the impost for a year after health clinics threatened to shame the government over its “tax on health”.

  • by Broede Carmody, Rachel Eddie and Annika Smethurst
Jacinta Allan is slowly marching Labor off a cliff of Daniel Andrews’ making

Jacinta Allan is slowly marching Labor off a cliff of Daniel Andrews’ making

Though the state election is still two years away, a damning poll for Labor doesn’t paint a pretty picture for the Allan government.

  • by Annika Smethurst
Victorians are deserting Labor and its own budget contains the reason

Victorians are deserting Labor and its own budget contains the reason

The state’s surging debt and the government’s shelved promises laid out in this month’s budget have sent support for Labor to a fresh, and deep, low.

  • The Age's View
Labor’s popularity plunges as voters demand government tackle debt

Labor’s popularity plunges as voters demand government tackle debt

Support for Jacinta Allan’s government has dropped to a primary vote of 28 per cent, sliding from 42 per cent under Daniel Andrews’ leadership about a year ago.

  • by Annika Smethurst
Victoria’s nurses and midwives reject new pay offer in shock decision

Victoria’s nurses and midwives reject new pay offer in shock decision

About 3000 union members attended Monday’s meeting, where they vented their anger and rejected the pay deal with the Allan government.

  • by Jewel Topsfield
Labor’s secret $75.7b war chest raises budget transparency fears

Labor’s secret $75.7b war chest raises budget transparency fears

The Allan government has squirrelled away billions of dollars for future policy announcements while Victoria lags in deficit.

  • by Josh Gordon
Melbourne Airport accused of greed, protecting parking revenue in rail link stoush

Melbourne Airport accused of greed, protecting parking revenue in rail link stoush

The state government expects the airport rail line will be delayed by four years because of a stalemate with airport operators.

  • by Rachel Eddie
Pro-Palestine protesters crash Labor state conference

Pro-Palestine protesters crash Labor state conference

About 200 pro-Palestine protesters chanted slogans as they lashed the Labor Party and the prime minister for their stance on Gaza.

  • by Rachel Eddie and Ashleigh McMillan
Beneath the city: Inside Victoria’s largest, most expensive road

Beneath the city: Inside Victoria’s largest, most expensive road

Deep underneath our north-eastern suburbs, two mega-machines are embarking on an ambitious project to shape Melbourne’s future.

  • by Clay Lucas