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Daily Show: Fox News Co-Owner Sponsoring "Terror Mosque"!

It's always fun to beat The Daily Show to a lead. At our podcast several weeks ago, we played the Evil, Stupid and Crazy Game, and at the six minute mark of this Daily Show clip from last night, it looks like their writers had fun playing, too. Of

It's always fun to beat The Daily Show to a lead. At our podcast several weeks ago, we played the Evil, Stupid and Crazy Game, and at the six minute mark of this Daily Show clip from last night, it looks like their writers had fun playing, too. Of course, they upped the ante with Team Stupid and Team Evil Tshirts: there's no budget for that in audio podcasting.

Our conclusion on the podcast was that Fox and Friends fell into the "stupid" category, but this clip makes a really strong case for "evil," as well. They could be a two-fer, and with Fox and Friends that's probably the only conclusion you can come to.

My one wish out of all of this is that everyone who watches Fox News for news becomes aware that their second most invested shareholder is Arab and, yeah even I gotta admit, looks like a South Park Cartoon Terrorist. And Fox and Friends just got caught calling this co-owner of their parent company, Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, a "funder of radical madrassahs.":

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Think Progress reports that recently Prince Alaweed headed a Board of Directors meeting attended by NewsCorp executives to "strengthen their alliance."

Maybe Gretchen should Google it.

h/t Kevin H for the tip.

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