Evidence challenges Japan's 'humane' whale killing

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This was published 13 years ago

Evidence challenges Japan's 'humane' whale killing

By Andrew Darby in Hobart

The minke's back arches as gracefully as a dolphin's, but it is not about to make a free dive. Instead it is the last struggle of a whale on the end of a Japanese harpoon line.

The Australian Government has released evidence challenging Japan's claims that its hunt is the most efficient and humane possible. The images show "scientific research" that needed multiple rifle shots to finish off the mammal.

The Environment Minister, Peter Garrett, said there would be a diplomatic push to end what he said was the charade of scientific whaling, starting at an intersessional meeting of the International Whaling Commission next month.

As the customs ship Oceanic Viking's mission to gather evidence against whaling is extended in the Antarctic, the Government is being urged to fulfil its threat to take legal action against Japan.

A sequence of images taken by customs officers was released yesterday showing harpooned minkes, including two hauled up the stern ramp of the factory ship, Nisshin Maru.


Media claims that they showed a mother and calf were denied by the Institute of Cetacean Research, which said they were randomly taken sizes. "Both whales were female, and both were not lactating," it said.

But the images also showed a whale struggling on the end of a harpoon line under the bow of the catcher boat Yushin Maru, and then the same animal lifeless.

Its head clearly showed entry wounds in a hunt where a high powered rifle is used to finish minkes that are still alive after being hit by an explosive-tipped harpoon.

"This disputes any notion that whales die instantly, and without suffering," said Darren Kindleysides, campaigns manager for the International Fund for Animal Welfare.

"It provides further justification for the mission of Oceanic Viking, because this sort of evidence doesn't come to light freely."

According to the institute, a large proportion of the whales taken are killed instantly. It claims an average time to death for others of less than two minutes.

Its director-general, Minoru Morimoto, said the Australian Government's photographs, and media reports created dangerous emotional propaganda that could seriously damage relations between the two countries.

The Home Affairs Minister, Bob Debus, said the images showed the reality of the slaughter, and would help back Australia's argument against whaling in any international court case.

For the first time, the Government now has its own evidence, should it choose to take whaling to a court such as the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea.

"There is still time for an 11th-hour effort on the part of the Australian Government to use international law to halt Japan's 'scientific' whaling program," said Tim Stephens of Sydney University's law faculty. "The tribunal could issue an injunction in as little as 14 days."

However, the Foreign Affairs Minister, Stephen Smith, said he would consult Japan before any legal action was taken, and Mr Garrett described it as a "potential" component of the anti-whaling campaign.

"You have to consider the options in legal action, because it's a big step to be taking," Mr Garrett said.

Almost two months after saying the Government would appoint a special envoy on whale conservation to deal with Japan, a spokesman for Mr Smith said the process was under way.

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