Showing posts with label SPGB Pamphlets. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SPGB Pamphlets. Show all posts

Friday, October 24, 2008

Profit versus the Planet

Via the SPGB website:

*Launch of new pamphlet -- Saturday 25 October*

Saturday 25 October, 6pm


Speakers: Brian Morris (guest speaker) and Adam Buick (Socialist Party)

Chair: Gwynn Thomas (Socialist Party)

Forum followed by discussion.

Socialist Party Head Office, 52 Clapham High Street, London SW4 (nearest tube: Clapham North).

Questions regarding the environment are constantly in the news. If it's not global warming and climate change, there is concern over future energy resources and rain forest depletion. The environmental list seems never-ending with the increasing human impact making serious inroads on finite resources. Hardly a day goes by when politicians, economists, environmentalists and the scientific community are not voicing their opinions and offering various explanations for the continual global degradation. The Oscar winning film by Al Gore, 'An Inconvenient Truth' exemplified not only these concerns but also the solutions on offer. Without exception none of the solutions query the root cause of global environmental destruction. Consequently, all of the solutions are pro-market and pro-profit and the degradation continues unresolved.

Obviously, what is needed is an alternative solution outside of the capitalist mindset and one that takes into consideration the ownership and control of our productive processes; in short the social ownership of the means of life. Only then will we be able to address solutions which will not only benefit all of humanity but also the global environment. To this end the Socialist Party have recently published a pamphlet: 'An Inconvenient Question - Socialism and the Environment' .

You are cordially invited to attend the official launch of the pamphlet at our head office at 52 Clapham High Street, Clapham, London, on Saturday the 25th of October at 6 pm. The guest speaker, Brian Morris is Emeritus Professor of Anthropology at Goldsmiths, University of London and is well known for his fieldwork on human interaction and the environment. The Socialist Party speaker, Adam Buick, has written many articles on the environment, human behaviour and political economy. With both speakers holding different political perspectives, the launch promises some lively discussion on what positive action is required to replace the market incentives of putting profit first and the environment second. If you acknowledge that we are just as much dependent on the environment as the environment is dependent on us you will find this discussion forum educational and engaging.

Free refreshments and free literature.

New Pamphlet

An Inconvenient Question. Socialism and the Environment

In recent years the environment has become a major political issue. And rightly so, because a serious environmental crisis really does exist. The air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat have all become contaminated to a greater or lesser extent. Ecology - the branch of biology that studies the relationships of living organisms to their environment - is important, as it is concerned with explaining exactly what has been happening and what is likely to happen if present trends continue.

Since the publication of our Ecology and Socialism pamphlet in 1990 environmental problems facing the planet have got much worse. We said then that attempts to solve those problems within capitalism would meet with failure, and that is precisely what has happened. Recent research on increasing environmental degradation has painted an alarming picture of the likely future if the profit system continues to hold sway. Voices claiming that the proper use of market forces will solve the problem can still be heard, but as time goes on the emerging facts of what is happening serve only to contradict those voices.

In this pamphlet we begin with a brief review of the development of Earth and of humankind’s progress on it so far. We then examine the mounting evidence that the planet is now under threat of a worsening, dangerous environment for human and other forms of life. The motor of capitalism is profit for the minority capitalist class to add to their capital, or capital accumulation. Environmental concerns, if considered at all, always come a poor second. The waste of human and other resources used in the market system is prodigious, adding to the problems and standing in the way of their solution.

Earth Summits over the last few decades show a consistent record of failure - unjustifiably high hopes and pitifully poor results sum them up. The Green Party and other environmental bodies propose reforms of capitalism that haven’t worked or have made very little real difference in the past. Socialists can see no reason why it should be any different in the future. Finally we discuss the need, with respect to the ecology of the planet, for a revolution that is both based on socialist principles of common ownership and production solely for needs, and environmental principles of conserving - not destroying - the wealth and amenities of the planet.



What is ecology?

Earth under threat

Profit wins, the environment also ran

The waste of capitalism

Earth Summits - a record of failure

Green reformism

Socialism - an inconvenient question?

To get a copy by post send a cheque or postal order for £2.50 (made out to “The Socialist Party of Great Britain”) to: The Socialist Party, 52 Clapham High Street, London SW4 7UN.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

A rapid share of old socialist articles

The 'Isn't It About Time We Had Socialism?' blog is no more.

Not sure what happened but it appears that Graham - the Gillingham supporting death metalist SPGBer living in Denmark - (who's not to be confused with Rob, the vegan death metalist SPGBer living in Norway) decided that the blog couldn't hang around any longer for the revolution bus* to fill up.

However, not being a comrade to rest on his blogging laurels, Graham has kick-started the Ragged Trousered Philanthropist blog to take its place.

A first glance it looks like death to death metal as this blog is geared more towards reprints of old articles and pamphlets from the SPGB *cough* canon. I'm pretty sure that the majority of the articles are appearing on the web for the first time, and that it's Graham who has done most of the transcribing. So, kudos to him for performing the public service:

Of course, you should check out the blog for yourself but these are the articles that caught my eye:

  • From the July 1970 Socialist Standard A write up of a debate between the SPGB and the International Socialists
  • From the April 1969 Socialist Standard Marx and Engels and the 'Collapse' of Capitalism
  • 5 part article from the Socialist Standard in early 1979 How Capitalism Works
  • From the June 1928 Socialist Standard A vintage debate between the SPGB (Jack Fitzgerald) and the ILP (James Maxton)
  • The SPGB 1978 introductory pamphlet, Questions of the Day
  • From the January 1969 Socialist Standard Rosa Luxemburg and the Collapse of Capitalism
  • From the October 1923 Socialist Standard Jingo Communists
  • There's a lot more to check out on his blog, so feel free to click on the link.

    A lonely footnote

    *If you can find that Peter Rigg's cartoon online, you're a better googler than me.

    Friday, February 04, 2005

    Small Ads - Part Two

    Blogger has been kind enough to offer a two for one deal on the small ads business, so it's only fitting that my chutzpah gets the better of me and I mention the second reprint that has recently been produced by the 'small party of good boys'.
    Printed by the Socialist Party as part of its socialist classic series* that includes John Keracher's How the Gods were Made and Anton Pannokoek's Marxism and Darwinism, Paul Lafargue's Right to be Lazy is one of those long list of socialist classics that everyone has heard of but very few have actually read. You can tell that by the fact that even now, over one hundred and twenty years after it was originally written, the left wing of capitalism are still brazen enough to undertake their 'Right to Wage Slavery' campaigns every once in a while when petitions and quick fix recruiting permits.
    I read the pamphlet a few years ago and it is a wonderfully acerbic read - well recommended, and to the best of my knowledge since the last Charles H. Kerr edition has been long out of print. The Socialist Party's pamphlet has the added extras** of reprints of articles by Lafargue that insome cases were originally translated for, and published in the Socialist Standard, in the period of 1904-1915.
    As it's not a case of me doing the 'turning rebellion into money' schtick - like people are really breaking out their cheque books whilst they read this - I thought I would just let you know that an online text of Right to be Lazy is available here, and the articles that appeared in the Socialist Standard all those years ago - when socialists thought revolution was still a living breathing possibility, rather than just an overpriced trendy vodka bar in Central London - are available here.
    However, if you do want the tactile feeling of the pamphlet in your sweatly palms then it is available for £2 from the usual stockists.
    * What did small bands of revolutionaries do before the advent of the photocopier?
    ** And you thought it was only your favourite DVDs that had the added extras. Welcome to the 21st century.