Showing posts with label Bill Maher. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bill Maher. Show all posts

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Step Forward. It's Your Turn

Don't ask me how I ended up on the Rolling Stone website, but I did stumble upon Bill Maher's Dickheads of the Year.

Number 13 is my favourite.

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Sunday, October 21, 2007

"And cows disagree with me."

Who's chairing this bastard meeting?

Don't like to overload the blog with too many YouTube clips at any one time - the video clip of Elisabeth Hasselbeck singing a bluegrass version of Marilyn Manson's 'I Don't Like the Drugs (But the Drugs Like Me)' will have to wait for another day - but I had to post this clip from the most recent 'Real Time With Bill Maher'.

Nothing beats live television; especially when you throw into the mix one pissed off host and a selection of '9/11 Troof' hecklers strategically placed in his audience who are intent on bringing disruption to his show.

The Sparts and the LaRouchites will be kicking themselves for not coming up with the same idea years ago. I think the hecklers deserve leninency for momentarily shutting Chris Matthews up. That laugh of his comes from a place that I would never want to visit.

Monday, October 15, 2007

When In Alabama

From the latest episode of 'Real Time With Bill Maher':

BILL MAHER:Thank you very much. Thank you. How you doin’? Thank you. Thank you. Wow, what a crowd. I think I know why you’re happy tonight. ‘Cause Al Gore won the Nobel Prize, is that right? [applause] [cheers] That’s true. Al Gore won the Nobel Prize. Or as President Bush announced it: “Sweden is with the terrorists.” [laughter]

No. The President did not say that. What he said was, “The Nobel Prize is just a theory. It needs more study.” [laughter]

And you could tell Al Gore is still wary about these kind of things, because they told him today – they said, “You received the most votes.” He said, “Yeah? Who won?” [laughter] [applause] [cheers]

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Bill Maher + mustard = funniest joke of the year

As per usual, Bill Maher is on top form with his New Rules on last week's Real Time With Bill Maher, but 1 minute 24 seconds into the clip below he excelled himself with the funniest joke of the year. Maybe it's just in the telling, or maybe I just have a weirded out sense of humour but I never thought I could laugh so much.