Monday, April 22, 2024

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Schadenfreude played left back for FC Kaiserslautern

 Nicked from Facebook.

No doubt, come the end of the season, this post will turn around and bite me on the arse but just let me enjoy the moment for now.

Full highlights - with added full time meltdowns - here.

A Room with a View

Today, I will mostly be laughing at this guy. 

According to RangersTV, he has the ". . . best view in the house . . .

Aye, to see Rangers get pumped.  

Thank you Ross County. You've made an old man happy on a Sunday morning.

Monday, April 08, 2024

Monday, April 01, 2024

On this day in history . . .

File this under 'the good stuff you find on the internet'.

Via The Scotland Epistles Football Magazine page on Facebook.

"On this day in 1933 Jimmy McGrory scored two past Hibbs to give Scotland a 2-1 victory over England in front of a Hampden crowd of 136,259. Jimmy only played 7 times for Scotland scoring six times. His great rival for Centre Forward Hughie Gallacher scored 24 goals in 20 games."

Full details for both teams here.

League game that night . . .

  . . . I think.

I didn't the replicate the practice form on the game night itself . . . but you knew that already.


Pinch, punch . . . sadly, it was after lunch.
