Friday, September 20, 2024


I was on 165 . . . I knew I was 165 . . . it didn't matter. I was still throwing for that 180. There was never any question of me doing anything else.

I'll take that busted throw seven days a week.


Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Checking in and then checking out of the Madhouse

Playing — and losing — to Level 8 on the Russell Bray Darts App and I hit this 180 whilst I'm on 182. I had to go for it despite the fact it would leave me in (on?) the Madhouse.

. . . fortunately, I eventually got the D1. Not on the first go, though.


Sunday, September 15, 2024

Monday tomorrow . . . this won't happen tomorrow

Still playing shit. Still dogged with the dartitis. Still whining. Still whining despite occasionally hitting a 180.


Saturday, September 14, 2024

Sunday, September 08, 2024

Incline towards Patsy . . .

There's a case to be made that Patsy Cline had the greatest voice of all time.

For me, it's a toss up between her and Ella.

Anyway, somebody posted this wonderful photo of Patsy Cline on twitter.

Saturday, September 07, 2024

Someone's picking on me . . .

  . . . and, yes, I took it personally.

File under the 'Good stuff you find on Urban75.'

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Thursday, August 01, 2024

The Lawboy

 "A 16 year old Denis Law playing for Huddersfield Town"



On the 7-Train . . .

It was kind of weird - but also kind of cool - to see a few people wearing Aston Villa shirts and scarfs on the train in Manhattan yesterday. Until that point, I didn't know they were in town.*

*Playing in New Jersey.

Monday, July 15, 2024

Farewell Loxley Robins 2 21g . . .

 . . .  we will undoubtedly meet again.

They are too classy looking to lock away in a dusty, overcrowded drawer in amongst a few hundred 2B pencils and unpaid bills.


Monday, July 08, 2024

It's natural . . . erm . . . naturally . . .

 . . . to think that these might be the anointed *forever darts* after hitting 2 180s in one day. When has that happened in recent months and years? 


Another false start . . . .

For a brief moment in a balmy New York summer, I thought these would be my forever darts . . .

. . . I was a fool.


Sunday, July 07, 2024

Falling and Laughing . . .

With the news that Alan Milburn is possibly being brought in by the incoming Labour Govt to help with the *cough* 'reform' of the National Health Service, a NHS Clinical Oncologist is already regretting voting for the Labour Party four days ago:

Just realised, Starmer - an ex-Trot - is bringing back Milburn, another ex-Trot. It's a countdown to the right-wing conspiracy theories about the Trotskification of Britain.

'Hey lads, grab your papers and your petitions, we're getting the Fourth International back together again . . . '

Slow Horses (2022)


Saturday, July 06, 2024

'Get behind me, Sid Waddell !'

Never done that before.

I hate it when you pick up different darts and they immediately seem to ‘work’.

. . . ‘cos everyone who plays darts knows that the darting gods are just fucking with you. 

Thursday, July 04, 2024

Dazed and Confused . . .

This is a wild official message from a sitting Prime Minister.

I’m convinced he was bored with being PM and just decided to call an early election so he could spend more time with his money.

Monday, July 01, 2024

The Will to Selfie . . .

I am filing this under 'The Good Stuff you find on Facebook', but he still has a lot to answer for.

Blurb from Facebook:
"In 1839, Robert Cornelius sat for 15 minutes in front of a hand-built camera made of opera glass and sheets of copper. His picture became the first “selfie” ever taken."