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Market movers

US Treasury Secretary, Janet Yellen has issued a plea to the European Union.

The US sends the world a China warning

The US wants a united front with Europe to respond to a flood of cheap imports from China, arguing the consequences of not doing so will be damaging.

  • by Stephen Bartholomeusz



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Star Sydney is unlikely to regain its casino licence in NSW.

The Star not suitable for licence in any circumstance, inquiry told

Counsel assisting Caspar Conde said there is no indication the casino giant is fit to be given a licence, even under the eye of a special manager.

  • by Amelia McGuire
Nine chief executive Mike Sneesby told staff in an internal email that “we don’t tolerate inappropriate behaviour in the workplace and want to know if there is inappropriate behaviour occurring.”

Nine boss says he won’t tolerate bad behaviour following media reports

Nine CEO Mike Sneesby reminded staff of the media group’s complaints and whistleblower policies following reports of misconduct by a long-time senior executive.

  • by Colin Kruger

Opinion & Perspectives

It’s defend yourself, or get crushed by China’s export tsunami

An open world economy cannot exist with a deformed Chinese economy that accounts for 13 per cent of global consumption but produces 31 per cent of all manufactured goods.

Ambrose Evans-Pritchard

We are now in a vaudeville economy where bad news is good news

There’s a good chance that there’s enough bad news around on family finances that the government handouts won’t push up interest rates.

Lendlease’s sacrifice of chairman won’t appease bloodthirsty investors

Many feel that the board has engaged in a bit of tinkering when full-scale renovation is needed.

Elizabeth Knight
Elizabeth Knight

Business columnist

Banking & finance



The memorial service to celebrate the life of billionaire Lang Walker was held at Sydney Town Hall.

A force of nature with a wry smile: Lang Walker remembered

Billionaire and philanthropist Lang Walker was remembered as a transformative force in Australia’s urban landscape at a memorial service at Sydney Town Hall on Friday.

  • by Colin Kruger and Carolyn Cummins
From left to right: Former Fortescue executives, Bart Kolodziejczyk and Michael Masterman’s start-up Element Zero has plans for a $US2.1 billion green iron processing plant in the Pilbara.

The iron men with a $3 billion plan to save the planet

Two former Fortescue executives want to reduce the enormous carbon footprint of iron ore, Australia’s most lucrative export industry. It’ll cost at least $3 billion.

  • by Anne Hyland

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