Topic | Immigration | Brisbane Times

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‘Ringing alarm bells’: Business panic mounting on Dutton’s migration numbers

‘Ringing alarm bells’: Business panic mounting on Dutton’s migration numbers

The opposition leader’s plans to cut net migration to 160,000 – a figure 100,000 less than next year’s forecast – has horrified Australia’s business lobby.

  • by David Crowe


Murder accused released from immigration detention a month ago

Murder accused released from immigration detention a month ago

The 29-year-old was freed into the community after the Administrative Appeals Tribunal decided he was “now a low risk of reoffending”.

  • by Andrew Probyn and Bailey Kenzie
Dutton’s grim picture is close to reality, but his migration schtick isn’t the solution

Dutton’s grim picture is close to reality, but his migration schtick isn’t the solution

In treating migration as his golden leadership goose, Peter Dutton is making a classic political mistake, which is to identify your strength and then over-emphasise it.

  • by Sean Kelly
Voters favour deeper cuts to migration as Labor misses budget boost

Voters favour deeper cuts to migration as Labor misses budget boost

As a bruising political fight over housing and congestion continues, polling shows half of all voters want more done to curb immigration.

  • by David Crowe
Tuvalu is being swallowed by the ocean. Its people face a difficult choice

Tuvalu is being swallowed by the ocean. Its people face a difficult choice

Climate change is devastating this island nation. Has Australia thrown it a lifeline?

  • by Jewel Topsfield and Benjamin Preiss
‘Chaos reigns’: The countries that have dodged Australia’s student visa crackdown

‘Chaos reigns’: The countries that have dodged Australia’s student visa crackdown

The government wants universities to cut their reliance on this market. It’s also a country with one of the highest visa approval rates.

  • by Daniella White
Labor’s deportation bill shelved in Senate stand-off

Labor’s deportation bill shelved in Senate stand-off

The government pushed debate on the bill to the next parliamentary sitting in late June as Immigration Minister Andrew Giles faced off with the Coalition.

  • by Angus Thompson
Dutton pledges to slash permanent migration to 140,000 a year

Dutton pledges to slash permanent migration to 140,000 a year

In his budget reply speech, the opposition leader intensified a political fight over housing and congestion by vowing to drive permanent migration below Labor’s target.

  • by David Crowe
Mothballing Nauru’s detention centre could save $250 million in a year

Mothballing Nauru’s detention centre could save $250 million in a year

Home Affairs expects the centre to move from an “active state” to “enduring capability” – empty but operated by a skeleton staff.

  • by Olivia Ireland, James Massola and Angus Thompson
Qld reheats calls for migration ‘moderation’ – and more federal cash

Qld reheats calls for migration ‘moderation’ – and more federal cash

The push – on federal budget day and ahead of the state’s own pre-election budget – calls for faster, not deeper, action on arrivals.

  • by Matt Dennien
Third boat arrival detected in a week, but no one taken to Nauru

Third boat arrival detected in a week, but no one taken to Nauru

Four Vietnamese asylum seekers intercepted by Border Force off the coast of Broome last week were detained after 38 people from two other boats were also picked up.

  • by Angus Thompson and James Massola