Melbourne Anarchist Club MAC info, events and news


Major New Initiative for 2024

The Melbourne Anarchist Club is set to announce a major new initiative in early January 2024.

The MAC was established in 1988 as an anarchist printing press collective known as '@Press' becoming the single biggest producer of anarchist texts, magazines, pamphlets, posters and stickers in the history of anarchism in Australia. By 1999, '@Press' had ceased operation as a printing press having been overtaken by new printing technologies. The original premises in Brunswick housed 'SCAM Publications' collective, the office and archives of ASF Melbourne North and Barricade Books after they were forced out of their premises by rising rents. In 2001, the name was changed to the 'Melbourne Anarchist Club' as a tribute to the original Melbourne Anarchist Club of 1886-89.

By 2005, the prohibitive cost of required repairs necessitated the sale of the premises. Anarchists in Melbourne decided on a new membership structure at a meeting initiated by the MAC at Coburg Library in December 2006 . The original premises in Brunswick were sold in 2007 and after 18 months, new premises were opened in Northcote in September 2008. In 2012, the MAC merged with Anarres Books and under the new agreement became an Infoshop with a library and bookstore and commenced publishing the journals 'Black Light' and 'Sedition' and initiated the Fantin Reading Group.

In July 2018, members of the Melbourne IWW Branch in concert with a disparate group of radical liberal activists broke into, occupied and blockaded the MAC with the purpose of preventing the Annual General Meeting taking place. The MAC made numerous attempts to negotiate a resolution to the conflict while continuing to carry the costs of council rates, utilities and building insurance. Having run out of funds, the MAC re-occupied the premises in May 2019 but unable to raise the necessary ongoing funds were forced by circumstances to sell the premises in December 2020.

The MAC commenced a search for new premises in accordance with the March 2012 decision to establish an infoshop with two stipulations; it be a two-storey building, located as close to the CBD as possible.

Due to changed circumstances, the requirement to be located as close to the CBD as possible was rescinded and the search for a building was expanded to any premises suitable. After a long period of searching, the MAC collective agreed to even consider unimproved land.

In November 2023, the MAC made a significant decision that took into account current circumstances and consistent the original purpose of the '@Press' collective of 1988.


Statement by MAC about its future. 16 October 2020

After a years-long struggle, the Melbourne Anarchist Club (MAC) has finally thwarted an attempt by a small group of political activists to obtain its premises by deception. As a result, we are now preparing to recommit to our principal goal: educating the wider Melbourne community about anarchism.

Over the course of its existence, the MAC has become accustomed to attacks against it by a range of racist and fascist groups. Most recently, a former Reclaim Australia activist, Philip Galea, was convicted on 5 December 2019 of plotting a terrorist attack against the MAC (Galea was also convicted of planning attacks against the Resistance Centre and Victorian Trades Hall Council).

Attacks from such quarters are, sadly, to be expected. But it is disturbing that others, including alleged radicals, have also tried to subvert our activities. In this instance, members of the Melbourne branch of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), joined by others from a small number of other local, non-anarchist organisations.

The actions of this group included occupying the space, preventing the MAC from meeting and otherwise utilising the space, telling lies and making slanderous assertions about the MAC, refusing conflict resolution and independent mediation, and recklessly endangering MAC members.

The MAC maintains that the organisations to which these individuals belong, especially the IWW, should hold them accountable for their destructive and irresponsible behaviour. The MAC also demands the return of all documents and other materials taken from its premises by members of these organisations.

Due to these extraordinary circumstances, and the financial burden placed upon it by the actions of this group, the MAC is currently seeking new premises from which to operate.

The MAC remains committed to supporting the campaign by Indigenous activists to Pay The Rent. In keeping with this policy, in 2018—2019 the MAC entered into an agreement with the Aboriginal Palestinian solidarity organisation to pay it 1% of the proceeds of the sale of the current property. Upon sale, the MAC will also be making a donation of $2,500 to Bubup Wilam Aboriginal Child and Family Centre. These donations are not a substitute for a Pay The Rent agreement but a gesture of support to an ongoing campaign.

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The MAC is moving to new premises in 2019

The MAC is moving premises in 2019 and will be opening a new infoshop some time this year. The new infoshop will house the bookshop and library as well as meeting facilities.

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MAC is closed for repairs and renovations

The Melbourne Anarchist Club closed on 5 May for much-needed repairs and renovations.

When completed the MAC infoshop will feature;

* a full range of anarchist books, DVDs and other media and texts

* a properly catalogued lending library

* upgraded meeting room facilities with an electronic whiteboard

* a reticulated water system

* a solar-powered electricity supply

* a small cafe serving tea, coffee and light snacks

The planned work will be supervised by qualified tradespeople who have graciously offered to donate their labour and to whom the MAC is most grateful.

It is planned to establish a Patreon account to fully cover the cost of materials

For further information, please use the message facility on this page or email:

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Second Indigenous-Worker-Green alliance gathering

A meeting to learn about the experience of making connections across the divides of worker-green-Indigenous movements. After a successful first meeting on 1 July we are keen to meet again and to get active.

::: SUNDAY 15 JULY 2PM--5PM :::

Currently, there are several campaigns and initiatives that we wish to support, such as the Djap Wurrung Sacred Trees Embassy.

All welcome. Bring your ideas. For more information, please see the Facebook event page.

*This group strives for horizontal and anti-authoritarian organising, anti-oppression practices and anti-capitalist politics. This meeting takes place on the land of the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin nations. This is a living culture: sovereignty was never ceded.*

The meeting will take a collection to ‘pay the rent’ with money going to the Djap Wurrung Embassy.


Si Amo Afrin (We Are Afrin) Fundraiser: Saturday May 26, 2018


We've partnered with Pink Bloc - Narrm / Melbourne and Post-romantic queerwave to raise money in support of Si Amo Afrin (We Are Afrin).

All proceeds from selling merchandise and donations at the door will go towards this grassroots campaign to gather global funds for urgent humanitarian aid for refugees from Afrin who have been displaced by Turkey's invasion and attack on the Rojava revolution.

Almost half a million residents have been displaced, many have been kidnapped, tortured & murdered by the various fascist proxy armies of Turkey. Medical aid is urgently needed, as is water, food and shelter.

There is nothing about the revolution in Rojava that Turkey or any other nation-state wants to see succeed and for that the people there will face further persecution. We stand in solidarity with these families displaced by war and those who would challenge oppression.

If you can't make it on the night, you can still support the fundraiser by purchasing merch here OR by donating directly to the Si Amo Afrin campaign here.

Catering provided by Food Not Bombs -- available by donation.

*Please note, this venue has ramps but no wheelchair accessible toilets.
**Starting the night early from 5pm, we'll be showing a documentary on Rojava before a feed and a night of talented musicians.

The bands in approximate order of appearance:

• Global Intifada
• Ethel Higgenbaum
• Nick Carson
• Dead Peasants
• Jude Joseph
• Lunar Flares
• Glitter Rats
• Wild Spears



The Non-Existent Bolshevik Revolution

This Sunday, November 19 at 5pm:

Did the events of October 1917 in Russia realise the dream of communism or was it simply a transfer of power from one government to another by other means?

Come to a presentation given by Owen Gager, one-time founding member of the Spartacist League in Australia about the events in Russia in 1917 with a particular emphasis from February to October.

Hear Owen Gager explain the betrayal of the Russian workers by the Bolshevik Party as the revelation of their real aim; the capture of State power. If you've ever wondered how the Dictatorship of the Proletariat became the Dictatorship of the Party became the Dictatorship of the Dictator? You'll wonder no more after listening to this informative and insightful presentation.

Light refreshments will be available.

lenin v mac


Weirding Cinema @ MAC

In July Weirding Cinema began screening films at MAC.

The next session is this Thursday, November 16: Why did the K Foundation burn a million quid?

Doors at 7pm for a 7:30pm start.

Admission is free. Sheep are welcome. Ice cream van parking available. Mu be with you.



Saturday, October 29 GIG


We're having a gig on Saturday, October 29.

Doors open at 6pm.

Entry by donation. All proceeds to bands.

Kat-O -
Liquor Snatch -
New Grave Hookers
Tactical Attack -
Wild Spears

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June 2016: ASF Congress & Modern Times


This Sunday, June 12, MAC will be closed. The Anarcho-Syndicalist Federation is holding its XII Congress on Sunday. Registration of delegates and observers is at 10am.


On Saturday, June 25 MAC will be showing Charlie Chaplin's classic 1936 film, Modern Times.

The MAC will be hosting a B&W; movie classic on the last Saturday of the month through Winter. Light snacks & refreshments, 7pm screening.

Upcoming months:

The Great Dictator (1940) - July
Citizen Kane (1941) - August
A King in New York (1957) - September

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