Challenges the freedom of nihilism poses to an anarchist rebirth

and i laugh and i laugh...

From A Las Barricadas, by Iván Fernando Mérida Aguilar*

Notes on the anarchist drive and its necessary return to the West

However, these are hostile times for the freedom of individuals, in which revenge and egoism outweigh creation, imagination, empathy and compassion. Regarding our human nature, our cognitive biases are deepened under a scenario of existential threat. Therefore, it is from that extreme selfishness that the will to dominate and its manifestation in the cupiditas dominatio [1] derives from the hedonistic ethos that prevails in the fragmented and liquid culture of the West

Internationalism – a guide to action or an excuse for inaction?

From Libcom

To the start of the Prague Action Week 20-26 May

Nine points for further discussion from the anarchist newsletter of Kharkov. In some very, very eastern geography of the country, which until 2022 many would not even find on the map.

Anarchism and Film: New Perspectives

Cover Art:  sub.Media, !Hasta la Pasta, Compañerxs! (The Stimulator's Final Show), 2014, video still

From Anarchist Developments in Cultural Studies (ADCS)

Vol. 2024 No. 1 (2024): Anarchism and Film: New Perspectives

This special edition of Anarchist Developments in Cultural Studies takes on an ambitious endeavour: to showcase new contributions to the field of Film Studies. Until recently there has been a dearth of anarchist scholarship concerned with cinema, a situation attributable, in part, to anarchism’s historic marginalization in academia, but the situation is rapidly changing, thanks to the scholarship of Richard Porton, Susan White, and Nathan Jun, to name a few. Thus, as anarchist scholarship makes an impact, it seemed timely to assemble a special issue focussing on film...


From Malik Speaks!

Malik is currently being held in solitary in a cell with no bed, no blanket, no shirt. They took all his property away. He's got a slipped disk in his back and previous shoulder injuries and cannot be sleeping on the floor without a bed. They've also been blasting the ac in his cell nonstop and it's freezing. He's been on hunger strike 2 days, and will continue until they give him a bed, a blanket, and his property back.

Clarissa Rogers Rest in Power!

From Sachio Takashima (facebook)

Two years ago, due to long Covid, Clarissa fell into a coma. She awoke, but with no memories. She later described this time as akin to a process of writing a detective novel of her own life. She started to remember in bits and pieces... She remembered she’s a working class anarchist, involved in supporting workplace struggles, and the struggle against racism, and ultimately found out that she's involved in the world’s oldest Anarchist International! Perhaps most meaningfully, her detective skills revealed a whole community across the country, and around the world that supports her and adores her.

August 24, Warsaw – 15 years of the Anarchist Black Cross Belarus

From ABC-Belarus

This year, the ABC-Belarus celebrates its 15th anniversary. Struggle, repression and migration have become a reality for many of us. In these difficult times we want to meet our comrades who continue to support our work and prisoners despite their own difficulties.

Hunger Strike by Nikos Maziotis


Via Abolition Media

In response to the blatant violation of my rights, I am going on hunger strike as of today (14/5/2024) with a request to be transferred to the hospital of Lamia without suffering the humiliating way of investigation demanded by the external guard of Domokos prison.

Text by Nikos Maziotis on the Health Care Conditions in Domokos Prison


Via Abolition Media

According to the law, the health care of prisoners is proportional to the care of the rest of the population (Article 27 (1) of the Penitentiary Code). But that is not really the case. Lack of medical staff, lack of doctors, delays in transfers of detainees to hospitals, special security measures and procedures in some cases such as mine, make the supposed right to care a dead letter.

Maria Nikiforova & the anarchist battallions in Civil War Ukraine

From Cool People Who Did Cool Stuff

Margaret talks with Robert Evans about the time that millions of Ukrainians rose a black flag and went to war against landlords, nationalists, and Bolsheviks.


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