Showing posts with label King. Show all posts
Showing posts with label King. Show all posts

Sunday, November 20, 2022

A Look Back at Diagolon and the Ottawa Occupation: A Teaser

I have an article that I'll be working on focused on the events in Ottawa during the "Trucker Convoy" of which there were few actual truckers participating. Those who follow/followed me on Twitter will remember that I wrote extensively about the event while it was ongoing from the start to finish.

The tweet posted above highlights the days and weeks of tweets that I made covering the story at the time.

I also created two other threads more recently touching on Pat King's claims made during the Ottawa Occupation that he made during his appearance before the Public Order Emergency Commission hearing:
However, I thought that I would also focus on another group who was there as well by providing another timeline:

Saturday, October 31, 2020

October 2020 Bits and Bites: Halloween Edition

We haven't really done a bits and bites article in some time but we thought we would do so now. Please forgive our omissions in this purposely irreverent look back at the month of bigots behaving badly, often towards each other.

In the last article we discussed the antics of Brian Kidder who, since it was published, has continued on in his campaign to arrest a politician. He is not surprisingly being egged on by some of the bad actors who have profiled consistently on this blog:

Thursday, June 14, 2018

The Far Right Continues to Embrace Anti-Democratic Ethnic Nationalism and Authoritarianism (With Northern Alliance Cameo)

It has been an interesting week in the news. Donald Trump attacks traditional allies including Canada (specifically the Canadian prime minister) and his supporters in this country eat it up. Some of them have openly advocated for the invasion of the country to remove the Liberal government by force. Others "merely" want him to impose punitive tariffs on the country so that Canadians are made to suffer for the folly of electing the Liberals. Most of those self-described "patriots" ARC keeps an eye on unironically continue to refer to Justin Trudeau as a traitor. In the meantime these same "patriots" celebrate when Trump refers to a man who inherited his dictatorship from his father and grandfather and who's government is responsible mass execution of dissidents and the imprisonment of anyone who is believed to oppose the regime as being "tough" but who still "loves his people."

Really though, none of this is at all surprising as these elements of the far right in Canada, the United States, and many other countries have openly embraced ethnic nationalism and authoritarianism despite still claiming to favor democratic freedoms.... so long as those democratic freedoms are only afforded to people who look and think like they do.

I recently read a very interesting article that discussed the phenomenon in the United States. Research indicates that intolerance of minorities cause much of the majority population (white) to reject the principles of democracy when it is seen as benefiting otherwise marginalized peoples and results in a willingness to embrace authoritarian forms of control that will maintain their dominance even in the face of demographic changes:
A new study, however, suggests that the main threat to our democracy may not be the hardening of political ideology, but rather the hardening of one particular political ideology. Political scientists Steven V. Miller of Clemson and Nicholas T. Davis of Texas A&M have released a working paper titled "White Outgroup Intolerance and Declining Support for American Democracy." Their study finds a correlation between white American's intolerance, and support for authoritarian rule. In other words, when intolerant white people fear democracy may benefit marginalized people, they abandon their commitment to democracy. 
Miller and Davis used information from the World Values Survey, a research project organized by a worldwide network of social scientists which polls individuals in numerous countries on a wide range of beliefs and values. Based on surveys from the United States, the authors found that white people who did not want to have immigrants or people of different races living next door to them were more likely to be supportive of authoritarianism. For instance, people who said they did not want to live next door to immigrants or to people of another race were more supportive of the idea of military rule, or of a strongman-type leader who could ignore legislatures and election results. 
The World Values Survey data used is from the period 1995 to 2011 — well before Donald Trump's 2016 run for president. It suggests, though, that Trump's bigotry and his authoritarianism are not separate problems, but are intertwined. When Trump calls Mexicans "rapists," and when he praises authoritarian leaders, he is appealing to the same voters.
Given demographic changes, the far right find themselves in a bit of a bottle-neck so they have had to be much more creative in maintaining control, and this often means subverting the most basic of democratic practices, the vote:
White people continue to decrease as a percentage of the U.S. population; at some point, it's going to be impossible to win a national, democratic American election with a platform that alienates people of color. The GOP, seeing their coming demographic apocalypse, has pushed voter ID laws and other barriers to voting to try to prevent black and other minority voters from getting to the polls. In Wisconsin, Republican Governor Scott Walker even attempted to delay elections for state seats that he believed Democrats would win.
There are, of course, even more extreme positions:
Miller and Davis' paper quotes alt right, neo-fascist leader Richard Spencer, who in a 2013 speech declared: "We need an ethno-state so that our people can ‘come home again’… We must give up the false dreams of equality and democracy." Ethnic cleansing is impossible as long as marginalized people have enough votes to stop it. But this roadblock disappears if you get rid of democracy. Spencer understands that white rule in the current era essentially requires totalitarianism. That's the logic of fascism.
We've been hearing more and more about the desire to create an "ethno-state" here in Canada from a number of groups and individuals including Faith Goldy and Ronny Cameron. The patently undemocratic attitudes that would deny certain Canadians their democratic rights and create a tiered system of citizenship was also proposed by Steven Myatt recently:

Yeah, I know the last few articles have been a bit Myatt-centric. Just hear me out on this one. 

We can laugh (and I did) about the clumsiness of Myatt talking about running "in politics" as well as the fact that this is a position that is so patently unconstitutional the courts would strike such a law down immediately (this assuming that Myatt would ever find himself in a position to enact such a law which seems less likely than me beating Justify in a footrace). It would also ironically disallow the first two prime ministers of the country from being involved in politics as well as numerous other Canadians who have emigrated from somewhere else.

But let's be honest here. Myatt is NOT talking about someone who looks like this:

Conservative MP Tom Kmiec, July 31, 1981 in Gdańsk, Poland
Myatt IS talking about someone who looks like this:

NDP leader Jagmeet Singh, born January 2, 1979 in Scarborough, ON
The truth of this can be seen in one of Myatt's responses:

Well, when it comes to the House of Commons and the Senate federally, there were a total of 56 who are citizens of Canada through naturalization. However it is more clear that Myatt thinks that some people "look" Canadian and others don't. Considering he had 46 people seemingly agreeing with him, it seems that there are others who feel the same way.

One of those people is someone we haven't seen in a long, long, time:

That would be Tyler Chilcott, formerly of the now defunct neo-Nazi Northern Alliance based out of London, ON:

Tomas SZYMANSKI at Zundel demo in front of Metro West
On the archived website, Chitcott had published articles with titles such as "Wholistic Racialism", "Please Rise and Sing", and "The Native Conflict" as well as some really horrible poetry.

Congratulations Steven. Tyler Chilcott likes the cut of your jib.

The first person who posted "Blood and Earth" hearkens to the "Blood and Soil" ethnic nationalism heard at the Charlottesville rally last summer and, even more prescient,  was a slogan used by the Nazis (Blut und Boden).

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

May 2010 Bits and Bites

It looks like a few boneheads are talking about the Fromm story on Nazi Watch Toronto that we linked to. And it appears their little hearts have been crushed:

To be fair, another poster soon dismissed the allegation as having been made up by "antis" to discredit Paulie. We don't think that's the case though.

Oh, that's right. We forgot to let the folks of the web-based White Nationalist Legion know that we've been on their forums for months:

We haven't said much though because you haven't really done much outside of posting online. And really, when two of your most active members are a pudgy 16 year old who thinks he's a National Socialist and a 14 year old girl who doesn't appear to understand the tenets of the philosophy she now claims to believe in, how much do we really need to talk about you? But don't worry. We've been identifying the posters just in case it becomes relevant in the future.

But speaking of Blood and Honour, looks like some of the Canadian members, "XiLeD ArYaN" (Eric Kosak; hey, looks like learning those identities is already paying off), "jagermeister88" (John Marleau) and "Exterminance" (Bill Noble) are trying to provide some helpful suggestions to an Italian bonehead who sent threatening messages to the U.S. President:

Probably not a good idea, but perhaps the Canadian boys will be able to help, "ViolentNS" out of this jam? What does Mr. Kosak of Edmonton have to say?

So, Eric suggest that rather than threatening violence, the Italian bonehead should carry out a political assassination? Doesn't seem very helpful to us. Maybe Marleau could be more helpful?

Doesn't look like John knows much about how computers work. It's not as if changing one's location or account will confuse the police for very long.

It's all up to you Billy. Let's see what you've got:

Ookkayyy then. That was........ not helpful.

Now, we realize that Noble is just trying to be provocative and to get a rise out of any anti-racists or police who might be reading his post, but we have to say that of all the acts of violence he would choose, rape isn't the first one we would have thought a White Nationalist would go with. Do our dear readers think Bill is projecting?

Billy? Did something happen to you in jail that you're trying to awkwardly tell people about?

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Four of the Free Dominion "John Does" Have Been Identified

Continuing our focus on FreeDom (and enjoying the reaction of the likes of Edward Kennedy) we've learned that four of the anonymous forum posters named in Richard Warman's civil suit have been identified:

Roger Smith (a.k.a. "Peter O'Donnell")
Jason Bertucci (a.k.a. "Faramir")
Andrew ******** (a.k.a. "Droid 1963")
Dan LePage (a.k.a. "SaskBigPicture")

We've been sitting on this for a few days now but we have been reading the fallout on FreeDom:

Since the folks at FreeDom are super smart, Mark Fournier has jumped to the conclusion that the identification of these individuals must be the result of nefarious activities on the part of Mr. Warman:

Well, since you asked so nicely Mr. Fournier, here's how their identities became known spelled out nicely in Mr. Warman's most recent affidavit:

We've likely redacted more than we actually needed to, but just to be on the safe side...

Now, let the fun begin.

UPDATE: Bloody hilarious. Evidently ARC is an insignificant failure and no one pays attention to us, however within half an hour of our posting the article there was a mention of it on FreeDom and Connie bumped up an old thread that complained about our having commented on her and Mark shaking hands with Fromm and his wife (while we were going to let this go when she first accused us of being hypocritical, we think we will discuss this in greater depth at a later date). We certainly didn't let them know we had posted it, so it would seem that some of their own readers have at least a passing interest in what is written on this blog.

And, get this. Now some of them are making up quotes and attributing them to ARC:

Maikeru: 'Since we [ARC] have yet to address the situation in Gaza, it might be a good idea to explain what our position on the entire Arab-Jewish conflict is so people can understand. The way we see it, if Jews and Arabs can't seem to come to a peaceful solution to their problems after thousands of years of fighting, we most certainly aren't going to be able to contribute anything of value. Gentiles and other people who are neither Jewish or Arab who want to exploit the troubles in the Middle East for whatever political or financial agenda they have should be hauled off and shot.'

Now, we assume that 'Makeru' is referring to our statement regarding our stance on the Palestinian and Israeli conflict and the unwelcome involvement of the Aryan Guard and some extremist Muslims. We invite our readers to examine our article and determine whether or not we wrote what was attributed to us. Of course a simple Google search will show that the quote attributed to us originated on the FreeDom forums and not here on this website. If our position on the crisis in Gaza appeared anywhere else on the Internet and if there was any editorializing by the person who republished our position, we do not necessarily support their ideas.

Free Dominion claims to be, "the voice of principled conservatism." We invite our readers to determine the accuracy of that claim.

Thank you FreeDom for making our day. We had a great laugh about this. Please keep it up.

UPDATE 2: Back from our mini vacation. We redacted slightly more information on the final page of the affidavit regarding one of the John Doe's family members (although there was no mention of a name in the unredacted section, it did discuss a family relationship).

Aren't we nice?

Monday, May 25, 2009

Custody Hearing Going Poorly for Nazi Mom and Nazi Dad

Last Friday on CBC radio's "The Current" there was a feature story (you can listen to the archived story here) on the story concerning the removal of children from the home of an avowed neo-Nazi couple. On the program 'Nazi Mom' was interviewed about the case and her feelings about the custody hearing that was soon to occur on the following Monday (today). 'Nazi Mom' claimed that they never taught her child to hate other races and further claimed that the swastika drawn on her daughter was an ancient sun wheel and had little to do with Nazism. In fact, much like every other bonehead, she claimed that she and her then husband only taught their children to be, "proud of their race."

Guess what? 'Nazi Mom' is full of it.

Girl taught black people should die, court hears

WINNIPEG — A girl at the centre of a child custody battle was taught by her parents that minorities should die and was exposed to violent racist videos, a court heard Monday.

The girl was also familiar with Nazi phrases such as “Heil Hitler” and would talk calmly about how black people could be killed, a social worker testified.

“She said you would whip black people with a ball and chain and they would die,” testified the social worker, who cannot be identified under Manitoba law.

The worker was the first witness at a trial that is to determine whether the province’s child welfare agency will gain permanent custody of the girl and her younger brother, who were seized from their parental home last year.

The social worker was called to the girl’s school after the girl showed up with white supremacist slogans written on her skin — writings which she appeared to understand fully.

“She told me that what people don’t understand is that black people should die,” the social worker said.

The child repeatedly used racial epithets for blacks, Asians, Arabs and other minorities during a 45-minute conversation, the social worker testified.

Court heard the children also had access to a skinhead website and were shown videos depicting racial violence.

The girl’s mother has denied teaching her children hatred. She was not in court and her request for an adjournment though a lawyer was denied. The stepfather, who is fighting to regain custody on constitutional grounds, sat quietly, frequently biting his nails.

In court documents, the father argues the seizure of his children violates his freedom of conscience, belief and association under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

“I believe that there is no legal basis for the children having been apprehended,” he wrote in an affidavit.

The case has garnered international attention and sparked debate over how far parents can go to instill beliefs in their children.

The court hearing is scheduled to run all week and for another week at the end of June.

'Nazi Mom' also claimed to have broken ties to the "White Nationalist" movement. That she's still in contact with Paul Fromm and his wife (whom she refers to as her parents), her new boyfriend is a "White Nationalist and she's still in regular correspondence with individuals tied to the "White Nationalist" movement further calls into question her honesty. And although the allegations concerning the advocation of killing African-Canadians are focused on her estranged husband, 'Nazi Mom' is no stranger to extremist language when she posted messages on various web forums as "Aryanprincess1488":

May 9, 2005: Hey all, I don't post much (I haven't an awful lot of time) but I showed my 12 year old niece this site and although I don't think she's logged on here she has informed me that she visits this forum regularly, and since I haven't been able to see or talk to her too much it's good to know that there is a place of rational and intellectual disscussion where she can come to learn more about the movement. 

Winnpeg is infested with indians and other such inferiors, she's being taught in school that we're all equal and that not one race is better than another, but she is learning and I thank you for the intellegent conversation that takes place in this forum. 14/88

January 8 2005: These are some pictures of my fiancee's tats, I like 'em, and so does he. I can't see either of us abandoning our beliefs and ever regretting the tats, I have a couple but nothing too hardcore just a celtic cross on my leg and family tat on my shoulder.

January 9 2005: I love Skrewdriver, they have got to be one of my all time favorite bands.

Blood and Honor was the first album I had by them so I think it's definately one of my faves, my daughter (she's 4) loves Hail the New Dawn- her fave song? Free My Land.

May 9, 2005: Hey all, I don't post much (I haven't an awful lot of time) but I showed my 12 year old niece this site and although I don't think she's logged on here she has informed me that she visits this forum regularly, and since I haven't been able to see or talk to her too much it's good to know that there is a place of rational and intellectual disscussion where she can come to learn more about the movement. 

Winnpeg is infested with indians and other such inferiors, she's being taught in school that we're all equal and that not one race is better than another, but she is learning and I thank you for the intellegent conversation that takes place in this forum.

May 9, 2005: Yes, out of control is an understatement. I live in Manitoba, there are ways of getting around many of the "anti-hate" laws you just have to know how to word things properly and not use any known "Aryan-Nations" symbols. I called the human rights commision and got a detailed list of what you can and cannot say. They have yet to actually put a ban on any of the so called "hate-symbols" but it's not too far off.

July 18, 2007: It's being investigated by the B'nai Brith and they are also investigating Stormfront as well. They came to our house about a year and a half ago my lawyer told me to stop making posts forever but I just can't I've stayed away and we really haven't heard too much about any charges so I figure it's safe enough now.

July 18, 2007: Here's my BIG DYKE story my friend Jen and I were at a bar screaming the lyrics to No Remorse's Bloodsucker and eventually got kicked out and while outside she tried to kiss me and then I punched her in the face and told her that my mum would have no problem helping me bury her dead body. And that was the last I heard from her... No I didn't actually kill her.

July 18, 2007: TRUE WHITE POWER!!!!!!!

July 21, 2007: I was wondering I haven't been making posts for a while due to the B'nai Brith investigating us but I was wondering if "sbrocker??" still made posts?

July 22, 2007: I've saved the messages on our answering machine. My husband is up on weapons offences though, so I don't think it's worth it to risk being caught for any other weapons not mention that it's almost impossible to own a hand gun in Canada we've got some friends who know what's going on and this guy is still on parole, it's been a week and nothing has happened yet so we'll give it another week and by then I think we can assume that it's all just empty threats. I really can't see anyone running the risk of being brought up on murder charges and sacrifice their entire grow op for some psycho fantasy of a perverted relationship. Anyway that's where were at right now, thanks to everyone for your concern!

July 24, 2007: There should be a thread where people can go to find out why they or their frineds got banned and maybe even a poll to get them back in. I've seen it on other forums and it's worked quite well. 

The hardest thing that we have to deal with is fighting amongst eachother, believe me I know all about that, it's also the worst thing we could do. We have so many enemies and so few of us anyone ever heard the saying "UNITED WE STAND, DIVIDED WE FALL" ? We really need to stop this , no one can even remember what they did that was so bad. We'd have a world wide organization here if we could all just pass ourselves on the small things and just focus on the big picture here.
With everything that has happened here in Winnipeg with the death threats and dishonour, it really makes me realize why we aren't winning this war .

July 24, 2007: Owning a hand gun legally in Canada is next to impossible, my husband came close but right after he recieved a 100% on his restricted test he deciced to get our asian neighbors deported...long story...can't own a hand gun... and we'd like to not have anymore crimminal charges laid against the sole provider of a family of four. Douche bag is still on about the threats, sending viruses through our friend's computer but now thanks to all of you guys I'm not as worried, he's just the "butt" of all our jokes (he had an illeostomy, look it up, you'll get it)
And for the guys who are too lazy to look it up POO BAG!!!

July 24, 2007: (Started a thread called, ‘A song sung by 2 drunk Skinhead’s (who hate cripples)’) christopher reeves 

walking through walmart half past three
saw this crippled bastard looking at me
not really crippled just lazy
you make me sick you crippled prick because you live for free
hahaha your a cripple, ha f***ing ha you're a cripple x2
i find that it's a f***ing gas that you crippled bastards cant wipe your own @$$
you pay someone else to do it for you
that poor bastards gotta clean your crippled poo
hahaha your a cripple ha f***ing ha you're a cripple x2
you wheel around feeling sorry for your self
i think its f***ing funny that you can't reach the top shelp
hahaha your a cripple ha f***ing ha your a cripple x2
well i'll just be the bigger man and WALK away

Sung to the playing style of dayglo abortions
I thought it was a hilarious song and JOE and Stage play it at all our get togethers

July 31, 2007: I know that in Canada, The US and England have some of the highest crime rates in the world also a huge problem with illegal immigrants and non-white refugees. Unfortunately for us it's them who are creating the violence. 

Winnipeg, is the "MURDER CAPITOL OF CANADA" and as much as I don't mind these parasites killing eachother off, I have to wonder why? 

We have alot of street gangs here "native syndycate", "indian posse", etc... but the most dangerous are "the mad cowz" and their rivals "the african mafia" both were started by refugees from somalia, and are violently present in the West End of the city (78camaro if you wanna through in your two cents too that'd be appreciated) we've had an innocent White kid (17) get shot by stray bullets and the public outrage was little to none. The human rights commision cried out because if these apes were to be deported than they would suffer at the hands of their "oppresive government" WHAT ABOUT THAT YOUNG MAN'S FAMILY???? And then came the judge's ruling that the leader was to be deported... funny how they're still killing eachother and they're still killing innocent Whites, funny how no one realizes that the onset of crime of this magnitude is non-white immigration to begin with.
It'd be appreciated if everyone would share their city's struggles...

July 31, 2007: The Canadian government offers instant welfare and housing to refugees, and also when they do find illegals here they still offer them a chance to state their case, as to why they should be granted refugee status and even though they came here illegally alot of them do get in, and of course we've got the bleeding human rights commission preaching "equal rights for everyone" (except of course for Ernst Zundel and other like minded Whites) go figure a load of liberal nonsense... RADICAL SOLUTIONS REQUIRED!!!!!

As for the Iraqi situation; I don't even know what to say to that, we've got enough of those damned sand niggers here and they're probably already sneaking over the borders planning their next suicide attacks. The word refugee has been so over played that it now has little to no meaning whatsoever, these horrid creatures bring all their animosities over to our countries and for what to change our national anthems, to change our history lessons, to distroy the White race??? I said it before and I'll keep on saying it RADICAL SOLUTIONS REQUIRED!!!!!


July 31, 2007: And the gold medal will go to the nig that gets 'em all in the next drive by. 

And they wonder why we hate them!?

August 5, 2007: (in a thread entitled, ‘If you could turn back time?’) Ditto.
I'd like to have enough power to warn Hitler about the consequences of being allies with the japs though maybe it'd be a different world (wishful thinking)

August 8, 2007: (Started a thread called, ‘What would you do?’) If it were up to you, would you sacrifice yourself and your children to save our entire race? 

There would be a 100% guarantee that all jews would be destroyed. 

Would you? Honestly?

August 16, 2007: (In thread she started a thread called, ‘What would you do?’) This question was asked in another forum (not by me) I wanted to see everyone's reaction. 

I hate jews, really I do, alot. They control our government and at least in Canada what we are permitted to say and wear and pretty much think. True there are problems with all other races, but I often wonder how much of a different place the world as a whole would be without the jewish population. 

Anyway it was just a question.

August 8, 2007: (Started a thread called, 'Fulfilling Israel’s dream’)
We went to this tonight, it was really quite pathetic I was fortunate enough to see a whole crap load of jews who wished me shalom lmwao!

I couldn't believe the nonsense they were trying to feed me I almost wished I had been at a "holocaust viewing" this was horrible. They were using born again christian types to promote they're anti message. 

there will be another one we'll be going to that one too. 

PS we were followed out by security after I stood up and unable to contain my rage said " this is freaking nonsense".

August 8, 2007: (In response to ‘I think I would have thrown up in the theater!!’) We almost did, but that was when 3 niggers came and sat down next to us. 

I really hadn't heard that many lies since the holocaust, which they didn't even mention by the way. They went from just after the crucifiction, to 1878, to 1948, and that's when we left (30 minutes in).

August 10, 2007: (In a thread entitled, Out of Africa theorie re-buked and the link, F***ing bull s**t!!!! 

More lies propogated by the jews.

August 10, 2007: A jew is a jew is a jew is a jew.

Doesn't matter how much or how little it has in it it's still a kike!

August 19, 2007: It's dissapointing to hear stuff like that, but that's what happens under ZOG dictatorship. 

I'm not sure about an annual amount that Canada sends there but I do know that we recently sent 50 million of our tax dollars to israel in "aid", I assume it's going to pay for their German passports and "survivor" fund.

'Nazi Mom' did not attend the hearing today as she now lives in a different province and she says she doesn't have the funds necessary to make the trip back to Winnipeg. Funny. Had it been one of us, we'd move heaven and earth to try and win back custody of our children. But we suppose we have different priorities.
Other Links:

Children Taken from Neo-Nazi Parents

The Aryan Guard Fallout Regarding Our Articles.

Winnipeg Nazi Mom and Alicia Reckzin: This Should Be Fun to Watch

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Profile: Tomasz Winnicki

Tomasz Winnicki, born on November 17, 1975, once proudly described himself as London, Ontario’s “biggest hater.” His posts on the VNN forums were profanity-laced diatribes against immigrants, African-Canadians, First Nations peoples, women, the police, homosexuals, and his biggest target, Jews. He threatens. He bullies. He’s as close to the stereotypical, frothing at the mouth bigot that one can find in real life outside of comic books.

But really, how seriously can you take someone who at 32 years old and based on current knowledge still lives in his mother’s and father’s basement and doesn’t seem to have ever lived on his own? Well, there was the brief exception of his stay for a few months in one of Canada’s fine correctional facilities for violation of a court injunction, but we’re getting ahead of ourselves.

pictured left to right: Jason King, David Ruud), Tomasz
Winnicki, Tyler Chilcott, Tomas Szymanski
Winnicki is himself an immigrant who’s family emigrated to Canada from Poland in 1987. He started making waves as a bigot in 2003 when someone discovered his racist website. Though the service provider did pull the plug on Winnicki when they were made aware of the content of his website, this wasn’t the end of Winnicki’s online activities. He soon found a new home on Alex Linder’s Vanguard News Network where he first posted as Thexder_3D. When his real identity was discovered he started posting under his own name. His posts are characteristically rambling, hate-filled and barely literate (you’d think his vocabulary was limited to the phrase, “fuck you Jews” when reading his posts) screeds targeting anyone not White, male, heterosexual, or, well, almost everyone really.

Melissa Guille holding "Dirty Buggers" sign next
to Tomasz Winnicki with camera
Soon Winnicki began attending protests along side Canadian Heritage Alliance leader Melissa Guille, Jason Ouwendyk and his Northern Alliance boneheads and Paul Fromm, the acknowledged leader of the Canadian far right. He mostly attended protests of London’s Gay Pride parades where he held up charming signs such as “AIDS Cures Homosexuals” but there was one protest he had attempted to join in but was prevented from doing so. In September 2004, Winnicki was driving his car with three other men were on their way to a rally in Toronto in support of Holocaust denier Ernst Zündel. When stopped by the police Winnicki’s car was searched. In his car the police discovered throwing knives, body armour, and a bow with arrows. Instead of attending the rally, Winnicki and the three other men were arrested. He plead guilty to weapons charges on November 23, 2006 and was given a conditional discharge with 6 months probation. It was discovered that one of the men who was arrested with Winnicki was Randal Linton who posts on Stormfront and other hate sites as “Raghnall." The other two were Kevin Lovett and Jason King