Showing posts with label Northmore. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Northmore. Show all posts

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Southern Ontario Skins: A Cast of Stooges Part XI

Our readers have likely noticed that our output has been rather limited of late. In part that's due to not having as much to cover here as we rework some of our intel gathering strategies.

The other reason is we just haven't felt like writing all that much. And a lot of what has been published has been really labored (to those who have made mention that we have been phoning it in, it's not as if you're telling us something we weren't already well aware of ourselves).

Hey, everyone goes through lulls. 

Regardless of our current state of ennui, we thought that it would be appropriate before 2014 ends to include one more article in our long running series on a very special group of boneheads.

More on Dan Hall another time, but he does bring up a pertinent question. What IS up with Brodie Walsh?

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

September 2014 Bits and Bites: Ontartio Civic Elections Edition

On September 15 we wrote about Paulie's latest quixotic effort to achieve electoral office and noted that he has received an endorsement from the august leader of one of the numerous KKK factions in the United States, Tom Robb:

To get an idea of how pleasant a fellow Tommy Robb is, we provide these additional images:

Now, a normal politician might shy away from a character like Robb but Paulie, of whom there is little that is normal, happily accepted the Klan kudos:

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Southern Ontario Skins: A Cast of Stooges Part IV

Because the Southern Ontario Skinheads give us so much material, we decided that, "A Cast of Stooges" will be a regular feature here on the blog. But before we begin with the actual SOS members, we thought we would start with a prospective member:

my name is jeremy crawford when u here the name u say skinhead thats feared and well respected im friends with brodie walsh anyways i lead small skinhead groups in london and sarnia ive been through thick and thin being a skinhead but i always come out on top because were more intelligent than the others i want in im 32 and i want in i want a group to call my family that i can trust with my life im 220 pds and covered in white power tattooes covered. im the poster child for skinheads im purebred german blonde hair blue eyes etc please get back to me. WPWW

Now, you might be wondering by what black magic we managed to obtain this, for lack of a better term, "application" to the Southern Ontario Skinheads. We wish we could tell you that it was as a result of hard investigative work and an inside mole feeding us information, but the reality is, Mr. Crawford left it as a comment on our blog. Honestly, it is still surprising how often this happens; a semi-literate bonehead is unable to understand the "anti" part of "Anti-Racist" and sends us queries as to how to join a particular hate group. Really, it is the lowest of the low hanging fruits, though we still really enjoy the irony found in this part:

ive been through thick and thin being a skinhead but i always come out on top because were more intelligent than the others

You don't say?

To be absolutely clear that he wants to be a member, he sent a second message five minutes later:

Jeremy Crawford 32 220 pds pure german and life long skinhead i want in i have ran little clicks and iam well respected i want in the southren ont skins get back to me at ************ or ************ get ahold of me please i would be an incredible asset to the group and i know brodie walsh

Now we debated whether or not we should publish this message since we really don't want to add anyone to their numbers, especially when they are such an, "asset." But we figure that if they want someone as blisteringly stupid as Jeremy Crawford in their ranks, they really do deserve him. Besides, given the current membership, he really does fit in quite nicely:
Now, since his name was brought up, why don't we now move on to Brodie Walsh? He too has decided to start leaving messages on the blog, though he at least knows what "anti-racist" means, though does seem to think we value what he thinks about us:

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Southern Ontario Skins: A Cast of Stooges Part II

In one of our previous posts, we briefly introduced our readers to the Southern Ontario "Skinheads'" most recent member:

Meet Brodie Walsh, aka "Bee Walsh" aka "Bee Fresh" aka "Straightt Menacee." On the surface, Brodie seems to be a perfect fit for the SOS. After all, he has started posting the appropriate "White Pride World Wide" photos:

And he likes taking shirtless selfies almost as much as Hynes does:

There's just one fly in the ointment. You see up until very recently, Mr. Walsh styled himself as a bit of a rapper:

There are a lot more of Walsh, "freestyling" than the example we provided above. That being said, the reality is that Walsh really isn't all that out of place considering the number of members/associates who have or had been immersed in this particular subculture.

But really, it isn't Walsh's past involvement in the urban music scene that we find problematic. It's stuff like this that is cause for concern:

The Woodstock Police Service has arrested and charges five city residents as part of its investigation into the trafficking of crack cocaine.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Fallout from the Free Press Article

First, it looks like the Southern Ontario Skinheads have a new member:

More on Brodie Walsh later. Trust us. He's a real catch for the SOS and sure to fit right in.

Back on May 9, "The London Free Press" published an article on an event hosted by an associate of the Southern Ontario Skinheads which, while billed as a birthday party, also appeared to be a gathering of the boneheads which is sort of like the gathering of the juggalos, but with less face paint and more racism:

The reaction to the article? Not exactly unexpected.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Southern Ontario Skinheads Outed

First, and in deference to our friends who actually ARE skinheads, it needs to be made clear that no one in the SOS is actually a skinhead. They've co-opted the look and, to a degree, very selected elements of the skinhead culture, but it's only window dressing. They are, and always will be, boneheads.

And now the boneheads in the SOS are known to more than the relatively small circle who are part of the Canadian racist movement or who make a point of monitoring the movement in Canada. And that is not a good thing if you are an SOS bonehead:

London skinhead party on police radar

By Jennifer O'Brien, Randy Richmond, The London Free Press
Anti-racism activists are warning about the rise of a new neo-Nazi group in Southern Ontario and a celebration planned for the Victoria Day long weekend near London showcasing their strength.

But the man hosting what’s billed online as a White Pride World Wide celebration, and who’s connected to the group, says there’s nothing to fear from either the gathering or white pride views.

“It’s just a birthday party for me and my daughter, too,” said Jared Gilkes of Dorchester, east of London.

“It’s not white power, it’s white pride. All I am about is being proud of our own race. It’s not hatred. It’s about pride in your heritage, not hate.”

Some members of the group, Southern Ontario Skinheads, have been invited because they’re friends and he has joined them on rallies.

“But I’m part of no group. I put up on my (Facebook) wall: anybody that comes leave your attitudes at home,” Gilkes said, shortly before inviting a Free Press reporter and photographer to drop by May 17.

There’s more to the new group than white pride and the long weekend gathering than a simple birthday party, warn anti-racism activists.

“In reality, it appears to be an excuse for members of the Southern Ontario Skinheads from London and Kitchener, like-minded individuals, and a contingent from the biker culture to get together,” said a spokesperson from Anti-Racist Canada.

Anti-Racist Canada, which describes itself as a non-violent collective of people battling hatred, has been monitoring the Southern Ontario Skinheads (SOS) for just over a year.

The group has at least 12 members, the spokesperson said. “Things have picked up during the last few months and there seems to be more growth.”

SOS recently handed out flyers in Kingston in April, and members posted photographs on their Facebook pages of a small run-in with police and some members of the group giving the Nazi salute.

Several members have criminal records and some were connected to Western Canada’s violent Blood and Honour, a white supremacist group involved in physical attacks on non-whites, Anti-Racist Canada says.

Provincial police said they’ve been monitoring the group for some time and know about the party.


We had access to the Facebook group announcing the gathering as well so we were able to speak to some of the questions posed by the "Free Press":

Sunday, April 06, 2014

Tone Deaf: Southern Ontario Skinheads Post Videos of March

Sometimes, it really is fun to watch the boneheads self-destruct all on their own. Either through infighting or through ultimately counterproductive behavior, the final result is inevitable.

Take the blowback from the failed "White Man's March" that took place last month. The event was really an unmitigated disaster no matter how those in the movement try to spin it. The only people who actually seems genuinely pleased with the outcome of the march in Canada were John Beattie, Paulie Fromm, and the mouth-breathers in the Southern Ontario Skinheads. But even this resulted in a fair amount of online bickering as Beattie, who if we are to be fair is not exactly much of a player in the Canadian scene. That didn't stop both Paulie and the SOS responded then and some other SOS members responded again later:

The crux of Beattie's concern is that he argues, in all honestly correctly, that overt links to Nazism hurts the cause of, "White Nationalists." So Beattie believes while the Neo-Nazi boneheads will one day serve the purpose of protecting the big thinkers like himself (because he actually views himself as a big thinker), they should leave the public relation stunts to folks like Kyle Hunt who organized the White Man's March.

Because certainly Kyle Hunt wouldn't have anything to do with something as distasteful as the Neo-Nazi movement, right?

Well, Beattie might have to get used to being disappointed:

So really, these guys participating in an event in which boneheads are indeed welcome shouldn't be all that much of a shock:

Managed to get the last name we were not certain about.
So, let's shift our focus back to the Southern Ontario Skinheads, shall we?

The life span of groups like the SOS are between 6 months and 3 years, though a few manage to make it to 5 years. They ultimately fail in large part as a result of the inadequacies of the membership itself. Thus far there is nothing in the SOS that lead us to conclude they will be no different. In fact, given what we've seen we think they are already setting up their own imminent collapse.

Much of the membership itself has some problems with self-control. As members of a gang SOS members derive a sense of power as being part of a larger group. And when they feel empowered, they attempt to intimidate (and threaten) their opposition into silence:



It also doesn't help that a number of the folks now in or associated with the SOS have rather extensive criminal records, including one of their more recent members:

Long term survival in groups such as the SOS require self-control and regulation. Does anyone believe the SOS are capable of these feats?

But you don't have to take our word for it. How about from the horses' mouth? In addition to the few photos they posted online, the SOS decided it would be a good idea to video their march through the streets of Kingston. Because, you know, how could that go poorly?

Complaining about the cold? Come on! Do you think Ragnar Lothbrok would complain about the cold? Some viking warriors you guys are!

The following videos are really the ones that are indicative of the mind set of the SOS membership. As you're watching these videos, we want you to consider how the average Kingston resident would react to a gang such as this walking down the street:

Saturday, April 05, 2014

April 2014 Bites and Bites

You know, Paulie really isn't trying anymore. Point of fact is he hasn't been trying for a few years. There was a time when he tried at least to maintain a semblance of mainstream respectability, but it looks like those times have long past.

This weekend, Paulie is speaking at a Tom Robb's Klan gathering in Arkansas. Though this in and of itself isn't exactly anything new, the subject matter of his speech has certainly become much more overt:

Diane King, eh? Uhm, wasn't Paulie married to Diane at one time? We wonder what happened (hint, we don't actually wonder what happened).

But you know, maybe we're overselling this a bit?

Or maybe not?

Closer to home, the Goudreau finally decided to respond to Luke Northmore's accusations from a few months back:

We're sure that Luke responded with the measured restraint we've come to expect from him:


Thursday, March 20, 2014

Southern Ontario Skinheads Gone Walkabout in Kingston

On March 15, boneheads around North America participated in an event called, "The White Man's March." Well, "participated" might not be an accurate description of what happened on that day. What might be a more accurate description is that a lot of boneheads talked about participating in, "The White Man's March" in their respective communities but ultimately did nothing.

Yeah, it was sort of a HUGE failure, though the boneheads would have you believe that is was really a HUGE success.

One group that participated in the event was our friends in the Southern Ontario Skinheads who traveled to Kingston, Ontario. Wes Smith was ever so kind as to provide some photos:

They apparently spent time flyering and acting brave when members of the Kingston Police Service asked them what they were up to.

Now, as this event occurred a few days ago, our dear readers might be asking us why we are so slow to update the blog. That's a fair question and deserves a an answer.

The reason why we haven't mentioned it until now is because we were trying to figure out who attended based on the shitty photo they provided (really, SOS members take terrible pictures):

Left to right: Paul McCarroll, Wes Smith, Dan "Buddy" Hall
(aka: Odin TheCelt.... really dude, if you want to conceal
your identity, you might consider a different ski mask and
jacket), Gatlin Gooding, Max Hynes, Luke Northmore, Jared Gilkes,
Simon Letourneau, "Mike White" (which may or may not be his real name).
We have an idea who "???" might be, but the focus isn't clear enough to make a definitive identification.

But still, we have to thank the SOS for their cooperation.

Saturday, February 08, 2014

(Aryan) United Front Führer Responds to ARC Article

On January 24, we posted an article on Luke Northmore's efforts to convince his fellow travellers that he is a player on the racist scene in Canada. We MAY have made light of his efforts.

It looks like he wasn't particularity pleased with our characterization of him and his "group" because he decided to respond to us in a video:

Does that seem a little whiny? It seems a little whiny to us.

Yeah, we do make a lot of funny comments. And no Luke, we aren't scared. Not in the least.

Thursday, February 06, 2014

Lemire Appeal: Federal Court Fallout

We've been watching how some of folks our readers are familiar with are dealing with the failed Marc Lemire appeal. Take Lemire's former Heritage Front compatriot Louis Morin:


However it didn't take too long for Marc Lemire himself, the subject of Morin's concern, to comment on the Federal Court's ruling on his appeal himself.

Suffice it to say, he isn't dealing with it well:

Friday, January 24, 2014

Big News From the Aryan United Front of Kingston, Ontario!!!

Yeah. We've never heard of 'em either.

Be that as it may, earlier in the year they made a triumphant announcement on Facebook (yeah yeah we're trolling Facebook let's move on):

You know, when you're struggling to type the name of your own racist gang, you might want to consider taking some sort of remedial English class. Or, barring that, just change the name:

Yep. That was the big announcement.

So who is is the leader (and likely sole member) of this dynamic new organization?

Friday, January 09, 2009

Requiem for a Reckzin

Although our readers have apparently enjoyed our latest article on the Aryan Guard there has been some justified criticism that we focus an inordinate amount of our attention on this group to the detriment of the rest of Canada east of the Manitoba border. Let us begin to address this issue with a commentary on Alicia Reckzin.

As many of our readers who are active in the anti-racist movement are aware, Alicia Reckzin, best known for being assaulted by George Burdi in 1993, has gone rogue. A tongue in cheek “obituary” posted by our friend Greg in Toronto provides the details: