Showing posts with label Hynes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hynes. Show all posts

Saturday, November 09, 2019

Gifters (Allegedly) Gotta Grift II: Ronny Cameron Jumps on Wexit Bandwagon and Joey Deluca Thinks He's A Mobster (And is Racists AF)

Back on October 27 I wrote an article in which I discussed Steven Myatt's apparent ghosting of a person he owes money to after his relocation to Alberta. He had also raised thousands of dollars from "patriots" for his effort to hire a lawyer to sue Justin Trudeau and have him removed from office for treason; that money too is unaccounted for.

In what I assume must be a completely unrelated development, Myatt appears to have deleted his Facebook profile not long after the article was published.

But if there's one thing the Canadian "patriot" movement doesn't have a shortage of, it is individuals who will jump on the latest fad in order to (1) make a quick buck, (2) engage in self-promotion, or (3) both. For example:

Hmmmm, "Max Heinz" eh?

While ARC has not devoted an article to Ronny Cameron in some time it was probably inevitable that he would jump on the Wexit bandwagon despite the rather inconvenient fact he lives in Scarborough. Though his influence is minimal compared to what it once was (and it wasn't much even then) because of his tendency to burn bridges then the ashes of the bridges, Ronny is now pushing mass emigration to Alberta as a means of establishing a far-right white homeland. Thus far support for the effort from his supporters, while mixed, does lean towards the desire for said mass migration to Alberta, though few actually seem especially committed to it themselves and they have a rather naive and simplistic understanding of the topic:

To further illustrate the views of many of his remaining supporters regarding the subject:

Last week Ronny uploaded one of his tedious 2+ hour videos of himself attempting to appear knowledgeable about subject matter he has very little understanding of. For example, he couldn't do a 4 second Google search to determine how many MPs Alberta has:

I'll spare readers the tedium of watching the whole thing and provide the highlights from the first half-hour or so (I include my own editorializing):

Blames immigrants for the election of the Liberals and engages in some inaccurate reporting of demographics:

Advocates the mass migration of white people, suggests he's a prophet (okay, not in so many words, but listen to what he says about himself and tell me I'm wrong), and dumps on the Atlantic provinces for being a "net drain" on the country while failing to note the Atlantic provinces are predominately white while to more prosperous provinces are much more diverse by comparison.

Also, working hard for something sucks so why bother?:

"Immigration is horrible! We can solve this problem through (checking note) immigration!"


Then there's some of the most egregious historical revisionism I've read in some time.

Really. The ignorance is almost sublime:

Finally, Ronny might be a Sith in that he believes in absolutes:

Yeah I know the descriptions of the clips are lazy but really, he doesn't warrant a lot of work.

Ronny's effort to ride the Wexit wagon back into a modicum of relevance in the world of the far right looks like it might hit a bit of turbulence due to the aforementioned bridge burning however:

 Suffice it to say Ronny isn't taking being mocked by Alex Van Hamme of Free Bird Media stride:

Ronny does have his supporters still....

.... amongst whom is one Joey Deluca of the Worldwide Coalition Against Islam (WCAI) who seems to think he's an Italian mobster now:

Like Ronny, Deluca has jumped onto the Wexit bandwagon:

He also continues to be as charming and ill-informed as ever:

Uhm, who wants to tell him the Chilean government is
right-wing and the protesters are mostly socialists?
All this is what we've come to expect from Deluca, however it also appears that he isn't bothering to try and hide his racism any longer:

The most egregious example was caught by our friends Edmonton Against Fascism:

In the end, they simply can't help revealing who they really are.

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Southern Ontario Skins: A Cast of Stooges Part XII

It's been a while since ARC has published a story about our favorite, bumbling, bonehead, basket-cases (I was going for some alliteration for humorous effect .... it sort of works if you're willing to be charitable). The reason for this is mostly because there hasn't been all that much to say. Of those who were active members or associates of the London, Ontario-based hate group, Max Hynes appears to be the only one active aside from Dan Hall and Toronto Creativity Movement leader Wes Smith both of whom generally confine their racism to social media these days. Hynes for example is one of the moderators of Kevin "No-Show" Goudreau's White Canadian Nationalist Front:

And my goodness how sad is it that Hynes is willing to subordinate himself to.... well....

In any case it seems that most of the membership has either been kicked out or left of their own volition because hanging out with a roided out (allegedly) rage freak with the intellectual capacity of a doughnut whole wasn't all it was cracked up to be. Still the original cast of stooges, from Dan Hall and Adrian Graves to Luke Northmore and Brodie Walsh were all entertaining in their own way.

ARC's favorite SOS bonehead though was, and always will be, Jeremy Crawford:

ARC's long time readers could hardly forget Crawford. In May 2014, Crawford contacted ARC with the hopes of joining the Southern Ontario Skins because (a) he missed the "Anti" part of "Anti-Racist Canada" and (b) he's an idiot. He was sent a message but didn't reply so we thought that he had managed to realize he had made a mistake in contacting us.

However, on July 1 he finally replied resulting in the most entertaining and enlightening month-long email exchange this writer had ever been a part of.

For those unfamiliar or those who enjoyed it the first time, feel free to reacquaint yourselves with that article. I'll happily wait. Here is is again.
Okay, are we ready to continue?

In that exchange we learned that Crawford considered his extensive criminal record and prison history to be the sort of curriculum vitae that Hynes and the SOS would be impressed by. And sure enough there was ample examples online including the following:

Not long after Crawford FINALLY clued in, he did meet up with Hynes and the gang and received that t-shirt he was desperate to get his hands on:

After that and aside from a few rather brief mentions as a result of his social media activities, we sort of forgot about Crawford and as the SOS began to decline into relative obscurity, ARC stopped paying much attention to the gang entirely.

Then, last night, I suddenly wondered what Jeremy Crawford had been up to in the years since we last heard about him last? I mean, it was a completely out of the blue thought that popped into my head whereas I was contemplating whether or not to have a grilled cheese sandwich.

So I fired up the ol' interweb machine and did a quick search of his name:

Crawford: Uploaded to Facebook on September 22, 2017
I'm sure this will totally not come as a surprise:
Sarnia man stole phone and assaulted stranger 
By Neil Bowen, Sarnia Observer
Tuesday, November 22, 2016 10:41:01 EST AM
A Sarnia man's lengthy criminal record for violence contributed to a nearly nine-month sentence for assault and theft. 
Jeremy Daniel Crawford, 35, pleaded guilty Monday in Sarnia court to the theft of a man's cell phone and the assault of another man when he threatened to use a hammer.

Saturday, November 18, 2017

I Don't Think Steven Myatt Likes ARC Anymore

ARC first became acquainted with Steven Alexander Wicket Chirpa Tokkat Zephee Gregory Myatt in reference to his involvement in the June 3 Ottawa anti-M103 rally that was being organized by Mike Waine. Myatt appeared to have been another individual who had taken a leadership role in spearheading this event which missed it's target of one million Canadians marching on Parliament by roughly 999,830 people.

If truth be told, I didn't really think of Myatt as being especially significant and that my references to him (I thought rather briefly) was to simply detail the kind of people involved in what I believed at the time and which was confirmed by the numbers who arrived in Ottawa as a bit of a fool's errand.

Myatt however was eventually provided the link to at least one of the three stories in which he was mentioned and decided that this was evidence that he had arrived as an important figure in the anti-Muslim/anti-government/alt-right movement:

Dude, I have few illusions concerning ARC's reach or influence. If you think being ARC famous is a big deal, you really do need to reevaluate your life goals.

Since then, Myatt has continued to mention on occasion his inclusion in an article published on this blog, and in general he seemed to be pleased as punch. As recently as September he was touting being referenced on ARC as something to maybe celebrate:

Well.... no. The article was about the Northern Guard; this is the only time Myatt was mentioned:
Last night Steven Alexander Gregory Dwalin Balin Gloin Dori Myatt posted a video of Georges Massaad interviewing Quebec Provincial Vice President Eric Brazeau. Brazeau, who among other things stated the Northern Guard are survivalists, claims that around 20 members will be participating in the Ottawa event to, "provide security."
Myatt did get some love though from a person familiar to ARC readers though who claimed that you know you've "arrived" when Anti-Racist Canada writes about you:

More on Goudreau later, though I would hasten to note that come the end of November Anti-Racist Canada will have been online for a decade. During all of those years fascists have been predicting our imminent demise. ARC however persists while many of our detractors have disappeared.

Now Myatt never seemed to care much about how people on ARC's side of the ledger viewed him and seems to have taken a rather perverse pleasure in going out of his way to offend people, though I should perhaps note here that his efforts to be controversial often appear rather forced and he looks to be trying too hard to really be taken very seriously:

For example, in a recent post Myatt seems to suggest that women don't know what is best for them and that they should defer to men who do, though not without a little bit of pushback:

He has however also become increasingly frustrated with Facebook as he claims to be having some of his posts flagged and removed:

It was about this time, perhaps as a result of frustration, a decision to try to use the courts to stifle examples of free expression he doesn't like, or the realization that "freedom of speech" doesn't mean "freedom from consequences" that he made this post on November 7 directed at this little spot on the Internet:

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Paul Fromm to Speak Before Ontario MPPs

On Thursday, a committee studying Bill 163 (An Act to enact the Safe Access to Abortion Services Act, 2017 and to amend the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act in relation to abortion services) will be meeting. A number of stakeholders will be appearing before committee members, including one familiar to the folks who read this blog:

Neo-Nazi would be an accurate description even based on what he finds funny:

Yeah, hilarious.

More importantly though are the people and ideologies whom he associates with: