Showing posts with label David Duke. Show all posts
Showing posts with label David Duke. Show all posts

Saturday, August 24, 2019

A Yellow Vester, a Hatriot, and a Neo-Nazi Walk Into a Bar...

...Not really, but they did go live on Facebook.

Shortly after Your Ward News editor James Sears was sentenced to one year in prison for his role in distributing the virulently antisemitic, misogynistic, and homophobic hate rag, Derek Storie of the Yellow Vests and Ed Jamnisek of Northern Guard thought interviewing neo-nazi Paul Fromm would be a good use of their time.

Nice of Ed to brush his hair for the occasion.  

The three chatted about all sorts of "patriotic" things, like how you can't be antisemitic anymore:

Fromm's opinion that Maxime Bernier's Peoples' Party of Canada will get rid of hate speech laws: 

Given Fromm's support for the PPC platform, the fact he thinks this will actually happen isn't surprising. 

Fromm even went as far as to use standard white nationalist talking points, reiterated by Jamnisek who complains "if you're questioning who rules you, who can you not criticize?" 

Also of interest here is Storie including himself when referencing their belief that "white people are outnumbered," given that he repeatedly claims to be indigenous, stated he was Metis earlier in the video, and insists that his vlogging under the name "Noble Savages" is a reference to his heritage. 

Anyway, they continue on with Ed asking if civil war is imminent. Fromm is careful with what he says, but does express a lot of support for the Yellow Vests:

Poor Paulie

That said, he certainly has participated in Yellow Vest rallies before, but has reportedly been asked to stop coming around, since we covered it. 

Paul Fromm with Hamilton Yellow Vest organizer Justin Long, earlier this year. 

Fromm insists "we are at war," and is confident that such "free speech advocates" as himself would be thrown into a gulag or camp. We can think of a few places Fromm can go, but it's neither of those. We'll leave such monstrous ideas to those who pal around with Blood and Honour, Combat 18, and the Aryan Guard

Derek Storie is still somehow not aware of Paul Fromm's affiliations, or the affiliations of those he spends time with, such as the Canadian Nationalist Party

About that... 

Who's going to tell Derek? 

Ed provides an extremely watered down primer on who Paul Fromm is, including the indication that he's somehow NOT a holocaust denier:


I suppose we can't blame Ed, given Paulie's very convincing attempts to portray himself as a run-of-the-mill free speech dude. 

I can't imagine where we'd get that idea. 

We leave you with not a nazi or a holocaust denier (heh) but definitely a very large baby Paul Fromm's thoughts on the sentence: 

Sure, Paulie. 

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Examination of Marc Lemire: Part XIII

Between 2008 and 2013, ARC published a series of articles detailing Mar Lemire's racist past and his involvement with the Heritage Front. I compiled all of the links on this single page:

It has been more than six years since I've added to this series of article that highlighted the history of Marc Lemire's involvement with and eventual leadership of the Heritage Front. When I posted the last few articles I sort of felt like I was beating a dead horse so whenever I had heard of Lemire's name come up in my investigations, such as his participation in the memorials of lawyers Doug Christie and more recently Barbara Kulaszka I either briefly discussed his involvement or ignored it all together.

Chris Edmunds, Malcolm Ross, Michele Erstikaitis, Marc Lemire

I had assumed there was no further use in covering Lemire since I believed he was of no particular significance any longer.

That turned out to have been a mistake on my part, but it is a mistake that journalists such as Mack Lamoureux has rectified:

Those articles on Lemire that I thought of as overkill I'm happy to say helped Mr. Lamouroeux in his research so I sort of feel a bit vindicated in having written them, but full credit to Mack for his dogged work.

I know there was another journalist who had been working on this story as well but she appears to have been stymied by the City of Hamilton for some reason which no doubt will result in a great deal of interesting speculation:

However, Ms. Craggs was able to get Lemire to speak about his involvement with the Heritage Front after the publication of the "Vice" article.
In news that will surprise no one who follow this blog, Lemire lied:
"The Heritage Front stuff dates back to when I was a teenager," Lemire said, linking to an article where he said he's not a Nazi or white supremacist. 
"I reject the Heritage Front for what it was, as I have stated consistently for over 11 years." 
But, as Vice reported, an archived web page from the Heritage Front's website from 2001 shows Lemire distributing flyers saying "immigration can kill" in Hamilton. A post on Lemire's own webpage from that same year also describes him as the "head honcho" of the organization.
ARC first published this a number of years ago:

Hmmmm, 152 Carlton Street....

When this was published on Lemire's website, he would have been 26 years old.

In fact Lemire hosted the Heritage Front on Freedom-Site from 1998 (age of 23) to roughly 2001 when he appears to have moved it to a separate server. Here is an example of one of those early Heritage Front websites (December 2000, I believe):

And here is the HF merchandise page where the hate group sold their magazine featuring former KKK leader David Duke and videos by the leader of White Aryan Resistance Tom Metzger:

Gee, 152 Carlton Street again?

Surely a coincidence.

And here is a request for donations to keep Freedom-Site alive:

There's that 152 Carlton Street again!

Curious isn't it? I mean, it would be amazing if one could link that address directly to Lemire, wouldn't it?

Oh! You mean he had a personal webpage?


And by the way, here is one of the images of the Canadian Patriot Network Lemire designed:

Subtle Marc. Real subtle.

And what did his other website look like when Marc would have been 23?

Tsk, tsk....

The reality is that Marc already tried to snow people regarding his past with the Heritage Front. In that case, he had a willing stooge in Ezra Levant who refused to challenge Lemire's claims because Levant also had an agenda:
Uh, the Heritage Front uh, was active back in, uh, the the 90s and I was a young kid at the time. I had some, uh, interest in some of the things that they were doing in particularly thing like uh opposition to employment equity, things like reducing immigration. So I uh, listened to some of what they were about, and uh, I went away from it. I mean I was involved with them peripherally in my teenage years.
Well, Lemire is right that he was involved with the Heritage Front as a teenager:

CANADA - FEBRUARY 23 Hearing Adjourned Heritage Front leader Wolfgang Droege and his white supremacist supporters leave University Ave. courthouse yesterday. (Toronto Star)

But he was also involved in his early 20s as he continued to count Wolfgang Droege as a friend:

Sunday, March 17, 2019

"I Disagree With Violence But....": The Justification and Celebration of the Christchurch Mosque Murders By Paul Fromm and Robert Jones

It didn't take long for the likes of Paulie to try and justify the murder of 50 adults and children worshiping at two Christchurch mosques. In a post on his blog, Fromm posted the entirety of the murderer's "manifesto" along with his own forward justifying the attack while couching that justification if claims to oppose violence:

The most relevant section of the forward his here:

Of course long time readers of ARC and those who know the long history of Fromm's support for violent hate groups who do the dirty work that he tacitly promotes know just how hollow Fromm's claim to "disagree with... violence." He has supported groups such as the Aryan Guard/Blood & Honour, Volksfront, the KKK, and a multitude of groups who have engaged in violence and he has rationalized every single instance:

In fact he has his own links to Christchurch, New Zealand where another violent hate group had been founded:

Here Fromm is shaking hands with Kyle Chapman while on a speaking tour of New Zealand in December 2010. Chapman was leader and founder of the neo-Nazi hate group Right Wing Resistance that formed targeting Maori and other Polynesian peoples, other New Zealand peoples of colour, Jews, and Muslims:
Right Wing Resistance also had a number of chapters around the world. Many were quite small including a Canadian chapter whose sole active member was profiled on the blog in late 2015:

Fromm isn't the only prominent disseminator of hate propaganda who has helped to poison the well and creating the conditions that contribute to events such as the Christchurch tragedy. Like others regarded as leaders or (to use a more resent term) influencers in the white nationalist movement internationally, Fromm toes right up to the line where he doesn't overtly advocate for violence, but justifies it when it occurs as the inevitable consequences of an ethnically diverse society and that the remedy is to make society not ethnically diverse.... however that task would be accomplished is left up to the imagination. These dog whistles are heard by those who ARE potentially inclined to commit such reprehensible acts, but those who have helped to foster this noxious environment have their plausible deniability. 

A figure on the far right whom I have written about due to his active involvement in protests and groups that are increasingly more extreme, Robert Jones, represents the kind of person people like Paulie are dog whistling too:

We usually find the sort of radicalization Robert Jones is undergoing in teens, however like the children who find their way into hate groups, Jones is someone who seems desperate to belong to something. He has been a member of the Soldiers of Odin, the Proud Boys, and the JDL as an affiliate. He has eventually been booted from all three of the groups mentioned and now he's on his forth, the hate group known as the Northern Guard. He has also embraced overt fascism and worships Donald Trump as a sort of living god (note that he has more than one Facebook account two of which I will be sourcing in the article without bothering to make the distinction):

When the Christchurch murders took place, Jones was immediately drawn to the manifesto which he has spent a great deal of time sharing online:

Jones seems aware that posting links to the manifesto, as well as the video of the murders, violate Facebook's terms of service regarding dissemination of hate propaganda and violence, but he seems determined to share these with a wide audience:

Jones' reaction to the murders has been equally crass:

Duarate seems to be under the impression that Fraser Anning, the Australian senator
who blamed the Muslim community for the the murder of their members for
the audacity of living in New Zealand, is a leftist because he likely didn't
read the article.... because he seems to be an idiot.

The term "retribution attack" used by Jones is telling as he very quickly begins to justify the murders and dehumanize non-white peoples:

Friday, January 04, 2019

Faith Goldy Burning ALL The Bridges

Since Ms. Goldy has some hefty legal fees that she needs to pay off in a relatively short amount of time, she has taken to the Internet to beg ask her incel, beta, almost exclusively male supporters in a groveling dignified manner to make a contribution to her efforts. As she has been booted from Patreon for violating their terms of service and bitcoins aren't what they used to be, this has been a bit of a challenge. To that end, Faith has decided to take the entrepreneurial route:

Aside from not being especially original in that she didn't exactly design the Canadian Coat of Arms, it also appears that Faith Goldy is breaking the law:

Sort of puts this in a bit of perspective:

In truth, things haven't been going all that well for Faith since the Toronto municipal election. And she is very, very, angry:

In addition to her rather crushing legal fees, she has been engaged in an ongoing (and generally one sided) feud with Jordan "Lobster" Peterson which hearkens to 2017 when she was uninvited to a "free speech" event Peterson was involved in due to her rather unsavory reputation. She posted this most recent missive at the end of 2018:

The go-to insult of these folks is to call those they are angry at either communists, liberals (or "libtards" for those who wish to think themselves more creative in their insults), or antifa, so this is simply par for the course. The reaction she received was rather telling though:

In fact, her posts on this subject appear to have alienated more supporters. When the choice is the woman they not so secretly want to have sex with or the sexist male guru they worship as they would a cult leader, the incel brigade have thrown their lot in with the he-man woman hater:


Less significantly, she has lost the folks ow "Your Ward News" too:


Realizing she's been disavowed by alt-right and alt-right adjacent personalities, she appears to be trying to create a new narrative: