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Survivor 46 | Finale | Player of the Week Results!

Updated Charts!

  • Kenzie took home first place in the game and the poll this week. "I don’t think Kenzie is the best winner the New Era has seen, in fact I’d argue there’s only one worse, but at the end of the day she’s still a winner, and a solid reminder that the “social” comes first in “social strategy games” for a reason. I have to give her her 10s and upvote her for POTW this week." - u/MarlinBrandor

  • Charlie kept it close but came up short, mirroring the poll and the game. "Upvoted for making it to the finals despite losing both immunity challenges, and acting with extreme grace during a devastating personal betrayal. I did expect a Kenzie win given her charisma and personal connections with the jury, but Charlie performed way better than I anticipated." - u/HighlightNo2841

  • Ben was the neutral option this week, finishing in third in the poll and the game. "Echoing all the neutral votes. He had a clutch immunity win, but erred in not taking Liz (and possibly guaranteeing himself second place)." u/hauteburrito

  • Liz performed the second worst of the finalists in both game and poll. "Downvote for not being able to read Ben's motives and getting herself in fire. Even with Charlie and Kenzie being close to Ben, wouldn't Liz know him well enough to know he responds better to emotional pleas? The idea of her trying to sell her millionaire status as a point to keep her was a poor read. Also, her genuinely believing she sweeps the jury was an insane read. Love Liz as a character but as a player this wasn't a good showing for her." - u/ibowtiesandfezes

  • Maria was bottom performer in the poll and game this week. "Really, this downvote is for the complete disintegration of her game ever since "rock paper scissors," but for this episode specifically, she just strikes me as a bitter, sore loser, especially after she tried a laughably bad "they made me do it" line as though she still seriously wanted to patch things up with Charlie." -u/magzillas

You can see the original thread here.

Thats a wrap on this season of Player of the Week! As always, if you have any questions, comments or concerns, feel free to leave them and we'll see you for next season!

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