We can rebuild your App Maker applications

In the past couple of years G-workplace has developed many App Maker applications. Google App Maker will be turned down gradually over the course of 2020 and officially shut down on January 19, 2021. Since the App Maker news has been shared by Google we have already rebuilt a number of those applications. 

Most of the time we use Angular or Flutter to rebuild the frontend of the application. As we are very experienced with both App Maker and Angular (or Flutter) we can rebuild your App Maker applications without losing any functionality.

Shutdown schedule App Maker

App Maker will be disabled gradually according to the schedule below:

  • Today, existing apps continue to work. Though App Maker is no longer under active development, the service will continue to be maintained.

  • Starting April 15, 2020, you will no longer be able to create new App Maker apps. You will still be able to edit and deploy existing apps.

  • Starting January 19, 2021, existing App Maker apps will stop working and you will no longer have access to them. App maker data stored in Cloud SQL will remain unchanged and continue to follow the policies established by your Google Cloud Platform (GCP) account.

Let's work together!

We are your Google partner for business. Please get in contact to discuss how we can help your team to work better and more efficient.

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