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A promise no one asked for and cuts no one wants to see

A promise no one asked for and cuts no one wants to see

The state government owes it to Victorians to be up front about its plans for the health system.

  • The Age's View


There might be balloons for everyone, but it’s no time to party

There might be balloons for everyone, but it’s no time to party

The treasurer sold this budget, his third, as flawless, with handouts galore and no negative impact on inflation. The Age has identified one obvious deficiency.

  • The Age's View
State’s finances tied to a runaway debt train of government’s own design

State’s finances tied to a runaway debt train of government’s own design

Victoria is the financially weakest state in the federation. It didn’t have to be this way.

  • The Age's View
Victoria is driving towards a debt cliff. Here’s one way to hit the brakes

Victoria is driving towards a debt cliff. Here’s one way to hit the brakes

Projections that the state’s debt would rise from $135.9 billion this year to $187.8 billion by mid-2028 highlight a need for drastic action.

  • The Age's View
Melbourne Rebels are a cause worth rallying around
Super Rugby

Melbourne Rebels are a cause worth rallying around

Melbourne’s Super Rugby club undoubtedly has its problems, but those with an interest in sport should help those looking to chart a path through this crisis.

  • The Age's View
Safe injecting room decision fails city and many of its most vulnerable

Safe injecting room decision fails city and many of its most vulnerable

The premier’s consensus-building approach may serve her short-term political interests, but it will have a disastrous effect on those living on society’s margins.

  • The Age's View
This is Jacinta Allan’s Port Arthur moment

This is Jacinta Allan’s Port Arthur moment

If the killings are to stop and women are to be safe in all areas of their lives, governments must be willing to explore stronger measures to mitigate the scourge of male violence.

  • The Age's View
Anzac Day rightly highlights sacrifice, but it also spotlights shortcomings
Anzac Day

Anzac Day rightly highlights sacrifice, but it also spotlights shortcomings

The day is a deeply poignant occasion to reflect on sacrifice. That’s why Defence’s failings are all the more glaring.

  • The Age's View
We should dare to dream of a Docklands that isn’t dreadful

We should dare to dream of a Docklands that isn’t dreadful

The precinct has many critics, but there’s still time to ensure its evolution delivers the waterside jewel some hope it can be.

  • The Age's View
World watching as Trump finally fronts courtroom
Donald Trump

World watching as Trump finally fronts courtroom

Much hinges on Donald Trump’s fate in an American courtroom as he fights for the presidency and his freedom.

  • The Age's View
Asbestos fail: Allan government should have heeded the warning signs
City life

Asbestos fail: Allan government should have heeded the warning signs

Ten days after it was first revealed asbestos was found in mulch at a Melbourne playground, we are no closer to understanding how this has happened, who is to blame, how widespread the problem is, or what is being done to prevent it from continuing to happen.

  • by The Age's View