Research and Development

Advancing the science behind the Bureau's environmental forecasts, warnings and services.

  • Atmosphere and land surface modelling
  • Data assimilation, reanalysis
  • Numerical weather prediction
  • Multi-week and seasonal prediction
  • Ocean modelling and prediction
  • Climate projections
  • Dynamics and feedbacks
  • Intraseasonal to decadal predictability
  • Climate model assessment
  • Prediction products and verification
  • High impact weather
  • Aviation hazards
  • Radar science and nowcasting
  • Forecast systems
  • Statistical post-processing
  • Forecast verification
  • Antarctic and Southern Ocean
  • Space weather prediction
  • Ionospheric modelling
  • High frequency radio
  • Geomagnetic services
  • Global Navigation Satellite System services

science and research
for environmental intelligence

  • Data standards and services
  • Groundwater mapping
  • Water balance analysis
  • Short-term flow forecasting
  • Seasonal flow forecasting

Independent advice on research priorities

A committee of international scientists called the Science Advisory Committee gives us independent advice on science priorities and research opportunities. Our Science Advisory Committee:

  • shares knowledge and experience
  • advises on implementing our Research and Development Plan, and reviews its performance
  • reviews and monitors how our science and innovation plan relates to global and Australian science
  • advises on new opportunities for collaboration with complementary organisations. The aim is to benefit Australia and the global meteorological science community.

Australia is an active member of the global hydro-meteorological community. This committee also:

  • provides a way for our nation to network with key stakeholders in this community
  • helps share and promote our contributions to reliable and science-based decisions and insights.

An eminent scientist from outside the Bureau chairs the committee. Its members are renowned scientists from fields such as meteorology, climatology, oceanography, hydrology and numerical weather prediction. We publish a list of members in our annual report.