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Clarkson's Column: Fatshamed by TikTok

This is a subreddit about "The Grand Tour", Amazon's car show hosted by former BBC Top Gear presenters: Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond and James May.

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Clarkson's Column: Fatshamed by TikTok

Social media showoffs are shaming me off my backside

By Jeremy Clarkson (The Sunday Times, May 29)

An extensive study has found that fat people are twice as likely to stay at home and not do any work as thin people. This is costing the country eleven hundred and seventy billion a year and everyone is running around wondering what on earth can be done to stamp out this slobbishness.

The Tories say the answer is to make sickness benefits harder to get, while Labour says it’s going to change the school curriculum so that kids spend less time in the classroom learning about important stuff such as pronouns and diversity, and more time in the playground doing star jumps. And it is going to ban adverts for fast food.

That won’t work, though. When I wake up in the morning with a thick head and a mouth full of what feels like wallpaper paste, I know that a Big Mac will soak up all the sick and sort me out. And if McDonald’s is banned from advertising its products, it’s not as if I’ll suddenly forget.

The main problem I have with this fat-makes-you-lazy theory is that I can think of lots of fat people with a good work ethic. Cyril Smith, for instance. He was very busy. So was Henry VIII. And so, if I’m honest, am I. Yes, I realise that I’m seen by many to be the sexiest man alive, but underneath the muddy tweed coats I am something of a porker. And I haven’t had a day off sick since the 1980s, when I was actually much thinner.

I have more evidence to back this up. When I first went to Vietnam in the early 1990s, the vast majority of the population was as thin as it was industrious. People ate tiny portions of fatless food, so the men looked as if they’d stepped out of a Lowry painting and the women, in their ao dai dresses, were the personification of style and elegance.

Then, in 1997, western food arrived — so if you go to Vietnam today, everyone is as big as they are in Barnsley. Has this slowed them down? Has it hell as like. They may be carrying a few extra pounds, but the Mekong still looks like the Port of London did in the 19th century, and the Vietnamese capacity for building factories makes the Chinese look slovenly.

So I think that the people who conducted this study have got it the wrong way round. Fatness doesn’t make someone lazy. Lazy people become fat. You may start out looking like Willem Dafoe or one of those heroin chic catwalk models, but if you sit in front of the TV all day, watching Homes Under the Hammer and washing the endless frozen pizzas and crisps down with gallons of full-fat Coca-Cola, you will quickly become a human barrage balloon. And soon you will be too enormous to work because you can’t even get out of the front door.

It’s not obesity that needs tackling, then. It’s the root cause: bone idleness. And that brings me on to another study, which suggests that if you sit around all day lazily looking at Instagram and TikTok and X, you will soon become Jabba the Hutt and you will die at the age of 19, from fatness.

There are all kinds of hare-brained theories, from (usually American) professors who want to get their names in the paper, saying that people who use their phones for five hours a day are 43 per cent more likely to develop a fatberg in their colon, and that if you spend half an hour scrolling while on the loo, you will be too vast to stand up again. Unless you have a rectal prolapse, which is another likely outcome.

This is all nonsense, because the truth of the matter is that social media is as motivating as Jordan Belfort. Honestly, I can think of nothing that is more likely to make a fatso get off its couch and go for a lumber round the local park. Nothing.

As I have already explained, I wake sometimes on a Sunday morning in a puddle of self-inflicted misery and when I tune into TikTok to take my mind off the pain, I am assaulted with a never-ending stream of videos featuring people making the most of their weekends. They’re out for a bike ride, or they’re growing asparagus and radishes.

There’s one girl in what I suspect is Milton Keynes who goes into her back garden every day and films herself skipping. I want to throttle her because I know I should be in the garden skipping too, or making a little house for the blue tits, or climbing Snowdon, or whatever the Labour Party has called it these days. These perfect strangers send me on a guilt trip. And surely they must do the same for the lazy people who are watching as well.

It’s even worse on Instagram, because here it’s my friends — hiking in the hills of southern France, or having a family picnic with bread they’ve made themselves, or chopping logs. It’s like I’m living vicariously in one of those Ski yoghurt commercials where everyone somersaulted out of bed and got on a horse. And I’m lying there unable to decide who I want to shoot more: them or me.

Even on the platform of bile and madness, X, things are no better, because here we find people energetically marching to demonstrate how feverishly they want to end oil and plastic and business, and spraying paintings and trying to smash Magna Carta. Not sure what the reasoning was for that one, but at least they were up and about, doing something with their lives.

I’m aware, of course, that social media has its faults, but causing obesity isn’t one of them. You never see fat people on there eating crisps and smoking and getting sloshed. It’s people in store rooms and warehouses and offices having a laugh, and it therefore does a better job of making work look like fun than a boring man with adenoids and Playmobil hair saying he’s going to ban Ronald McDonald from our lives.


And here's the Sun column: "Formula 4 champ Abbi Pulling proves you don’t need testosterone or neck like birthday cake to be top racing driver"

An excerpt: "For the second year on the trot, a poll of 2,000 women has revealed that the sexiest man in the UK is . . . me. I’m sexier even than Idris Elba and Cillian Murphy and King Charles. And a lot sexier than Piers Morgan who limped home in a pathetic 40th place. I think he was even beaten by Joseph Merrick. Obviously, I’m amazed by the result but only because so many people say they’re surprised."

Clarkson's columns are regularly collected as books. You can buy them from his boss or your local bookshop.

Drake Bell says he feared for his life while being sexually abused as a teenager

Welcome to the subreddit for the documentary Quiet on Set: The Dark Side of Kids TV - a docu-series that uncovers the toxic culture behind some of the most iconic children’s shows of the late 1990s and early 2000s.

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[Article] Kaleb Cooper: ‘I’ve taught someone three times my age to do a better job’

This is a subreddit about "The Grand Tour", Amazon's car show hosted by former BBC Top Gear presenters: Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond and James May.

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Drake Bell reflects on the aftermath of revealing his ‘gruesome’ past in ‘Quiet on Set’

Welcome to the subreddit for the documentary Quiet on Set: The Dark Side of Kids TV - a docu-series that uncovers the toxic culture behind some of the most iconic children’s shows of the late 1990s and early 2000s.

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Drake Bell reflects on the aftermath of revealing his ‘gruesome’ past in ‘Quiet on Set’

How exactly did the procurers of an Open Secret know it was Drake that Peck sexually assaulted?

Welcome to the subreddit for the documentary Quiet on Set: The Dark Side of Kids TV - a docu-series that uncovers the toxic culture behind some of the most iconic children’s shows of the late 1990s and early 2000s.

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How exactly did the procurers of an Open Secret know it was Drake that Peck sexually assaulted?

An Open Secret mentions that an unnamed person made allegations against Peck. And Drake came out and said the procurers were pressuring him to tell his story then but he wasn’t ready (read it on this thread). How’s the producers find out?

Why doesn't anyone believe Corey Feldman?

Welcome to the subreddit for the documentary Quiet on Set: The Dark Side of Kids TV - a docu-series that uncovers the toxic culture behind some of the most iconic children’s shows of the late 1990s and early 2000s.

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Why doesn't anyone believe Corey Feldman?

Is there a specific reason why no one believes it? WHAT specifically did he say to make no one like him? I tried searching but I couldn't find anything about him.

The masks during the trial

The Jinx: The Life and Deaths of Robert Durst

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The masks during the trial

Brings you back to a whole weird time. Seeing the face shields and the masks. I don’t think it’s right that the judge and lawyers are wearing masks - the jurors can’t see their faces and know if they are joking or serious. Maybe they should have had plexiglass shields for as little good they did at least people could see their emotions. It was a crazy time!

Why did Debrah Charatan hire such a heavy hitter lawyer

The Jinx: The Life and Deaths of Robert Durst

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Why did Debrah Charatan hire such a heavy hitter lawyer

I'm sure this will be answered in the final episode, but I'm just curious: what specifically is Debrah worried about? Is she worried that she could potentially be criminally liable for withholding information regarding Durst's crimes (I wouldn't think this is a concern, because of spousal immunity), or is she worried that information revealed during the trial could jeopardize her inheritance of Durst's estate?

I'm assuming it's the latter, but that still leaves me wondering why she needs to hire the world's best/scariest criminal defense attorney. Why did that attorney have to be present every day at Durst's trial, and what exactly would that attorney do to ensure that Charatan would receive the money and not Durst's victims' families?

Why Was Durst Being An Asshole On The Stand?

The Jinx: The Life and Deaths of Robert Durst

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Why Was Durst Being An Asshole On The Stand?

From the get go with having the prosecution referred to him as "Sir", to being what at times I would describe as humorously antagonistic. Did his lawyers bu just not care to coach him on his conduct. I believe that if from the get-go he had told the prosecution to just call him "Bob" and behaved kindly that perhaps this case would have ended in his favor.

The Timeless Beauty of Pre Rendered Graphics [5:20]

You know when you sit down for a meal in front of the computer and you just need something new to watch for a bit while you eat? If you search /r/videos or other places, you'll find mostly short videos. But while you're eating, you don't want to be constantly fumbling around with the mouse, loading video after video. You just want to **Click and Consume**. Discord:

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The Timeless Beauty of Pre Rendered Graphics [5:20]

What happened to the coaches from Indy season 2?

Join the discussion of the Netflix Documentary Series Last Chance U

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What happened to the coaches from Indy season 2?

Rewatching the second season when Indy had the rough season and I want to know what happened to the coaches from that season. I saw Kiyoshi Harris Is now at Bosie state. Jason Martin is now at WKU. But what about the QB coach and I think his name was coach Ramsa? He coached linebackers and the short wide receivers coach?

The reflection on money

The Jinx: The Life and Deaths of Robert Durst

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The reflection on money

I just finished the 5th episode of Part Two, and the feeling is of some melancholy as for the way money is such an uncontrollable force, and uncontrollably pervasive force between people.

So many relationships depicted there are tainted by Durst’s money… most of them completely insincere.

Chaney and the other old friend built their careers out of crumbs from Durst, Susan being that kind of “poor but cool” chick cooking a story for his murder of Kathy… or Debrah didn’t seeing him in the trial, or his lawyers fucking off the NEXT DAY.

And when we think of him, and the way he would just dispose of people he didn’t want to play with anymore, he would just kill them.

It’s hard to think Durst would act like that if he wasn’t born filthy rich.

I’m not a commie and I like the idea of a prosperous, innovative society… but the accumulation we allow people to have in our day and time creates horrific monsters.

Bob Durst is just the worst, but Chaney, Debrah, Susan and so many others are monstrous too.

Baby God (2020) - For more than 30 years, Dr. Quincy Fortier covertly uses his own sperm to inseminate his fertility patients. When his secret is revealed, his children seek the truth about his motives and try to make sense of their own identities. [01:14:31]

The Plane That Accidentally Flew Around the World [22:07]

You know when you sit down for a meal in front of the computer and you just need something new to watch for a bit while you eat? If you search /r/videos or other places, you'll find mostly short videos. But while you're eating, you don't want to be constantly fumbling around with the mouse, loading video after video. You just want to **Click and Consume**. Discord:

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The Plane That Accidentally Flew Around the World [22:07]

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