Cloud Shell
Manage your infrastructure and develop your applications from any browser.
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Your online development and operations environment
Full power access from anywhere
Manage your Google Cloud resources with the flexibility of a Linux shell. Cloud Shell provides command-line access to a virtual machine instance in a terminal window.
A developer-ready environment
Develop your apps directly from your browser with the Cloud Shell Editor, streamlined to increase your productivity with features such as Go, Java, Node.js, Python, and C# language support, an integrated debugger, source control, refactoring, and a customizable interface. Run your app on the Cloud Shell VM or in our minikube Kubernetes emulator, preview it directly in your browser, then commit changes back to your repo from our git clients.
Your favorite tools pre-installed and up to date
Many of your favorite command-line tools from bash and sh to emacs and vim are already pre-installed and kept up to date with Cloud Shell. Admin and development tools such as the gcloud command-line tool, MySql, Kubernetes, Docker, minikube, and Skaffold are configured and ready to use—no more hunting around for how to install the latest version and all its dependencies. Just connect to Cloud Shell and go.
Cloud Code tools for maximizing development productivity
Easily develop cloud-based applications with the tools provided by our Cloud Code extension, allowing you to develop and deploy your Kubernetes and Cloud Run applications, manage your clusters, and integrate Google Cloud APIs into your project, all directly from the Cloud Shell Editor.
Use Cloud Shell directly in docs when building new skills
Cloud Shell can be activated and used directly within documentation, reducing friction and eliminating the need for context switching while building new skills and learning new products.
5 GB of persistent disk storage
Cloud Shell provisions 5 GB of persistent disk storage mounted as your $HOME directory on the Cloud Shell instance. All files you store in your home directory, including scripts and user configuration files like .bashrc and .vimrc, persist between sessions.
Product demo
Creating and deploying a Kubernetes Guestbook application in a cluster running in Cloud Shell
Starting Cloud Shell from the Google Cloud Console and checking versions of gcloud components
Activate Cloud Shell within documentation
Web browser access
Access the Cloud Shell command line and code editor from any browser, anywhere, with an internet connection.
Persistent storage
Get 5 GB of persistent storage.
Secure admin
Up-to-date, pre-authorized admin tools ready to use.
Development tools
Development and deployment tools for all the popular programming languages. Easy web preview enables preview of local changes in a web app from Cloud Shell.
Online code editor
Develop, build, debug, and test your apps anywhere using the Cloud Shell Editor.
Source control via Git
Clone or pull remote repositories or commit your code changes back to your repo via Cloud Shell’s git client available in the code editor or on the command line.
Cloud Code extensions
Simplified Kubernetes and Cloud Run development with the integrated tools provided by Cloud Code (minikube, Skaffold).
Migrate your project to your local IDE
Migrate your source code between Cloud Shell Editor and VS Code or IntelliJ via our download or source control capabilities.
Technical resources
Cloud Shell is available at no additional cost for Google Cloud customers.
Start building on Google Cloud with $300 in free credits and 20+ always free products.
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